Alan Herman: Never Say Never

In one of his many tirades to whichever reporter he happens to be blabbing to, Ryan Grant's agent Alan Herman said the following regarding his publicly stating the details of the Packers' contract offer :

In the 24 years I’ve been doing this, I’ve never mentioned this type of thing...

Obviously, if he's been doing this 24 years, he was an agent long before Google was invented, which produced the following (in a 1993 story about the Jets courting Reggie White, of all things. Herman was representing the great Giants linebacker Carl Banks) :

Alan Herman, Banks's agent, said yesterday that the Giants have offered only the minimum and that only for a year. The offer is for $1.436 million, the average of the top 10 linebackers.

But never, I repeat NEVER, has he EVER talked about a the details of a teams offer before...




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