Confessions of a Polluted Mindset 2020 - Packers Trash the Texans

The Weekly Packers Brain Drain from Jersey Al.

Raven Greene: From what I've seen, Greene may be the best tackler on this team. His angles to the ball are accurate and his technique is so good, you could use his tape to teach other players. I mashed together Greene's five solo tackles from the Texans' game as an example. I also added a play at the end that was not one of his tackles, but instead shows the one problem Greene has had in his NFL career.


Memo to Turner: Dear Billy, I realize now it's time we all stop throwing Stones (get it?) at you. Complaining about your "average" talent and how you are overpaid. It seems that none of that is correct. Your value to this team has now been fully proven with your ability to allow the Packers offense to not miss David Bakhtiari. You are a unicorn with your ability to slot in anywhere and we need to pay our unicorns. Carry on.

MVS: As the conductor of the MVS train from before the 2018 draft even, it pains me to write this. I am losing hope. You were my "sleeper" pick for the Packers, although you were always a roll of the dice. As I wrote in the CHTV Draft Guide, "He is very raw and has a lot to learn in terms of running routes and holding onto the ball, but may be a project worth taking a flyer on late in the draft." The Packers took that flyer, but MVS has just not shown the improvement needed to make an impact. It's disappointing.

Malik Taylor: Enter Taylor, who unlike MVS seems to be able to catch a football. And guess what, Aaron Rodgers likes that. A lot. Did you see the big pick-him-up hug Rodgers gave Taylor after his TD catch? And after a rather routine second reception later in the game, Rodgers took the time to congratulate Taylor when he returned to the huddle with an enthusiastic slap on the shoulder pads. Taylor is slowly building trust. Maybe he will be our Travis Fulgham (sorry about that one - too soon?).

Matt and Mike: Do you think Matt LaFleur had a little talk with Mike Pettine about taking a more agressive approach with this defense? In red zone passing situations, where Pettine will often rush 3 and look to flood the field with defensive backs, we saw something very different. We witnessed a seven-man rush, which included a double-safety blitz that resulted in an Adrian Amos sack of Deshaun Watson. I think Mike got the message.

Kamal Martin: How can you tell when Martin is playing? Just listen. You'll hear the sweet symphony of shoulder pads hitting things.

Clock Management: It's odd that something so mundane can get me so excited, but after the clock flubs of the MM regime, I am downright giddy. Watching LaFleur manipulate the clock at the end of the first half to make sure Houston wouldn't get the ball back with time to do anything, while leaving just enough time needed to run four "goal to go" plays if nessessary - it was magical.

Jaire Alexander: I'd say "Alexander Island" has officially arrived. And it looks like you can't even catch a cold there.




"Jersey Al" Bracco is the Editor-In-Chief, part owner and wearer of many hats for and He is also a recovering Mason Crosby truther.  Follow Al on twitter at @JerseyalGBP


10 points

Comments (80)

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joejetson's picture

October 28, 2020 at 06:20 am

So far, the MVS dropped passes have not occurred at a crucial point in the game. However, if he continues to play, sooner or later, it will cost them a game. IMO, a dropped third down pass equals half a turnover.

5 points
fansince1959's picture

October 28, 2020 at 08:36 am

MVS could play better but the pass he missed was virtually uncatchable---and i remember when we complained about Tae and James Jones, before they turned it around

-5 points
13TimeChamps's picture

October 28, 2020 at 09:14 am

People really need to stop using this silly analogy. Davante was a monster coming out of college. He was a complete receiver who ran great routes and was a 2nd round pick. He had the yips one year as a pro and quickly turned it around. MVS did nothing in college and was drafted because he was tall and fast, with the hopes he could learn how to run proper routes and become an NFL receiver. He's had 3 years with an HOF QB throwing him the ball, and still looks as lost as he did in year one.

3 points
JerseyAl's picture

October 28, 2020 at 12:26 pm

"uncatchable?" It bounced off his hands! I don't know what you saw but I showed it in my "3 plays..." post yesterday.

4 points
jannes bjornson's picture

October 28, 2020 at 09:07 pm

You must be a Robert Ferguson fan, right dude?

-1 points
Leatherhead's picture

October 28, 2020 at 10:15 pm

Ferguson caught a lot of passes for us. So has MSV. Neither one of them was as good as Lofton or Jordy or Sharpe or even Driver or Adams. They were cheap players who could line up and play.

MSV was targeted 3 times . 3 times out of 65 plays. We scored 35 freakin' points on the road, for the 3rd time. Shepherd got 1 and Taylor got 2 targets. That's how much of our offense involves the #2 as a weapon.

We score 35 without Lazard. We score 35 without Adams. We score 35 without Bakhtiari, or Jones. Can somebody please make a coherent argument for why we need a guy that we're scoring 35 points without?

Lazard will come back and he'll get most of those targets. Maybe Taylor earns 1 or 2 each game. It doesn't matter. We're going to score 35 anyway.

0 points
jannes bjornson's picture

October 28, 2020 at 09:06 pm

The deep ball vs tampa; he catches the ball the game changes.

0 points
Tundraboy's picture

October 28, 2020 at 10:35 pm

Half a turnover. Great way to quantify a drop. Momentum killers.

-1 points
jeremyjjbrown's picture

October 28, 2020 at 07:53 am

I never got the criticism of Billy Turner. You can't have the best player ever at every position. He plays well at just about any position the line and is a genuinely cool and nice guy.

"Do you think Matt LaFleur had a little talk with Mike Pettine" Well, if thats true it doesn't make me like Pettine more. He should want to go out and beat the other team. Not just barely hold on hoping the offense bails him out.

5 points
mrtundra's picture

October 28, 2020 at 08:24 am

I like Turner at OT more than I do at RG. At RG, I thought he left Linsley alone to take on two defenders, quite often, to help block an OLB/ Edge guy that Bulaga had covered. So far, I like him as a OT. He filled in just fine for Bakhtiari against Houston. If Bakh is out for a longer period of time, I like Turner at LT and Wagner at RT. Wagner did okay blocking Watt, as well.

4 points
Leatherhead's picture

October 28, 2020 at 09:34 am

I’ve always liked Turner. IMO, the personnel and scouting people did a great job of studying the film and then our finance people got him at a fair price. Same with Wagner. I wouldn’t be surprised if we got another unheralded Oline vet this next offseason . Add in a successful draft pick and we have next years line.

0 points
Bure9620's picture

October 28, 2020 at 10:51 am

I for one am surprised at his performance and was not in favor of the signing and certainly not playing Tackle.....I thought Turner would be a dumpster fire at tackle........From film I saw Turner seemed to really struggle at Tackle in Denver........maybe Bahktiari walks now?? Do we pay premium money to a Tackle on the wrong side of 30?? I say no

-3 points
jeremyjjbrown's picture

October 28, 2020 at 03:23 pm

Bahk already has a high salary. So he could have his salary and Wagners and with some cap tricks that should be enough. 17.5 million would make him the 2nd highest paid left tackle.

2 points
Bure9620's picture

October 28, 2020 at 07:52 pm

The Packers rarely award 3rd contracts....

-2 points
jannes bjornson's picture

October 28, 2020 at 09:11 pm

If Pettine wants to stay Employed, he should be tuned in like Flint on LeFleur's command and control.

-1 points
Razer's picture

October 28, 2020 at 07:56 am

Maybe it is the price of having a top QB but weakness (or at least thinness) at the WR position seems to be chronic with the Packers. Going back to Favre, we have watched our great quarterback throwing to 1 good receiver and a carousel of journeymen. The small window with Jennings, Driver Nelson and Jones may have been our best group. Don't get me going on TEs. Overall, it doesn't matter until you play the better teams then we watch the offense sputter. The end result of this approach is that the Packers will only realize 1 Super Bowl with Favre and 1 with Rodgers. KC will match that with Mahomes by the end of this season.

3 points
Leatherhead's picture

October 28, 2020 at 09:48 am

And yet, we’re scoring 35+ points per game with this thin WR group. How?

Either the position isn’t that critical, or it’s better than you think, or both. A team with a bad group of WRs shouldn’t be able to go 18-4 and keep hitting 35 points in the process .

“The Better Teams”. I guess that would include the 49ers and Tampa Bay, because that’s when our offense flamed out. On the road. It doesn’t include Seattle, who we beat in the playoffs. Or the division, where we’re 8-0. Or New Orleans.

Who are the better teams? It seems to me it’s a short list.

1 points
Bure9620's picture

October 28, 2020 at 10:57 am

I think Tampa is a better overall team but they are very beatable in January at Lambeau...which is why it is important we get home field...SF scares me as well, but they are very beat up right now, Seattle does not worry me, I think we match-up well with the sea-chickens, Thursday night will be interesting....

0 points
Leatherhead's picture

October 28, 2020 at 03:35 pm

It's premature, but I think Seattle, and Tampa Bay, and Green Bay will all win their divisions. We are required to let one NFC East team participate in the playoffs. Chicago, New Orleans, SF, the Rams and Cards will fill the remaining playoff slots.

Playoffs are a long way off. Win the division. Win the division. Then try to get the highest seed possible. I think it's going to be hard for Seattle to have the best record considering their division so I think it's Tampa and us. They're already 1 behind us and they're going to lose some more games. I do see them and Seattle as our chief obstacles, once we win the division.

0 points
dobber's picture

October 28, 2020 at 10:29 am

On to TEs...

"The Ravens and the Packers both made offers to the Eagles for tight end Zach Ertz, according to a report from Eagles Maven's Ed Kracz:

"Interest in Eagles tight end Zach Ertz was percolating, and a source indicated that at least two teams, the Green Bay Packers and Baltimore Ravens, made offers right before he was placed on Injured Reserve on Oct. 22.""

It certainly means that BG is looking around for help with his pass-catchers. This would've been about the time Tonyan tweaked his ankle and Lewis was struggling with a knee.

3 points
PeteK's picture

October 28, 2020 at 10:42 am

Could we afford that contract, about 4 mill this year and 8 next? However, It is very tempting as he is excellent.

-2 points
Leatherhead's picture

October 28, 2020 at 10:20 pm

Why would we spend $4 million on a guy that we're scoring 35 points without?

0 points
jannes bjornson's picture

October 28, 2020 at 09:16 pm

Bad drafts keep you behind the eight ball. Gutedkunst covered his ass with a shopping spree in 2019. THe pressure is on him to produce. They need to make a play for a solid WR to complement Adams. Lazard will not be ready until late NOV -DEC. With the 49rs ailing it is imperative to take them out in a coule of weeks to claim Home Field. Willy nilly "we like our guys" bullshit, will not get it done.

0 points
Leatherhead's picture

October 28, 2020 at 10:25 pm

Are we behind the 8 ball? We're 18-4, 5-1 this year.

Why do we need a solid compliment to Adams when we can score 35 with Butterfingers sharing snaps with two UDFAs?

I think the Packers will win the division, and the 49ers will not, so if we meet in the playoffs it'll be at Lambeau. A win next week on the road would be big, but not critical. I don't think we're losing any games because our backup #2 isn't good enough.

1 points
Tundraboy's picture

October 28, 2020 at 10:40 pm

Can't disagree. So frustrated to have the QB but not multiple star WRs. Seems like the price we paid for HOF QBs. Oh to have a Lofton to go with one.

0 points
Guam's picture

October 28, 2020 at 08:11 am

Love the development of Barnes and Martin. If we can get Barnes and Kirksey back soon, the Packers may have their best ILB group in a long time. With M. Adams also playing better and more snaps, the Pack may actually be developing a rushing defense to go with a pretty good pass defense.

Totally on board with the praise for Turner. I was one of those folks who thought Turner was just an okay RG, but he has played well at both RT and LT. And Wagner has been a good RT for the Packers. The Pack has really good O-line depth now and that will ease the pain of free agency losses soon to come.

2 points
Minniman's picture

October 28, 2020 at 02:47 pm

Yes, this one could now be a trap for teams looking to run the ball down the Packers throats.

I’m looking forward to the 49ers game especially, to test how equipped they really are to handling the run game (especially the run game combined with a strong o-line and blocking receivers ).

0 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

October 28, 2020 at 06:18 pm

Kirksey really stunk up the joint. Maybe he will improve with time.

1 points
Leatherhead's picture

October 28, 2020 at 10:32 pm

Correct me if I'm wrong. We let Martinez leave , who eventually signed with Giants for about $10 million a year, including signing bonus and roster bonus. A three year deal.

Then, we got Kirksey for about $4 million/year. He's older, and with more injury history, and he's injured now.

Am I right on this? Because this doesn't seem like an upgrade. It did save about $6 million, and that makes a difference when we're this close to the cap, but as far as the on field contribution.......

0 points
jannes bjornson's picture

October 28, 2020 at 09:19 pm

Forget Kirksey, wasted dollars. They have their future right in fron t of them. Barnes and Martin. Let them gain the reps and the mojo. Re-tread time is over. Get serious about winning the Big Game.

2 points
dobber's picture

October 28, 2020 at 08:20 am

"I'd say "Alexander Island" has officially arrived. And it looks like you can't even catch a cold there."

Sadly, that catching issue seems to have extended to many clear picks has he dropped? The big flaw in his game, so far.

MVS: his MO over the course of his first 3 seasons has been to regress as the season goes on. He's in the middle of that slide, now. Step aside and next man up.

Martin: If you're going to make mistakes, make them at 100 mph with your hair on fire.

Turner: his versatility has been a key part of this offense this season. A guy who can step in anywhere on the OL (put Jenkins in this category, too) and allow your offense to still function without losing a big chunk of the playbook is a tremendous asset. A few people have called for him to be Bakh's replacement going forward...I think we need to temper our enthusiasm there. Houston is a bad defensive team, and they didn't know who would be playing LT on Sunday and how to attack that spot--but they did know it wouldn't be Bakh, and the fact that they didn't seem to adjust to try to exploit Turner says something.

4 points
flackcatcher's picture

October 28, 2020 at 03:01 pm

The good news is Turner is finally crushing those mental mistakes in his game. The bad news is Cap man is waiting for Turner too...

-2 points
Roadrunner23's picture

October 28, 2020 at 08:54 am

Raven - when the play is there, he ends it there, nothing fancy.

Turner - I was puzzled when they signed him to a big contract? Now I get it. Carry on

MVS - I never saw star potential, I was right

Malik - he catches the damn ball! Other than that nothing special but I’ll take him over MVS

Matt & Mike - put up or shut up time Mike!

Martin - Martin & Barnes I’m liking where this is going!

Alexander- he’s all that Terrel Buckley should have been!

That is all

-1 points
PeteK's picture

October 28, 2020 at 09:55 am

Martin and Barnes, sounds like a high powered law firm. Hope they will be defending us for a long time.

2 points
Tundraboy's picture

October 28, 2020 at 10:45 pm

Or a cheesey ambulance chasing firm.

-1 points
jannes bjornson's picture

October 28, 2020 at 09:31 pm

When Jaire can pull in 50 INTs over a career, you can play the trash T-Buck game.

1 points
Lphill's picture

October 28, 2020 at 08:59 am

Packers need to find a veteran receiver fast , I have not seen anything on Barnes here but I have seen reports he's done for the season that's why they activated Burgess, can anyone confirm? Oh and nice pickup by the Lions for a 6 th round pick for Everson Griffen why couldnt the Packers bring him in? Dan Quinn for D coordinator?

-2 points
gkarl's picture

October 28, 2020 at 09:46 am

17.6 Million reasons the Lions got Griffen, that how much cap room they have. I don't believe we have enough cap space to cover the balance of his contract this year, and if we do then we're really in the hurt locker later on if someone gets hurt and we need a replacement.

1 points
PeteK's picture

October 28, 2020 at 09:58 am

He's a better fit for a 4-3 defense at 273 plus too much $$$.

-1 points
13TimeChamps's picture

October 28, 2020 at 10:11 am

"I have not seen anything on Barnes here but I have seen reports he's done for the season"

What reports? Please share your source that says he's done for the season.

2 points
Lphill's picture

October 28, 2020 at 11:47 am

Can you show he isn’t ?

-2 points
13TimeChamps's picture

October 28, 2020 at 12:15 pm

"Can you show he isn’t ?"
That makes no sense.

This is at least the 2nd time you've claimed to have seen "reports" that Barnes is out for the season. I've looked all over the internet to find an article to verify that and have found nothing. I'm simply asking where you've seen these reports. Why wouldn't you do that?

1 points
JerseyAl's picture

October 28, 2020 at 06:37 pm

I have a feeling he may hang out on some of the Packer forums, where accuracy among posters is not a common occurrence. Barnes was at practice today - limited participation.

3 points
13TimeChamps's picture

October 29, 2020 at 10:06 am


0 points
jannes bjornson's picture

October 28, 2020 at 09:38 pm

Sound s like Q anon babbling .

2 points
RCPackerFan's picture

October 28, 2020 at 09:00 am

Raven Greene:
The defense is different when Greene plays. Its more physical and they are a lot better in the run game. Now he did get taken advantage of a bit in the passing game against the Cobb and whatnot. But that isn't his strength to line up one on one against slot WR's. While he had a lot of completions against him he tackled the player almost immediately. His tackling is really good!

Memo to Turner:
Year 2 for Turner is much better the year 1. I love his versatility. Being able to play just about any position on the OL really helps out when there is an injury.

I was on that train. I guess I will ride that train until it derails. I think the expectations needs to change a bit. MVS is a 3rd/4th WR at best. A guy who can fill a specific role but can't be counted on to down in and down out to make key plays. He is a deep threat who can take the top off the defense. He can still play that role. They can use him on Jet sweeps too. Maybe try hitting him on some crossing routes as well. But he isn't a #1 or 2 WR.

Malik Taylor:
I could see Taylor getting more opportunities starting this week. We need more WR's to step up and make plays. Lazard won't be back for a few weeks at least. EQ doesn't look ready to contribute.

Matt and Mike:
I questioned this during the game. I questioned if Pettine had a talking to about being more aggressive. He definitely had a more aggressive game plan on Sunday. Also I wonder if Pettine heard his former mentor (Rex Ryan) talking about how he didn't recognize the defense he was running. Talking about how as a defensive coordinator you sometimes need to be the aggressor and not wait for the offense. I hope Pettine stays aggressive!

Kamal Martin:
I can't wait to see more of Martin! I really am looking forward to seeing Barnes and Martin together!

Clock Management:
LaFleur and Rodgers are in tune with each other. When they are in tune it makes the offense look even better!

Jaire Alexander:
Gutekunst's first draft pick and the moves he made to get him look better and better every day.

2 points
Doug_In_Sandpoint's picture

October 28, 2020 at 09:07 am

Not sure if it the blocking scheme or the bodies that we’ve assembled on the O line, but the versatility has been the key to the depth. If/when one guy goes down, we have enough players who can slide in to multiple positions that we can always be adding our 6th best lineman when “something happens”. No need to bring in a Spriggs at LT just because he is the backup there. I think this has been key for the line’s performance.

0 points
Bearmeat's picture

October 28, 2020 at 09:19 am

The stinker in TB aside, this team is all in all playing very well. The aggressive front 7 of the Bucs and what they did to our offense remains a concern. I've been beating the drum all along, but we NEED another reliable WR other than Davante. When it matters most in crunch time, it's going to come down to execution and not scheme. We have plenty of the latter, not enough of the former from WR 2-5. The defense, pass rush aside, is playing (finally) up to hopes. The DL has played better since the ATL game, and the ILBs have improved in Kirksey's absence.

All in all though, this team is a super bowl threat. I hope Gute does something to assist with our biggest glaring weakness today. And no, the depth piece we got yesterday doesn't count.

I do wonder if Amos, Kirksey and P Smith are shown the door after this year for cap purposes. There are young/cheap guys behind them seemingly playing well.

3 points
Since'61's picture

October 28, 2020 at 10:02 am

Nice post Bearmeat. I would like to see Gute go out and get a WR the way Wolf picked up Andre Rison during the ‘96 SB season.

We’ve already seen that the better defensive teams are going to take Adams away and rush Rodgers with at least 5 or more. Unless we pick up another legit WR threat we will continue to struggle against the good defensive teams.
Stay well. Thanks, Since ‘61

3 points
CheesyTex's picture

October 28, 2020 at 10:21 am


0 points
PeteK's picture

October 28, 2020 at 11:02 am

We'll have to settle for Seth Roberts, who is a slot receiver. Also, hoping to hear some news about Lazard .

-2 points
jannes bjornson's picture

October 28, 2020 at 09:44 pm

Tate, Kenny Stills, get a veteran

-1 points
RCPackerFan's picture

October 28, 2020 at 11:13 am

Getting Lazard back will definitely help the WR's out. But how long will it take him to get back to where he was, will be another question.

Hopefully each week EQ keeps getting better. And hopefully Ervin can be used it more ways when he comes back.

Those are 3 players that really would help our offense even more.

I would like to see them look for more DL and WR help.

0 points
Handsback's picture

October 28, 2020 at 09:25 am

I know it's easy to say you need pressure on a QB but there is a difference between Brady and Watson. Blitzing Brady at the goal line may not be a good idea, but probably need to for Watson with his running ability.
Different schemes for different QBs.

3 points
JamesLofton's picture

October 28, 2020 at 09:35 am

Great column as always JerseyAl.

I couldn't see all the game in the UK, what did they do to manipulate the clock at the end of the first half?

No mentions of Oren Burks lately, is he done and dusted in GB?

0 points
JerseyAl's picture

October 28, 2020 at 12:34 pm

They didn't waste a timeout, didn't rush unnecessarily, and when they got a first down inside the 10, purposely let the clock run down to 19 seconds, plenty of time to get off another 3-4 plays if needed while holding on to one timeout. The plan was not just to score, but to do it without leaving time on the clock for Houston to do anything before the half ended.

0 points
Since'61's picture

October 28, 2020 at 10:14 am

Al, I completely agree with you on Raven Greene. He just simply knows how to play and how to tackle. I really enjoy watching him play. Our defense is not the same without him on the field.
I don’t see MVS making it in the league.
As I responded to Bearmeat above it’s time for Gute to make a move for a legit #2 WR ala Wolf for Rison back in ‘96.

Turner has played well. Much better at OT than OG.

I don’t know if Pettine received a “talk” or not. Let’s see if the defense continues to be aggressive against the Vikings this week.

Alexander is probably our best CB since Herb Adderley. I hope he keeps it going.

As usual Al, best article of the week. Stay safe and stay well. Thanks, Since ‘61

3 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

October 28, 2020 at 06:47 pm

Scharping played just 5 snaps, all on STs, against the Packers. That might be 5 too many, but better odds than if he had started.

Fingers crossed. Best wishes to Mr. Scharping and the rest of the Texans as well.

0 points
PeteK's picture

October 28, 2020 at 10:31 am

Turner has filled in admirably for us , but I still worry about him against a good defense. Could Runyon be that filler next season? Greene and King sadly cannot stay on the field because of constant injuries.Too bad because Greene provides our D with that quicker tackler and coverage ( not slot ) option at ILB.

0 points
jannes bjornson's picture

October 28, 2020 at 09:51 pm

He's a safety, not an ILB.If he was given the safety reps he may not take as many hits. Like him as the SS. Pettine has to unleash Savage. Let the guy make plays on the ball. Let Amos or Redmond stick in the back end.

-1 points
Leatherhead's picture

October 28, 2020 at 10:48 am

Those were some nice tackles, and tackling is important. If a guy isn’t tackled he scores. So I’m a Greene fan. You might not be able to prevent a catch, but you can apply the punishment.

Alexander has progressed beautifully. Last season he bit on fakes and got burned but this year he hasn’t taken the bait.

Turner and Wagner were scrutinized in detail by our scouting and personnel people before we signed them. Good job. We’ve done well in free agency, but the downside is we can’t resign our own good players now because the money isn’t there.

MVS is on his way out of town. To be a receiver, you have to catch the ball. If you can’t, go line up with the defense. I thought he would step up in the absence of Adams and Lazard but he hasn’t, He has a lot of tools but he is still failing on short out patterns and that’s pretty basic.

THE GOOD NEWS is that we are scoring over 35 points per game with our existing group. How is that possible? Either WR isn’t critical, or the guys we have are better than we think, or both. If our WR group is thin and critical , then we shouldn’t be able to score 35+ points, even on the road., shouldn’t we.? Is this just luck? A combination of random factors? Or maybe something else.....? If we’re already scoring 35, why mortgage the future to bring in somebody?

I think we’re fine for this week. Lazard will return. We are moving the ball and protecting our QB....except in one game. We’re on an 18-4 streak. I just don’t agree with this sense of urgency about a position that obviously isn’t that critical.

1 points
TarynsEyes's picture

October 28, 2020 at 10:51 am

How quickly many forgot how the Packers defense for so many years made many a bad offense look great.

I'm not saying the Packers' offense needs a bad defense to look good, but let's not forgot so quickly the defenses we've played, and what has happened when we played a real defense, Tampa.

Houston is a team that walks a tightrope on both sides which can make the opponent look awesome on both sides of the ball.

The Packers are 5-1 and unless a total collapse occurs they will repeat as Division Champs (toe raise), but the likelihood of getting thumped out in the playoffs because of the defense remains high, and that will have the offense boxed into limited use of ability corner. It's still a rinse and repeat scenario for GB this season and wins against the mediocre and less will not make the change against the better to win what needs to be achieved, as the play against Tampa showed, and we haven't even talked or seen the real AFC yet, less a couple more stout NFC Championship door stops.

2 points
PatrickGB's picture

October 28, 2020 at 12:31 pm

Before I worry about how well this team might do in the playoffs, I want to see us first get there. Anything can happen once a team makes it. I see some improvements from the defense and that makes me happy.

2 points
TarynsEyes's picture

October 28, 2020 at 01:02 pm

What happens after you see improvements? Do they remain or see them relapse? If they relapse that is not improvement, but a gift from an inferior offensive opponent. How often or ever has the GB defense played well back to back games against worthy opponents? How often is it the offense finding themselves needing to overcome the fails of the defense?

2 points
CheesyTex's picture

October 28, 2020 at 02:07 pm

How often, indeed. But perhaps this year will be different -- it's not all the same old faces on defense. A number of young and ascending players give legitimate hope that the D will improve as the year goes along.

IMO that if Kris Barnes and Kamal Martin avoid serious injury, the Packers D will be playing at a top 10 level by seasons end.

2 points
TarynsEyes's picture

October 28, 2020 at 05:12 pm

The question is still whether it's the players or the DC. We've seen players take steps forward and backwards, but the DC's just haven't been able to be strong in the coaching/scheme to enhance the players past a forward and backward step, which ends up keeping the defense from progressing to the top 10 and better rung.

2 points
Minniman's picture

October 28, 2020 at 06:13 pm

I do see your point on this one Taryn. Looking at the offensive line, no-one would disagree that this group is way over-achieving to expectation. Is this Stenavich and MLF or the players themselves, or a combo.

Kirk Olivadotti Joined the Packers as the ilb coach last year too. (Same as Stenavich). Is it injuries, player potential, coaching and scheming or a combo as to why this group hasn’t also made a second year jump?

2 points
JerseyAl's picture

October 28, 2020 at 06:34 pm

One difference is Stenovich has had two years to work with the pretty much the same group of OL. Olivadotti has a group with all new starters and three new players in all. Kirksey, Barnes, Martin.

2 points
Minniman's picture

October 29, 2020 at 03:40 am

Thanks Al, i'm not sure if it's selective memory, this year's relatively soft schedule thus far or a combo of both, but I'm not seeing the linebacker play from the Packers as inconsistent as it was in the last 5 years (injury excepting - of course). They at least seem to be more disciplined with things like their edge and gap management etc - Deshaun Watson didn't hurt them as much as he could have last week.

1 points
jannes bjornson's picture

October 28, 2020 at 09:59 pm

They are playing better now, right. K.O. is a great linebackers coach. He finally is getting some talent to work with.
Just keep Pettine away from the prevent D and this group will start to create some energy. ZA needs to hold Edge or he may be out of a job in 2021.

0 points
Tundraboy's picture

October 28, 2020 at 10:54 pm

Okay we get the point, the defense sucks until it proves otherwise in the playoffs.

-1 points
Spock's picture

October 28, 2020 at 11:24 am

I wasn't able to see the Houston game here in Tucson (I listened to Wayne and Larry on Sirius) and haven't had the time to watch NFL rewind, so -as always- I appreciate your column. Larry M. made a point on several plays to mention that MVS was doing a great job of blocking, positioning himself to help the other receivers, especially Adams, make plays. I'm still holding out some hope that MVS can turn around his catching issues, but he does do one thing well: the THREAT of catching the ball deep. Finley had some really poor games catching the ball but his THREAT always made the defense add extra people on him. I see MVS as similar right now. T.E. Finley eventually became better at catching before his career ending injury; maybe MVS can still improve (throws salt over shoulder just for luck).

1 points
stockholder's picture

October 28, 2020 at 02:54 pm

MVS- WE just haven't seen that Adams jump. (Too stiff). Turner - Jack of all trades do have their value. But--- he's now a OL without a position. At some point the payment won't exceed the return. Green - Can he stay off the IR? Taylor- Way to early. Martin- Best draft Pick? Matt and Mike- Lets give some credit to the DL. I mean look how Adams is getting more snaps. And Lowrey? Well lets just say Ke Ke might be the better option. If not Adams. Jaire Alexander- We didn't need Williams after all. Clock management- It starts up front.

3 points
PeteK's picture

October 28, 2020 at 01:26 pm

True since Barnes was a free agent.

-1 points
PatrickGB's picture

October 28, 2020 at 12:26 pm

Before I jump on the “Bobby” Turner bandwagon, I would prefer to see him do just as well against tougher pass rushers. The Texans don't have much of a defense. Still, I am happy that he filled in well. MVS may never be much more than a decoy on a go route. EQ looks rusty at best. Rodgers does better with a steady WR even if that receiver isn’t elite. A nice steady possession receiver could go a long way to help our offense. I like the potential of our backup MLB’s and I like the price even more.

-1 points
JerseyAl's picture

October 28, 2020 at 12:41 pm

Turner went up against Mercilis and Watt, who I would classify as "tough pass rushers." They were shut out by Turner and Wagner in terms of sacks, QB hits, etc. Don't diminish how well they played.

3 points
Leatherhead's picture

October 28, 2020 at 04:41 pm

Before we made offers to Turner and Wagner, our scouting and personnel people looked over every snap they had taken against other NFL talent. I mean, we faced Wagner twice a year for years and then when he became a FA we'd already studied him quite a few times over the years. I think that's a lot better than spending a high pick drafting Some Dude from Alabama who destroyed a lot of guys who went on to careers as high school coaches.

We spend money on Rodgers, we protect him with vets who have proven they can do it in the NFL. Other than Adams, we put cheap talent at the skill positions. We don't turn the ball over and we score 35 points. That's our recipe.

It works. And these guys that Gute has added....Jenkins, Turner, and Wagner....are getting it done alongside the Bakhtiari/Linsley guys from the Thompson era. So it's a smooth and effective blend. This is a good offensive line. One of the best Packer offensive lines I've seen in my time.

2 points
PeteK's picture

October 28, 2020 at 01:23 pm

Lazard will begin practicing this week!!!!! Also Kirsky, No news is good news on Barnes.

-1 points
dobber's picture

October 28, 2020 at 04:48 pm

Barnes was a limited participant in today's practice.

0 points