Cory's Corner: It's Matt LaFleur's Time Now

With no Hall of Fame quarterback, the offense will be LaFleur's vision. 

I have enjoyed seeing the team transform under Packers head coach Matt LaFleur. 

The Packers have embraced his easy going style and swagger. The perfectly coiffed hair sometimes makes him look like he’s ready for a night out rather than a stroll to the Don Hutson Center. He has allowed the players’ personalities to shine through. He has allowed players to choose music in camp and he has given players a voice. 

Basically, coming off of Mike McCarthy, LaFleur made football fun again in Green Bay. It didn’t take long for the culture to be changed from uptight to laid back. The smiles came back as players genuinely appreciated coming to work and playing here. 

LaFleur has raised plenty of eyebrows in his first stint as a pro head coach. He racked up 33 wins in his first 40 games — the best mark for a coach in the Super Bowl era, better than Chuck Knox and George Siefert. He currently owns a 47-19 regular season record, which is a .719 winning percentage — a ridiculous mark for an NFL head coach after four seasons. 

LaFleur has navigated through the unchartered waters of COVID-19. He didn’t know if one of his starters was going to play from week to week.

But now he’s about to get dealt with another challenge. His starting quarterback — the one that accounted for 70 percent of the team’s touchdowns since 2019 — will likely not be on the roster in 2023. Losing a first ballot Hall of Famer at any position is a tough pill to swallow.

But losing Rodgers I think is different. I heard from a few short-sighted people that said that LaFleur should’ve been shown the door after this past season. Granted, the Packers did lose in embarrassing fashion to the Lions at home in a must-win game to advance to the playoffs. 

However, really scrutinizing LaFleur’s career begins now. It’s hard not to lean on a guy that has won two of the last three MVP awards. This is where LaFleur will be judged. Will the Packers have plenty of presnap motion now? Will the Packers utilize all of their offensive weapons in a myriad of different ways? 

This is LaFleur’s time to really put his thumbprint on his team. He came to Green Bay with a lot of energy and enthusiasm about what to do with an offense that had become stale. Unfortunately, not all of those ideas were able to come to fruition thanks to stubbornness from a veteran quarterback. 

Now, I don’t think LaFleur will turn Jordan Love into a Jedi Master. He will certainly help him out by making his job easier, but it will be up to Love to be able to read a defense and execute. 

This is LaFleur’s time. On the surface, LaFleur is a little bummed about No. 12 on his way out, but beneath the surface, he is excited to finally prove himself. The moment Tom Brady left for Tampa, people immediately chose sides over Brady and Bill Belichick. And after Brady won the Super Bowl, it was clear that Brady won that divorce. 

I think LaFleur can win this divorce if he leads the Packers to a deep playoff run, especially because I don’t see Rodgers going on a deep playoff run with the Jets.

And that’s what should be motivating LaFleur right now. He needs to win the divorce, and by proxy, the Packers will ultimately win.

I know that there has been polarizing opinions centering on the Rodgers situation, but any Packers fan should want LaFleur to come out on top in this divorce. Because if he doesn’t, that means that Green Bay will have barely scraped together a .500 season.

LaFleur is one of the best coaches in the NFL. Now it’s his time to prove it.  




Cory Jennerjohn is a graduate from UW-Oshkosh and has been in sports media for over 15 years. He was a co-host on "Clubhouse Live" and has also done various radio and TV work as well. He has written for newspapers, magazines and websites. He currently is a columnist for CHTV and also does various podcasts. He recently earned his Masters degree from the University of Iowa. He can be found on Twitter: @Coryjennerjohn


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7 points

Comments (183)

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Johnblood27's picture

April 01, 2023 at 06:20 am

It is time for MLF to show what his vision is for an NFL team.

Unfortunately he has chosen to employ a retread loser as his preferred DC.

He may begin to show what he envisioned on the offensive side of the ball this season, time and development of the young talent will tell the story.

The progress of the TEAM will depend a great deal upon what Joe Barry does with all of the early round draft talent he has on defense and if he can put a plan in place that suits his players talents and creates synergies between them on the field or if he handicaps his talent with poorly fit schemes.

MLF obviously knows NFL level offense. There is a lot more to being the head coach of an NFL football team.

He and Gutey seem to have been on the same page in terms of roster building and Rich Bisaccia seems to have been given a voice in that regard as the player additions and performance on ST showed last season.

The defense and Joe Barry may be the millstone around MLF's neck as he moves forward. I hope not, but.....

15 points
greengold's picture

April 01, 2023 at 09:31 am

I agree, JB.

This is as important a draft as Gutekunst will have had in his tenure. I think he got all full of himself in 2020 after making the Love pick, and he has probably realized that. Every pick is important, and an opportunity.

If you're going to underplay your hand or toss up duds in R2, R3, R5, R6, R6, and R7... why even have the picks? R2's Dillon was quite an overdraft. Deguara in R3 pushes that needle further. Much further.Kamal Martin, a very talented ILB who had an injury history, and, winds up injured and out the door. Shocker. NOT.

Gutekunst was throwing picks away like a drunken sailor after making what I felt was a brilliant pick trading up for Love in 2020. I hope he learned his lesson to keep his head fully engaged in the game during each and every pick. Don't celebrate anything until the work is done.

BG burned more picks away in 2021. No question. I bet he did a good self scout and he may have learned, as I feel his 2022 draft is his best yet.

Barry being a fly we fans are trying to nail down is no help. Barry can't expect Gutekunst to ignore needs elsewhere just to give him a full complement of custom fit pieces, and turn that on a dime.

Good Coordinators scheme to augment their players' strengths. Hello? Joe Barry?

We know as much about his defense as we do about LaFleur's offense, maybe less, because what we've seen him do on his own, without the distractions AR brought to LaFleur's offensive scheme visions in comparison, is difficult to comprehend. Makes no sense whatsoever.

Packer fans have watched & played enough football to know we might be better off if Barry were removed from his duties immediately.

Not going to happen. Are we really willing to write this season off, and appoint a new DC next year? And, if I may, what the hell happened to cause Jerry Gray to tell his players to play outside the wishes of Barry?

Is Barry going to help us or hurt us in 2023? I lean towards the latter, while hoping he surprises us all. Because, we're apparently stuck with him.

6 points
jurp's picture

April 01, 2023 at 09:49 am

Well, given that we may be in deja vu land with Rodgers and the Jets, we could go 6-11 in 2023, just like in 2008 (yeah, that was 6-10), with Love giving us the lead in 5 games only to see Barry's defense piss it away. But this time, because we're also in the Twilight Zone, Scooter will say at the end of the season that he's keeping Barry and all of his coaches in the name of "consistency".

0 points
greengold's picture

April 01, 2023 at 10:29 am

Yeah, and the thought of that makes me want to slowly push an icepick through my own temples.

5 points
jurp's picture

April 01, 2023 at 10:58 am

A bit drastic, don't you think? Maybe just through one temple? :)

2 points
greengold's picture

April 01, 2023 at 11:04 am

I can't help that it's true. Drastic? eh. Truth? Yes. Anchorman nod, "YES."


1 points
Oppy's picture

April 01, 2023 at 12:17 pm

Did the defense fail to meet expectations in 2022? It sure did.

Was the defense lousy? No, not really. They allowed 21.8, not great, good for #19 in the league. Dead middle allowed 21.2 PPG.

Hopefully there's some complimentary football in 2023 and the Defense can recoup some yards and hopefully wipe a FG per game off the boards. Had that been the case in 2022, that would have put the Packers at 18.8 PPG, which would be a jump from #19 in PPG allowed, all the way down to #8. Top ten in PPG isn't a bad place to be.

Why do I think that's not entirely impossible to accomplish in 2023? Well, consider the Green Bay Packers offense in 2022 was 3rd in 3-and-outs.

Yeah, 29 teams had fewer 3-and-outs than the Packers in 2022.

If the offense can find ways to move the sticks in 2023 (..and I have a sneaking suspicion they will), I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility they could wipe a FG per game off the books.

It'll be fun to watch and find out.

3 points
Heyward's picture

April 01, 2023 at 01:52 pm

LaFleur hasn't hired well. He got away with it while Rodgers was the QB, but it could come back to haunt him now.

3 points
The_Baloney_Stops_Here's picture

April 01, 2023 at 06:49 pm

While its true that Joe Barry's defense didnt live up to lofty expectations, its not like this defense was awful either. They were middle of the pack and the pass defense was pretty damn good. Came on strong late in the year and nearly carried a punchless offense to the playoffs. Now im not endorsing Barry, but Im not going to completely condemn him either as there were plenty of things the players themselves have to do better too. Tackling is a big issue, which Barry really cant even do anything about because they cant practice tackling anymore. Honestly, the Barry hate is really becoming a bit much, and Ive been guilty of it at times too.
Sure we all are tired of seeing guys 12 yards off the ball, but every team runs some variation of a soft zone defense and the players themselves need to be better too. Its not like switching Barry for another DC would automatically help Kenny Clark beat double teams or help Quay Walker tackle Jalen Hurts in the open field or help Darnell Savage not be afraid of contact or keep Rashan Gary's knee healthy. There's no magic fix. The players need to be better regardless of whos calling the defense. Its going to take a group effort.

1 points
vin0770's picture

April 02, 2023 at 11:46 am


I don’t question him as a OC and willing to be creative and find things that work for JL.

I DOUBT him greatly to be the strong leader of men and overseer of everything that is what a HC is all about. I’m not optimistic after watching him last year rally the troops!

0 points
marpag1's picture

April 01, 2023 at 06:20 am

This article is completely backwards. I don't give a pinch of owl crap about who "wins the divorce," and neither should LaFleur. This is football. Win your division, win your conference, win the Super Bowl.

20 points
TKWorldWide's picture

April 01, 2023 at 07:13 am

At your behest, I went and re-read the article backwards. It sounded exactly like the Beatles.

11 points
marpag1's picture

April 01, 2023 at 07:20 am

The walrus was Andy Reid.

8 points
TKWorldWide's picture

April 01, 2023 at 07:27 am


3 points
greengold's picture

April 01, 2023 at 10:33 am

Goo goo g'joob, goo goo goo g'joob
Goo goo g'joob, goo goo goo g'joob, goo
Joob, joob, jooba
Jooba, jooba, jooba
Joob, jooba
Joob, jooba

1 points
LeotisHarris's picture

April 01, 2023 at 08:52 am

TK, sync it with The Wizard of Oz, too. Totally mind-blowing, man.

4 points
TKWorldWide's picture

April 01, 2023 at 12:41 pm

Afraid that if I do, I’ll never make it back.

3 points
jurp's picture

April 01, 2023 at 09:50 am

Funny, when I did that I heard "I Barry'd Gray".

4 points
Bitternotsour's picture

April 01, 2023 at 08:40 pm

high quality that.

-1 points
RichBeckman's picture

April 02, 2023 at 11:25 am

You made me log in so I could give a thumbs up for that.

0 points
mnbadger's picture

April 01, 2023 at 09:57 am

couldn't agree more - I only care about the GBPkrs.
Discussion about "winning a divorce" from AR12 is the least of my worries.
I'm worried about getting more good players, coaching them up then winning on Sundays.
The rest is just BS.
Time to move on from the BS.

12 points
cdoemel's picture

April 01, 2023 at 06:31 pm

Agreed totally. Hahaha. Lots of AR12 fanboys will disagree. And that is fun too! 😈

0 points
PackEyedOptimist's picture

April 01, 2023 at 06:42 am

It wasn't just the QB that was an issue. The Packers had real injury problems on the OL at the start of last season, compounded by injuries at WR. Bakhtiari, Jenkins, plus Myers coming off an injury, Runyon and Nijman switching sides, Rhyan being disappointing, etc. made any off-season plans fall apart for the offense.

The Defense seemed to have great pieces before the season, but we all complained about how we perceived Barry was using them. Later in the year, that seemed to improve, but now we're looking at a defense that has lost a good-sized chunk of starters (Lowery, Reed, Amos? plus injuries to Gary and Stokes).

McCarthy also preached "overcoming adversity" and LaFleur is dealing with that last year and this. Hopefully we'll see him, and the team, triumph.

Personally, I am a strong believer in the power of assistant coaches; history says they are often the deciding (and criminally overlooked!) factor in championship teams. We'll see if this year's assistants can raise the quality of performance.

11 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

April 01, 2023 at 07:32 am

Rec for the position coaches (yeah, I assume you meant them rather than the Quality Control types). Butkus <<<< Steno. Gray not on the same page as Barry.

5 points
NickPerry's picture

April 01, 2023 at 07:22 am

"Will the Packers have plenty of presnap motion now? Will the Packers utilize all of their offensive weapons in a myriad of different ways?"

"He came to Green Bay with a lot of energy and enthusiasm about what to do with an offense that had become stale. Unfortunately, not all of those ideas were able to come to fruition thanks to stubbornness from a veteran quarterback."

THIS is why I'm really excited about the 2023 season because I think we do see that in the upcoming season. After the 2021 season with Mo Drayton and now keeping Joe Barry for another season, I've started to question Matt LaFleur and if he was even ready to be a HC and doubt his abilities.

When MLF was first hired I questioned the staff he put around him and got blasted for it on here and other sites. Like MLF many of his hires were lacking much experience and I hadn't heard of any of them for the most part. I mean WHY in the hell would anyone hire Shawn Mennenga?

While I'm still concerned about LaFleur's abilities as a HC, I want to give him the benefit of the doubt and see what happens this season. IF we see the Packers using motion and unique offensive play designs like his buddies in SF or LA that will be a huge step forward, AND I think the offense will be just fine. But IF Barry is still running those horrible off coverages and playing his CBs 10 yards off on 3rd and 7 I'll be the first to put that on MLF.

Maybe I'm being a bit overly optimistic but LaFleur is here no matter what so until he's not or until the Packers are finishing 3rd or 4th place in the North he'll have my support and I hoping for the best. Hopefully he's learned from his mistakes the last 4 seasons. Hey, I'm not concerned about ST's anymore so he got that right. Lets give him a chance.

12 points
PackEyedOptimist's picture

April 01, 2023 at 07:31 am

Nick, the hiring of Rich Bisaccia is the same reason I have some hope. That, and Barry seeming to use his roster better late last year. Bringing back Clements was a plus, too.

I don't really have a feel for this assistant coaching staff; I also was confused/disappointed by the hiring of Mennenga and Barry--it really made me question whether LaFleur had the trust and confidence of assistant coaches around the league. I think Bisaccia came because the team made him a huge offer...that doesn't add to my confidence in LaFleur.

7 points
Coldworld's picture

April 01, 2023 at 09:30 am

Love the Bussscia hire, but LaFleur was trying to keep Drayton before the team set him straight. The credit for that lies elsewhere.

4 points
NickPerry's picture

April 01, 2023 at 02:26 pm

HUH?? No shit? Wow I had never heard or knew that... Wow that's a bit depressing!

0 points
jurp's picture

April 01, 2023 at 09:55 am

Bisaccia may be "HC in waiting". Or possibly, just "In-house HC Mentor". He wasn't given the Assistant HC title for no reason.

1 points
croatpackfan's picture

April 01, 2023 at 10:43 am

I agree JURP. I believe that MLF is let to do the job with O and Rich B to take care of the whole team. MLF speaks very positively about Rich B on the last interview. I have no doubts that he is more than willing to let Rich do the mention part of the HC job instead of him.

I do not think MLF is the best HC or even in top 10 HC in NFL. I would start with Andy Reid, than Campbell, than McVay, Harbaugh, Tomlin, Sean Payton, Pederson, Dabol, Saleh, Shanahan, Vrabel (it is not the list by excellency order, just as I remember each of them). I will get any of them over MLF (I did not put here Caroll and Belichik as I believe time overrun them both!).

MLF is very good OC and that is huge difference between OC and HC!

So, Cory I do not agree with you about how good is MLF. I'm certain that he can help Jordan Love to be better QB than some average OC, but thank God we have Tom Clemments as QB Coach. He will be of the utmost importance for further development of Jordan Love.

1 points
LambeauPlain's picture

April 01, 2023 at 12:07 pm

If what you say is true about MLF focusing on offense and Rich as the Acting HC in actual head coaching duties, welcome to Acting GM Murpy's Law. Smoke screens all around.

If this is what makes the team better, then why the facade in "titles"? It seems so timid and face saving by Murphy trying to cover up for his micro management errors.

Key managers with titles that don't match their duties is confusing. How do you evaluate their performance? How do you reward and reprimand?

1 points
croatpackfan's picture

April 01, 2023 at 04:23 pm

They all have contracts with actual description of the job. So MLF title is HC. Is he?

0 points
CoryJennerjohn's picture

April 01, 2023 at 10:34 am

Exactly NickPerry. That's why it matters who wins the divorce between Rodgers and LaFleur. If Rodgers wins, that means that the Packers aren't successful and they will have to hit the reset button on another quarterback. If LaFleur wins, the Packers are successful and will see sustained success for another 8-10 years.

-11 points
Coldworld's picture

April 01, 2023 at 10:41 am

Rodgers wins if he goes to a team and wins. La Fleur wins if he can show that he can exceed expectations, personally and as a coaching staff as a whole.

Both could win and both could lose, they are wholly independent of each other. Either winning may speak to the other in the recent past, but it won’t affect the outcome of this year for either.

8 points
croatpackfan's picture

April 01, 2023 at 10:55 am

Cookie for you Coldworld.

Once ACR will be officialy left the PAckers I have no interest to follow what he will do or not at Jets. I will care and follow Packers and Jordan Love as their QB. Only people who do not like ACR (at level to wish him fail) or expecting nothing else but his success with Jets will be bringing that subject here.

I wish all the best for ACR and have no interest to follow what will fare with him at Jets. I will be here (I hope) to follow Packers and their new QB Jordan Love and wish him nothing but success for all of us.

That is why I hoped both parties would take separation at decent way with no "bad blood" between them. But that was, obviously not possible. I'm sorry for that,

1 points
jurp's picture

April 01, 2023 at 11:01 am

My only interest with AR on the Jets is if we get a conditional pick out of the trade. In that case, I will wish for the best because it'll be better for the Packers. If we don't get a conditional, then I couldn't give damn how he does.

1 points
marpag1's picture

April 01, 2023 at 01:37 pm

"If Rodgers wins, that means that the Packers aren't successful and they will have to hit the reset button on another quarterback."

This comment is completely absurd.

4 points
PhantomII's picture

April 01, 2023 at 02:34 pm

As far as I'm concerned...we all won. I don't have to look at AR running the clock to zero with no motion movement, burning time-outs at the worst possible time. Him not going thru progressions and looking at 1-WR the whole play. Throwing the ball at the WR's feet intentionally in a game when he could have easily completed the pass because he was pissy about the route run. Going 3 and out and walking off the field and sitting on the bench and NOT reviewing the play that had multiple open WR's he did not look at. AR has the most God given talent of any QB in his generation.....and as good as he is/ was underachieved his talent level, and management has not provided him a matching WR next to DA since 2017....But AR has always wanted to get paid over added weapons also. There is a choice in the NFL and AR has always chosen AR. I remember a Bears game where he was stepped on and a little gimpy. He was Pissed. A light went on and this guy just started surgically disecting a pretty good defense at the time at will with pinpoint passing and destroyed that team that night after starting the game with little sign of what was to come. That's when I knew this guy was so good he could dial it up/down depending on his will and normally, we only seen a fraction of what it could be. GB has officially relit a fire in him and the jets do have some pretty good talent on both sides of the ball. I say if he stays healthy he may just get another MVP...but does he have the will for a Super Bowl????

1 points
Pizzadoc's picture

April 01, 2023 at 05:33 pm

Hey Cory, I think I speak for all of us -- there is not a lot to write about in this dead period, and we appreciate the offseason content. Even if it is not the same as in season, or even a reach here or there, it is fun to have something to read every day and watch the faithful fight over it.

-1 points
LambeauPlain's picture

April 01, 2023 at 12:11 pm

Agree Nick.

Yet even Cory's article focused on MLF for his OC duties. I have yet to see him growing into the Head Coach of the Green Bay Packers.

It may be he is simply unqualified and inexperienced to lead, help coach, and evaluate Defense and STs.

2 points
Packer_Fan's picture

April 01, 2023 at 07:46 am

We will find out just how good Lafleur is. He didn't do so well last year with an unruly QB and a passive DC. The QB is gone so he will have a chance to show his offensive abilities. And who knows if the defense is any good. They have announced that Nixon will be the starting slot CB. Then where will Alexander, Douglas and Stokes play?? Nothing is making any sense.

And finally if the unruly QB stays unruly and doesn't win a Super Bowl then OK the front office did well. But if the Jets sign OBJ and win the Super Bowl then the Front office squandered over 10 years of a great QB by not placing enough good players around him. Just like the article on Cheese head TV suggests the QB's best friend is the talent around him.

-2 points
jurp's picture

April 01, 2023 at 09:57 am

"Front office squandered over 10 years of a great QB by not placing enough good players around him. Just like the article on Cheese head TV suggests the QB's best friend is the talent around him."

Absolutely wrong. Rodgers had plenty of weapons and a good defense in 2020. AND STILL DIDN'T WIN THE NFCCG. Take a look at AR's performances in the playoffs after 2010. Yeah, Rodgers' lack of championships is ENTIRELY the fault of the FO. GTFU.

1 points
StarrtoRodgers's picture

April 03, 2023 at 07:48 pm


See if you can answer these 2 questions.

One word is all you will need for both.

1) Over Rodgers 15 years as a starter, which NFC Quarterback has led his team to more Super Bowl victories than Rodgers?

2) Other than the Seahawks, in the last 20 years which team has not drafted a wide receiver in the 1st round?

And don't kid yourself the overwhelming majority of Pro Bowl receivers are selected in the 1st round

Note: Of the 80 first-round receivers, 16 (20%) have been selected to multiple Pro Bowls, including 11 with at least four. In the final six rounds, 562 receivers were drafted. Of that huge group, 19 (3.38%) have been selected to multiple Pro Bowls, including eight with at least four.

0 points
Coldworld's picture

April 01, 2023 at 11:07 am

The Jets are trying to copy Tampa. Lots of high draft picks but a hole at QB and a real need to win. I’m not sure that OBJ is Gronk or essential to that but it too would be in that mold. Green Bay is weighed down by cap spent on at least 2 years of very competitive rosters with which we did not win and decades if mostly low picks with the added impact of the years where Ball stood in for TT.

3 points
stockholder's picture

April 01, 2023 at 07:47 am

Nobody wins without a good QB. Nobody!
We thought the Defense was the key to last
years start too. How did that work out?
Simplify the offense Stupid. Thats what we heard.
Nothing changes overnight. So- Who do you Trust?
I trusted Rodgers ! Still Do!
The Band Aid is off now. The exposure is a scar.
Something that will identify this Team for years.
Because Life after Rodgers just doesn't look good.
But thats what you wished for.
The other side of the fence. Blame!

-16 points
barutanseijin's picture

April 01, 2023 at 08:54 am

Yup, SH for once we agree. Nobody wins without a good QB. The Packers didn’t have a good one last year, so they didn’t win.

6 points
Johnblood27's picture

April 01, 2023 at 10:44 am

Manning, P Denver

a litany of poor QB who "won"

how about a list of great QB who didn't win?

...and a plethora of one championship wonders including...

please look at both sides of the same coin before making judgements and determinations.

4 points
stockholder's picture

April 01, 2023 at 11:15 am

plethora of one championship wonders
Manning, P Denver
Career stats after many disappointments
Hall of Fame - No - other than manning
But those who didn't win =
Blame the FO - of each.

-2 points
dobber's picture

April 01, 2023 at 11:39 am

Peyton Manning has two titles. Don't ignore Indy--where he had lots of weapons but only one title--just to try to score points. It makes you look manipulative and disingenuous. If you're going to wrangle, then put ARod on your list, too, and move on.

3 points
Oppy's picture

April 01, 2023 at 12:39 pm

I don't think SH is disingenuous or manipulative. I think he's completely blinded.

2 points
TKWorldWide's picture

April 01, 2023 at 02:08 pm

I love a good plethora.

2 points
marpag1's picture

April 01, 2023 at 01:32 pm

A bit off topic, I guess, but when people talk about the worst QBs to win a Super Bowl, how come no one (not even Packer fans!) talks about Jim McMahon?

2 points
BirdDogUni's picture

April 01, 2023 at 07:04 pm

Because he ended up a Packer with two rings. He even crawfished on his support of the Bears organization, saying the Packers were how a real organization is run. Too lazy to link the article, but I've read it before.

2 points
lou's picture

April 01, 2023 at 10:04 am

The business plan year after year ended with heart breaking defeats as the "engineer" failed in the biggest moments to make the difference. Continuing that plan became much more expensive corporation wise both in dollars and cents distribution and the engineer's ability to do the job at advancing age and a discontent with his superiors open to the public. The most obvious and best business decision is to thank him for years of thrills beyond compare, and his huge contributions to the organization, the fan base, and the state of
Wisconsin. The National Football League start
ed and still is Big Business. Let the new Era begin.

2 points
stockholder's picture

April 01, 2023 at 10:47 am

Was it business in 2020?
Love was a slap in Rodgers Face.
And Rodgers realized then he couldn't
finish his career in GB.
It's been missed opportunity after opportunity.
We know that.
But they said it best last year.
Rodgers gives us the best chance to win!
This isn't about running a business.
It's about you'll Do As Your Told!
And Excuses for bad decisions.

-7 points
croatpackfan's picture

April 01, 2023 at 11:02 am

"Was it business in 2020?"

Was it business in 2017-19?

ACR was a slap in Packers face.

And they Packers realized if they want to help him, they have to make him angry. And they did. But not before he noticed the talent in Jordan Love. That makes him to realize that Jordan Love is, really, his replacement.

-1 points
stockholder's picture

April 01, 2023 at 11:05 am

Hate will never win you a trophy.
Only ignorance.

-2 points
Coldworld's picture

April 01, 2023 at 11:30 am

I thought we were talking about LaFleur here. You as usual seem to be set on addressing the FO and our former QB. Neither chose LaFleur or his coaches, neither will be making tactical, personnel use, schematic or play calling decisions for him.

We get it, you idolize Rodgers personally and his past. But what do you actually think of LaFleur? That might be interesting.

0 points
TKWorldWide's picture

April 01, 2023 at 12:48 pm

Are you saying ignorance will win a trophy? My trophy case is already crammed with those.

2 points
jurp's picture

April 01, 2023 at 11:39 am

"Love was a slap in Rodgers Face."

I don't remotely believe that this is true, or that Rodgers thinks this way. I think he took it as a wake-up call to improve his play which, to his credit, he did. If Rodgers indeed thinks that Love's drafting was a slap in the face, then he's a hell of a lot pettier - and immature - than I've thought. I cannot believe that.

"t's been missed opportunity after opportunity."

Yes, Rodgers shat the bed in 2020's NFCCG. That was definitely a missed opportunity.

"But they said it best last year.
Rodgers gives us the best chance to win!"

And he couldn't even win the last game of the season to get us into the Playoffs, much less win the division. That was then, it is not now. He no longer gives us the best chance to win.

"This isn't about running a business."

Of course this is about running a business. That's what all sports teams ultimately are - businesses. Why else do you think rich people own them? It's not just about prestige or reflected glory - it is ALWAYS about the money. And why not?

"It's about you'll Do As Your Told!"

If you're in a corporate setting and DON'T do as you're told, you're often out of a job. I haven't heard anyone in the FO making excuses about the terrible decision to sign AR to that ridiculous contract. So - who's the one making the excuses?

The Bonkers Scale is still flaky - it's given you the square root of 25 for this post.

1 points
DanL's picture

April 01, 2023 at 11:07 am

Brock Purdy.

0 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

April 01, 2023 at 07:48 am

Laid back. Practice is fun. One translation is a lot of short practices. A lot less hitting than is allowed. Soft team. Offensive play calling is an ornament, a nice shiny one, that fans can focus on.

PEO hit the nail on the head, I suspect, when he worried that GB only gets good coordinators and position coaches when they pay big for them. However, I admit that I only recognize a good assistant coach after they have been in GB for years and establish a track record. I essentially never heard of Vrable, John Dunn (sounds like a movie character), Ryan Downard or the bulk of the position coaches. I have no idea if they are any good.

Jerry Montgomery (DL) was considered a bit of a coup but he arrived as an assistant in 2015 under McCarthy. Since promoted, his bio (and these bios all spit out the names of any good players they coached during their tenure) has a single named player: Kenny Clark. I don't know how good he is. He got Lowry in the 4th, Clark in the 1st, Montravius Adams in the 3rd, Keke in the 5th, Slaton in the 5th, and now Wyatt in the 1st. I can't say he has been showered with a long list of great prospects.

6 points
CoryJennerjohn's picture

April 01, 2023 at 09:14 am

This is a good point, but LaFleur is also hamstrung by the CBA. The CBA limits the amount of hitting each team can do in practice. I agree that more teams are getting soft, but that's an overall NFL issue, not just a LaFleur issue.

-3 points
Coldworld's picture

April 01, 2023 at 09:34 am

We seem to be in the vanguard of such a movement if any really exists. We were regularly softer than our opponents last year. If the league is getting softer we remain, to my eyes, consistently ahead of that curve. We were also colossally out prepared by a brand new rookie coach in game one last year both tactically and physically. He had the same rules, same camp and preseason and less continuity of coaching and experience running camps.

8 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

April 01, 2023 at 10:46 am

I did say it was one translation. Another might be fewer injuries, though I have not looked at that to see if there is any apparent correlation.

Saleh seemed to strongly imply that GB was soft. That's pretty rare for an HC to mention publicly. Now, folks can argue whether Saleh meant that. Here is the quote from USA Today:

"However, head coach Robert Saleh saw something in his offensive line and the way they were attacking the Packers that made him believe the Jets were going to take control in the second half. That mentality was part of his halftime speech to his team and he shared some insight on that message with reporters after the game.

“The mindset to go 60 minutes,” said Saleh. “And to give them 60 percent more. And just keep giving them body blow after body blow after body blow. And just keep hitting them, keep hitting them in the mouth. O-line just keep pushing and just keep leaning on them and we felt like if we could just keep taking them down to deep water, they’ll find out they can’t swim. It was just a mindset. I thought our O-line was outstanding, especially in that fourth quarter. Just leaning on them, especially in the run game. I wish we would have punched one in at the end, but good job by them obviously holding up inside the 5.”

6 points
Coldworld's picture

April 01, 2023 at 11:22 am

It inevitably all gets sucked back in to the arguments over Barry and on O the lack of up tempo, the relative lack of plays from under center, of the use of Dillon too often from shotgun, the lack of a true fullback, of power blocking and do on. Is that LaFleur or was it forced on him or a mix of both. We will see now. I don’t know the answer, but I could see is regularly being the less physical team on both sides of the ball since LaFleur came in. That’s long enough ago now that the MM era shouldn’t be relevant. We will see now because there’s no other center of gravity (real or imagined) to confuse matters.

2 points
Coldworld's picture

April 01, 2023 at 11:22 am

It inevitably all gets sucked back in to the arguments over Barry and on O the lack of up tempo, the relative lack of plays from under center, of the use of Dillon too often from shotgun, the lack of a true fullback, of power blocking and do on. Is that LaFleur or was it forced on him or a mix of both. We will see now.

I don’t know the answer, but I could see us regularly being the less physical team on both sides of the ball since LaFleur came in. That’s long enough ago now that the MM era shouldn’t be relevant. We will see now because there’s no other center of gravity (real or imagined) to confuse matters.

1 points
LambeauPlain's picture

April 01, 2023 at 01:32 pm

Exclamation point and thumbs up!

Why would a HC constantly run AJD out of a dead stop? It drove me nuts. Mostly because he kept doing It.

5 points
jannes bjornson's picture

April 01, 2023 at 10:47 am

If the padded sequences exist, they have to be intense, not just shoving matches.

4 points
LambeauPlain's picture

April 01, 2023 at 01:28 pm

The CBA prevents live hitting and tackling, Cory? Because MLF doesn't do either during practices.

2 points
PatrickGB's picture

April 01, 2023 at 10:38 am

It’s interesting that Matt is now saying that he expects longer practices. Maybe he heard the critics and maybe he knows that younger players need more time in the field?

5 points
Coldworld's picture

April 01, 2023 at 10:52 am

Or could it be that he’s now free to run camp as he wanted? Or perhaps to install the O he wants, with all the movement etc that many have not seen now? Who knows? The only certainty is that it will be enlightening.

3 points
greengold's picture

April 01, 2023 at 11:02 am


Finally, we can get back to football, and nothing else, but football.

Really, LaFleur deservedly bought all the crap he's gotten from fans in his decision making and handling of AR. However, that was one helluva mind F to have to deal with. I'm cutting him a bunch of slack as a fan this season, supporting him 100%, and willing to see what he brings.

I can't wait. I'm going to that first practice, and I'm looking forward to seeing the changes in our players and how they all are being trained.

1 points
TKWorldWide's picture

April 01, 2023 at 01:52 pm

I might go to that first practice too.
I’ll be the guy in the green Packer shirt.

3 points
jannes bjornson's picture

April 01, 2023 at 12:05 pm

That is a reach....

-2 points
Oppy's picture

April 01, 2023 at 12:33 pm

Is it a reach?

Motion is a staple of MLF's offense. Rodgers likes the static front. What we saw for most of the last 3 years was a compromise.

Lining up in power formation and use of big sets, H-backs, etc.. Didn't see a lot of those. We saw a number of runs with AJ Dillon out of the shotgun (Rodgers preferred alignment...). I'm guessing on this one, but I don't think MLF calls for a lot of runs with a 240 lb back out of shotgun in his offense.

For better or for worse, I believe we see a noticeably different offense on the field in 2023. I don't think it's much of a stretch at all.

3 points
The_Baloney_Stops_Here's picture

April 01, 2023 at 07:20 pm

Bingo, Oppy. One only has to look at how he deployed Derrick Henry in Tennessee. There were very few shotgun runs. Mostly singleback, I-Form, and strong-I runs with qb under center. Got Henry out on the edge in space consistently where he could feast on overmatched dbs instead of running him right up the middle into a pile out of shotgun all the damn time. Ive said it for tbe last two years that the way they've deployed Dillon has been one of the most cringeworthy misuses of talent I have ever witnessed and that begins and ends with Rodgers. Whenever he was asked about Dillon all he ever talked about was Dillon's blocking or catching prowess. He didnt give a single f*** about Dillon's potential as a runner. Remember the tight formations they ran in 2019 and 2020 where the running backs regularly got the ball in space? Whatever happened to that? It all ended with the coup de teat of 2021. I'll never forgive Rodgers for that, nor will I ever forgive Murphy for allowing such a shitshow to occur under his watch. They should've told him to take his mvp trophies and go kick rocks.

2 points
StarrtoRodgers's picture

April 03, 2023 at 09:30 pm

"Ive said it for tbe last two years that the way they've deployed Dillon has been one of the most cringeworthy misuses of talent I have ever witnessed and that begins and ends with Rodgers. Whenever he was asked about Dillon all he ever talked about was Dillon's blocking or catching prowess. He didnt give a single f*** about Dillon's potential as a runner. Remember the tight formations they ran in 2019 and 2020 where the running backs regularly got the ball in space? Whatever happened to that? It all ended with the coup de teat of 2021. I'll never forgive Rodgers for that,"


With your so called "coup de teat" of 2021 Rodgers led the Packers to the best record in the NFC and home field advantage.

Yet you are full of hate and spew this ignorant nonsense.

In the 2 years before your so called "coup de teat" Rodgers - and apparently Lafleur - were 13-3 and 13-3 and in the NFC Champion game both years.

Yet you are full of hate and spew this ignorant nonsense.

Your sole criteria of success is winning the Super Bowl and what NFC quarterback has led their team to more Super Bowl wins than Aaron Rodgers during his 15 years as Packer starter?

As for Derrick Henry and the Titans, how many Super Bowls have they won?

0 points
LambeauPlain's picture

April 01, 2023 at 01:02 pm

I agree TGR. Another example is Jerry Gray, a former DC and a successful one for the Bills, who strongly disagreed with Barry Ball.

When the Packer DB played press man, Gray's preference, they were one of the best units in the NFL. When they played quarters, prevent zone, they were one of the worst in the NFL. Barry also rarely playing off ball pass D usually gave the opposing QB open targets most plays.

Certainly MLF knew this during the season and certainly after it ended. Yet Barry Ball remains for "continuity" and Gray leaves even after MLF asked him to stay. MLF seems more like a team arbiter/moderator to me...vs the Head Coach.

Sure, the defense played better late season due to TOs. Talented players create TOs, but to rely on them to overcome a soft, first down giving scheme as Barry Ball is, is high risk.

But MLF doesn't want to make waves, I Brian Flores plots how to beat him wearing the ugly purple.

3 points
Oppy's picture

April 01, 2023 at 01:18 pm

Anyone consider that maybe MLF doesn't have the authority to fire his coaches?

I'm just throwing it out there.. I mean, Murphy didn't allow his GM to hire his head coach. Maybe Murphy directs ALL personnel decisions through himself.

It's batshit crazy, but then.. So is Murphy stepping on Gutekunst's authority to hire his own HC.

-1 points
jurp's picture

April 01, 2023 at 02:04 pm

"Anyone consider that maybe MLF doesn't have the authority to fire his coaches?"

That would be a nightmare scenario. If true, why would ANY reputable head coach want to work here?

3 points
Oppy's picture

April 01, 2023 at 05:29 pm

If true, they wouldn't. At least not an established one.

0 points
BirdDogUni's picture

April 01, 2023 at 07:32 pm

One scared of never getting another prestigious HC job might though. Idk what Matt LaFleur is feeling right now, but unless he's a viable HC, he won't be around much longer. If he can put Jordan Love in position to win games and MaLF's defense lets him down, well, he won't be around much longer either.

Imagine having the most prestigious HC'ing job in the NFL and squandering the opportunity. I can't imagine Nathaniel Hackett getting another HC'ing job any time soon. If MaLF screws up his opportunity this year, he'll be back as someone's OC, but it will be years before he gets another HC'ing opportunity.

Gutey bet his career and MaLF's career on the play of Jordan Love. I'm hoping Love despite MaLF and Gutey plays well enough to save both their careers.

Kind of like how AR12 propped up MM and MaLF for years. Should be an interesting year, if nothing else.

1 points
Oppy's picture

April 02, 2023 at 11:49 am

McCarthy had a .610 win percentage with the Packers.
McCarthy has a .600 win percentage with Dallas so far.

That win percentage sure is close to the same.. .600 puts MM in the same mix as guys like Tom Landry, Bill Walsh, Mike Holmgren, etc.

Any assertion that Rodgers "Propped up" MM must come down to personal bias. I know it's a popular sentiment, and clearly the sample size with the Packers is roughly 3-4 times larger than that of the Cowboys, but if Rodgers "made" MM, certainly his win percentage would have fallen off a cliff without him.

-1 points
Oppy's picture

April 02, 2023 at 02:39 pm

Another thumbs down, but nothing to add to the conversation.

0 points
HarryHodag's picture

April 01, 2023 at 07:57 am

Here's another take: Matt LF was a good team player who put up with the arrogant nonsense of his quarterback. He had to lest the folks who pray to 12 each night would have MFL's head. I've read quite a few reports that more than half of the plays called were changed by Rodgers but that is, of course, unconfirmed.

I'm hoping 2023 will be a season where the defense is stout enough to give the offense a chance. We will see more of the offense we saw early in MLF's time.

5 points
Oppy's picture

April 01, 2023 at 01:20 pm

2022 was a season where the defense was stout enough to give the offense a chance.

I hate to be a broken record but.. the defense under performed, but the offense was legitimately bad.

Okay, that's not really fair. But the Offense shares blame with the defense for outcomes.

7 points
sjc28's picture

April 01, 2023 at 08:14 am

I don't think you can judge ML until the mess that is the salary cap and lack of talent that Murphy and Gutekunst have created is fixed Plus the DC needs to be replaced. I don't understand why everyone can see that but the front office. If the Packers have a 500 season I'd say he did well.

-3 points
LambeauPlain's picture

April 01, 2023 at 01:25 pm

Lack of talent? 7 first rounders on the Defense and Barry misused their talents. Smith Bros. and Amos?

Lack of talent? How come one ST coach can come in and use the talent given him and reverse 3 years of failure?

Lack of talent? Injuries torpedoed the OL but Bakht, Jenks, Myers, JRJ, Nijman/Tom is a good 6 man group when healthy. Turner was a solid get. Some promising young guys in the room too. AJ, AJD, Lazard, Watson, Doubs, Tonyan (when healthy), Lewis, Deguara (when he plays) are talented players.

The salary cap is a mess...but MLF had as much to do with it as Gutey did. I am certain he was telling Murphy to keep Rodgers around even if it "knee caps" the team down the road.

1 points
The_Baloney_Stops_Here's picture

April 01, 2023 at 07:59 pm

This fan base will never give Lafleur any credit. They'll trash him to the end just like they did with Mccarthy. Video games and fantasy football have tricked people into thinking they know better than the guys who dedicate their entire lives to this game.

-3 points
Guam's picture

April 01, 2023 at 08:35 am

"LaFleur is one of the best coaches in the NFL. Now it's his time to prove it."

This is an April Fool's joke, right?

We're talking about the same coach who hired Mennenga, Drayton and Barry. The same coach who can't make an in-game adjustment when a defense has stymied his original plan. The same coach who has fielded soft teams that get dominated in playoff games (or important play-in games) year in and year out.

I hope I am wrong, but I seriously doubt LaFleur is one of the best coaches in the NFL and this is the year we get to see him without a HOF QB covering his flaws. I believe 2023 is the year the Packers fix their salary cap, find their future with a new QB and fix the coaching staff. And yes, I am an optimist.

10 points
greengold's picture

April 01, 2023 at 10:21 am

You actually went there! I'm proud of you. I'm an optimist too, guardedly willing to see what he does now. The thought of canning him crossed my mind more than enough, which I found at odds with my ethos.

I'm not sure we've really seen all that Matt LaFleur can bring to the Packers.

Personally, I think LaFleur suffered from having to deal with a minefield of energy sucking minutiae, unnecessarily.

Mark Murphy, the kooky idiot guy, might as well have said that legendary day: "Be a problem." AR became an extraordinarily difficult personnel issue for our team. The distraction is more than likely gone, and along with it, the side show.

Now, it's about football again. (cleansing breath) (another)

LaFleur may flourish with Love at QB1, and vice versa. Hoping Bisaccia, in his new role as Assistant HC, will help LaFleur to hold Barry's feet to the fire for better results.

3 points
Guam's picture

April 01, 2023 at 10:53 am

My Packer heart tells me that LaFleur was burdened with a QB that didn't want to run his system and that we will see the real offensive guru this year; that he spent all of his time and energy working with Rodgers to the detriment of the rest of the team; and that LeFleur will bring out the best in Love and the Packers will have a successful season.

My head tells me otherwise for all of the reasons listed above. So yeah, I went there. I sincerely hope my heart is right and my head is wrong, but....

6 points
greengold's picture

April 01, 2023 at 11:09 am

LOL!!! Props to you, Guam!

I feel so very much the same. He's got the capacity to help a QB become the very best they can be. I just hope he's more than that - a real Head Coach - one that has his energy focused on the entirety of his team as charged, and smart enough to banish the hero ball BS we've had shoved down our throats for years.

Call smart football to win games. Lead your team onto its ultimate victory.

3 points
jannes bjornson's picture

April 01, 2023 at 10:49 am

4th and Inches...

3 points
dobber's picture

April 01, 2023 at 11:47 am

He just didn't make it the "if-then" statement it needed to be.

2 points
Coldworld's picture

April 01, 2023 at 08:57 am

This is the season of truth. What is LaFleur really?

Is he the win/loss record or the guy who couldn’t get two strong rosters over the line behind a Hall of Fame QB?

Is he the guy who drove the 2020 offense or the guy who put out the predictable and timid ineffective design of last year?

Is he an offensive savant or a guy who has been serially outcoached in big games and failed to adapt after being thrashed by the same opponent earlier in season?

Is he the guy who can bring in new talent or the guy whose teams make inexplicable personnel decisions in big games and over a season?

Is it him responsible for the incredible team-wide lack of preparedness in the first games of seasons or was Rodgers shaping his camps and his tactics?

Can he identify and groom coaching talent and know when to make changes? Drayton was on him, will Barry be?

Who really owned those teams and the win/loss record? Was it Rodgers or LaFleur calling the shots? Was it Rodgers giving what LaFleur wanted or Rodgers covering for him that primarily led to wins. If it was Rodgers’ team, can LaFleur recover it and make it his own?

No one really knows what LaFleur is. Now we will. Perhaps absent Rodgers he blossoms, but it’s equally possible that Rodgers is the only reason that he is still here.

Now we will see what LaFleur is. It may be a brief and ugly vision unless Rodgers really was truly toxic, because LaFleur couldn’t win with him in MVP years with much stronger rosters.

9 points
TKWorldWide's picture

April 01, 2023 at 09:14 am

Regarding your 7th paragraph: He can groom, no doubts there.

5 points
CoryJennerjohn's picture

April 01, 2023 at 09:17 am

Well played. Solid work.

1 points
greengold's picture

April 01, 2023 at 10:14 am

Yeah, that grooming game LaFleur brings is tight.

1 points
Johnblood27's picture

April 01, 2023 at 10:50 am

tight lettuce
positive flow

yup, the trifecta of HOF coaches...

6 points
dobber's picture

April 01, 2023 at 11:48 am least they're short paragraphs.

4 points
Since&#039;61's picture

April 01, 2023 at 03:59 pm

Cookie! Thanks, Since '61

1 points
PatrickGB's picture

April 01, 2023 at 09:24 am

Good questions, Cold, very good questions! I agree that.we will see who he really is when the staff and players thing gets sorted out.

1 points
jurp's picture

April 01, 2023 at 10:02 am

I call MLF "Scooter" for a reason, and it's not because he looks like he's 12 years old. We'll see if I'm prescient or just (handing this to stockholder gift-wrapped) a misguided jerk.

3 points
PatrickGB's picture

April 01, 2023 at 09:19 am

“ LaFleur has raised plenty of eyebrows in his first stint as a pro head coach. ” Well, he is the king of eyebrows!

My take on him is that, indeed, he did bring in a new culture. It’s friendly and supportive. However, sometimes a tough hard headed approach is needed. He hung on to poor coaches and players too long. In the attempt to have a cohesive locker room he let too many ineffective men stay in the organization. Yet, I did love his fresh approach to the offense and I do feel that he is one of the better coaches in the league. I believe that we have yet to see the true HC until Rodgers and Barry are gone. My hope is that he has learned things from Rich B.

4 points
TKWorldWide's picture

April 01, 2023 at 12:53 pm

Maybe (I don’t know, thus the ‘maybe’) there’s an assistant coach who’s the bad cop to MLF’s good cop.

1 points
PatrickGB's picture

April 01, 2023 at 02:35 pm

If there could be a “bad cop” then my best guess is that it’s Rich B.

0 points
jurp's picture

April 01, 2023 at 09:42 am

Cory, this is probably your worst column ever.

“Granted, the Packers did lose in embarrassing fashion to the Lions at home in a must-win game to advance to the playoffs.”

Yes, for the third year in a row we lost a game we needed to win. In 2020, it was the NFCCG;. In 2021 it was a Divisional Playoff (IIRC), and this year is was a regular-season win-and-in game. You might want to ask yourself why we’ve been bounced earlier each of those years. If it’s not the QB, then it’s the coaching, and Scooter isn't the coach you think he is.

“This is LaFleur’s time to really put his thumbprint on his team. “

Incorrect. The time to have done this was when he was hired. The fact that he didn’t is on Murphy and on him. Rodgers should never have been allowed to have been the influence that he was.

“He will certainly help him out by making his [Love's] job easier”

Assumption. He sure didn’t make Love’s job easier against KC in 21. I would hope that Scooter now knows that he rises or falls based on his QB.

“And that’s what should be motivating LaFleur right now. He needs to win the divorce, and by proxy, the Packers will ultimately win.”

Are you serious? The “divorce” may be a chip on Scooter’s shoulder, but if he’s this childish that he's bothered by the activities of a QB WHO IS NO LONGER ON THE TEAM then he has no business being in professional football. What should be motivating Scoter is preparing his team to get to and WIN a Super Bowl. Who gives a shit was Rodgers does?

“LaFleur is one of the best coaches in the NFL. Now it’s his time to prove it.   “

Contradiction. Scooter can’t be both one of the best coaches in the NFL and have to prove that he’s one of the best coaches. Correct phrasing: LaFleur SHOULD BE one of the best coaches in the NFL. Now it’s his time to prove it. 

3 points
Coldworld's picture

April 01, 2023 at 10:59 am

Has there ever been a coach with this long a tenure (12th in the NFL now I think) who has so many unanswerable questions about his merit and capabilities? The extent of the shadow cast by Rodgers, real or imagined, over LaFleur has to be unique.

1 points
Leatherhead's picture

April 01, 2023 at 12:02 pm

Coldworld, people are going to believe what they want to believe, and they're going to doubt what they want to doubt.

Personally, I believe Gutekunst is a good, but not perfect, coach, at least as far as the Xs and Os are concerned. I have no idea of what kind of a motivator he is.

Strategically, I think he's ahead of his time in some areas that aren't understood (such as realizing it's better to have a team run for 5 than throw for 7), using the offense to shorten the game and keep the defense off the field, and closing out games. I'm not sure how many games we've lost when we had a lead in the 4th quarter, but it isn't many. The playoff game v SF comes to mind.

-3 points
The_Baloney_Stops_Here's picture

April 01, 2023 at 07:39 pm

Cmon CW. I generally appreciate most of your points but the MLF bashing is becoming too much. No hes not Lombardi or Belichick or Parcells and he never will be. Those kinds of coaches are a dying breed whether we like it or not. But the fact is, everywhere hes been his guys succeed with flying colors. Rodgers isnt even the first qb he helped to win an MVP. Helped Matt Ryan to his first and only mvp and made a super bowl. Derrick Henry was trending towards bust status till Lafleur showed up in Tennessee. Goff had 2 of his best seasons with Lafleur as OC in LA. Rodgers' appeared to be on the downturn till Lafleur showed up and saved his career too. Hes also helped guide Love's development every step of the way while also having to manage Rodgers' insatiable ego. The guy has nothing left to prove to you or anyone else. He's our guy and 3 13 win seasons to start his career as a Head Coach should buy him at least a little appreciation. I dont think thats asking for too much. And yet people here are talking about him like hes a moron whos completely out of his element. I really dont get it. The fact I even have to say all this is silly. Take a look around the NFL. We could do a hell of a lot worse.

0 points
Coldworld's picture

April 02, 2023 at 10:36 am

I was not bashing. Why? Because despite my suspicions, there’s no longer any need to suppose. We are going to see what LaFleur is as a Head Coach.

He’s stuck with a coaching staff I’ve got some questions about, but it’s his choice. That will be tested now. He’s not got Rodgers, so even if that was a major obstacle, he can now definitely run the O he wants, chose his game plans freely, use the formations, players and calls he wants without any obstacle.

The stage is set to find out if LaFleur has it as a leader, as an offensive strategist, in game tactician. He has free rein and we will have unobscured vision of how that looks and performs.

Those questions I posed will inevitably be answered to a considerable degree. If you are right, we surpass expectations and if not, we’ll then it’s going to be brutally clear that there’s more change needed.

It’s going to be a very interesting and enlightening summer and season. No need to bash now, the truth is coming.

0 points
White92's picture

April 01, 2023 at 03:11 pm

So many horrible decisions. All pro return guy sits on the bench while a fumble machine costs them game after game. Coach "didn't know what we had"?? Excuse me, isn't that your farking job??

Home playoff chokes, going for 4th and 1 in the first half deep in your own territory with a 3-0 lead??

This guy sucks and should be gone along with the GM

0 points
The_Baloney_Stops_Here's picture

April 01, 2023 at 07:45 pm

White, Bissacca coached Keesian Nixon for 3 whole seasons BEFORE coming to Green Bay and still had no idea Nixon was capable of being a playmaker like that. So please explain to me how thats Lafleur's fault? I dont think ive ever heard a fan base crucify its own coaches and front office this bad after winning 8 games. Did i miss something? Is this team picking 1st in the draft with no hope of competing anytime soon? Everything went wrong last year and this team still grinded out 8 wins last year. That is 100% a positive reflection of coaching. Hell even Marcedes Lewis said the only reason he came back was for Lafleur. The perception in this comment section is not consistent with reality.

1 points
White92's picture

April 02, 2023 at 07:56 pm

Man I just don't see it with this MLF guy and I hope like hell I'm wrong.

Shouldn't he have been turning over every rock to find a better return man? Shouldn't he have cut loose the ST coach before special teams cost them a home playoff game? Was Joe Barry Caroll the best D coordinator available? Gosh wouldn't Vic Fangio have been nice?

How about the London fiasco? Every team in the league takes a bye after that trip except this genius. I'm assuming he was a large part in that decision. Shockingly they went on a loosing streak after.

Seriously, how do you go for forth and 1 on your own 33 in the first quarter, up 3-0 and call an end around? I think that had to be the worst set of decisions I've seen in 50 years of watching football.

The playoff disasters are really the most glaring failures. You couldn't really even blame the defense after the 3 picks from the GOAT, yet MLF seemingly did by firing the D coordinator.

As bad as folks hated McCarthy, they generally showed up for big games. Even the Seattle loss which he takes a lot of flak for, was a game they nearly pulled off. No one in the national media gave them any chance and but for a botched onsides kick, they win that game.

Maybe not having Rodgers around will somehow help him, but personally I think not having Rodgers will expose how bad MLF really is.

1 points
PASSdaRELISH's picture

April 01, 2023 at 10:03 am

I admit I’m not a believer in MLF, I feel that being a head coach is too big for him. For starters, loose practices with fun music doesn’t sound to me like a team that’s priority is winning football games. Sounds more like a atmosphere which breeds mediocrity. But then again if you don’t coddle today’s player’s they’ll be offended and take a knee and then demand to be traded. MLF hasn’t shown enough creativity in his play designs, especially in the redzone. I also feel the players view him as a pushover, the rest of the team seen how he was too afraid to ever yank AR from a game for doing his own thing. I hope I’m very wrong about my views of MLF and that they can turn things around over the next two or three years. If and when they do I’ll be the first to post again admitting I was wrong.

3 points
jurp's picture

April 01, 2023 at 10:06 am

"For starters, loose practices with fun music doesn’t sound to me like a team that’s priority is winning football games" I agree; it sounds to me more like a summer camp for privileged children than a football training camp. Which, to be fair, may be the same thing these days...

0 points
Johnblood27's picture

April 01, 2023 at 10:57 am

I am sick of the impact of the NFLPA on the reduction in quality of play in the NFL.

Contract = shit.

If the union protects the players and they fight tooth and nail for the alterations we have seen, as a coach with my ability to influence my team being whittled away, I make use of every second to do what I KNOW the team NEEDS to succeed.

More discipline in the times and practices allotted.
As much hitting as absolutely allowed in TC and early in the season.
The players will address the coaches as Coach or Sir, absolutely NO first name/nickname bullshit.
The players get respected quite a bit on each and every payday. They need to reciprocate that respect in a professional manner by DOING THEUR JOBS to the utmost of their abilities and it is a qualified coach's duty to drive them to do so.

Fun only comes with positive results which means only ONE thing - WINNING.

-1 points
TarynsEyes's picture

April 01, 2023 at 10:23 am

"LaFleur is one of the best coaches in the NFL. Now it’s his time to prove it."

This is the problem with some. You crowned MLF, and now need him to prove himself worthy of the crown. This thinking only ensures us that the number of questions concerning him are many, and the reason for those questions is strongly tied to Rodgers., and that crowning of HC's, and players in GB, are often premature. So much so, at times, the false 'happy endings' are preferred over performing the actual act of performing first.

It's quite apparent that much of the belief in MLF is flawed, and will take a huge amount of success to erase the Rodgers' effect and to even think a crown should be placed, legitimately, upon his head.

Is it fair to erase the three 13–3 seasons from his resume? Not completely, but we all know, however distasteful that knowing is today, that Rodgers had a huge hand in that, ultimately unsuccessful success story, both good and bad.

MLF is now being asked to swim without his safety float alone when the float was linking air last year and the apparent full-blown drowning was somewhat prevented, or was it, really.

Billy Beane, in Monetball, told Art Howe, If you don't win the last game, nobody gives a shit. The way the Packers didn't get to win the last game, makes me not give a shit about MLF's previous seasons records. It tells me that Rodgers and MLF played a big part in all those horrible losses equally, and now we'll get to see which one actually was/is the more culpable.

Any level of failure for the Packers will reflect deeply on MLF and his future, whereas Rodgers' needs only one good year in NY to show it wasn't him, and raise his arms in victory. I don't know about the many here, but MLF better have a huge season with Love. I want him to in my heart, but my head just can't get around it, yet. Does that make me, not a real fan? Does it mean I have still, not once, been behind the team?

7 points
Johnblood27's picture

April 01, 2023 at 11:01 am

I like this new softer, kinder Taryn...

did you get laid?

0 points
TarynsEyes's picture

April 01, 2023 at 11:33 am

Whenever I

-2 points
Johnblood27's picture

April 01, 2023 at 11:45 am

I gotta work for it.

Makes me a bit testy at times.

-1 points
TarynsEyes's picture

April 01, 2023 at 12:03 pm

Your hands must be very callused from the work, and why you're testy. It's not really a happy end, no matter what.

3 points
Johnblood27's picture

April 02, 2023 at 03:55 pm

Thats a bit personal.

0 points
Heyward's picture

April 01, 2023 at 01:34 pm

LaFleur deserves credit for all those 13-3 seasons, but remember, Mike Sherman also won a lot o games with a Hall of Fame quarterback, and he never got another head coaching job in the NFL.

2 points
jont's picture

April 01, 2023 at 10:31 am

There's always plenty of blame to go around at divorce time and rarely any point to looking back and apportioning it so I am not fully on board with the framing, Cory, but IMO your core point is solid. Without a HOF QB the coach's contribution is even more important than usual, and we'll all try to see how this plays out in the coming season.

I am looking forward to the season-- as I always do-- with the added interest of the short yardage calls and guessing whether it really has been Rodgers switching out of called runs.

2 points
Johnblood27's picture

April 01, 2023 at 11:04 am

I am a fan of getting the OL "lathered up" in a game before getting too finesse-related with cutesy 'play calls'.

Let the players establish a physical presence in a game that ISPHYSICAL, then use the illusion of complexity play calls.

The lather is transferrable.

The cutesy stuff is not.

0 points
Fubared's picture

April 01, 2023 at 11:27 am

I agree his his shit show and time we see if this guy can coach. Any coach with a Brady and Mahomes can look good if they handle it right and provide them with players aroung them. Brady and Mahomes had decent offensive and defensive players around them and thats coaching and GM work.
It aint all on LeFleur but if Gutt F's up the drafts, LeFleur hands my be tied. We will have to see come September I guess.

-4 points
Since&#039;61's picture

April 01, 2023 at 11:30 am

As an NFL HC MLF has always been on his own or at least he should have been. Rodgers or not his teams have not played with a sense of urgency in most of their games especially the playoff games and during the play in game last season. Even when the Packers won games they rarely did so in a dominating fashion. Yes, they blew out a few opponents like the Bears but again they are the Bears. He has been outcoached by first year coaches on numerous occasions. His team has been unprepared for their playoff games and against the stronger teams on the regular season schedule.

His decision making from his coach hirings to unexplicable OL changes have been highly questionable at best and have usually failed badly. Another consistent feature of the MLF HC era has been undisciplined play especially on the defensive side of the ball. In my 60+ plus years of watching the NFL I have never seen a player strike or push a non-uniforme d attendant coming off the sidelines to assist an injured player. Nor have I ever seen a defensive player go up to the LOS and push the ball away from the Center. Both those plays happened in the same game!!! During the MLF era I have seen the Packers have more blocked kicks, punts and FGs, then I think that I have seen in all my previous Packer seasons combined. It's ridiculous. 41 dropped passes in 2022. Unacceptable.

Same mistakes made on both sides of the ball game after game. There are issues that we ca blame Rodgers for but the items that I have mentioned are coaching issues. No excuses. Especially when they are chronic mistakes which do not appear to be addressed.

If MLF with his assistants can get the team to play with a sense of urgency and discipline and at least reduce the stupid decisions that could be enough to keep the Packers in contention regardless of how well Love plays.

The issue with the MLF offense is not a matter of whether or not it is an effective offensive scheme, it it a matter of how well it is executed. Execution starts with OL play then RBs hitting the holes or adjusting, and the receivers running their routes correctly and on time and of course the QB releasing the ball accurately and on time. In 2023, especially early in the season, the inexperience of the receiving corps may be an issue in terms of running their routes correctly and on time. Watson should be fine. But Doubs and Toure will essentially be rookies and any receivers who we add during the draft will obviously be rookies. This should improve over the course of the season and reach the point where the offense can stay on track but I think that it will be a factor early in the season. Once again the Packers may need the defense and STs to keep them in games during the early past of the season. Time will tell. Thanks, Since '61

5 points
Johnblood27's picture

April 01, 2023 at 11:44 am

who is this MLF person?

Don't you mean Matt LaChooch?

-3 points
Since&#039;61's picture

April 01, 2023 at 12:20 pm

Yes Johnblood27 I do mean Matt LaChooch. But maybe I'll give him a break until the season begins and see if he has learned anything yet after 4 seasons as an NFL HC. Anything can happen. You never know he just may figure out a few things. We'll see. Thanks, Since '61

-3 points
jannes bjornson's picture

April 01, 2023 at 12:27 pm

So ,not an endorsement of His contract extension...

1 points
Since&#039;61's picture

April 01, 2023 at 02:07 pm

Jannes no not exactly. I think that the promotion of Biscaccia is a subtle seat warmer for MLF. If the Packers falter during the 2023 season I can see the Packers making the move to Bisaccia as an interim HC and maybe to HC for the 2024 season.

Bisaccia did a creditable job when he took over in Oakland and I think he would give the Packers the sense of urgency which the team has been lacking for last several seasons. He might also be able to hire some legit NFL assistants for both the DC and OC roles.

One game at a time. It's far too soon to have any sense of how the 2023 will play out. Thanks, Since '61

2 points
LeotisHarris's picture

April 01, 2023 at 08:19 pm

I dunno, '61. Looks like Bisaccia had loose practices with fun music as interim Raiders HC. HUGE RED FLAG! No fun! No music!

Everyone knows cham-peen-ship foot-baw teams are only produced via fear, relentless punishment, and discipline. All reports out of Raiderland said the players loved him! Can't have that. Players these days must be treated like replaceable commodities so fans can wear their NFL gear to Golden Corral with their heads held high.

If MLF falters this season, we need a Dan Campbell/Bill Belichick/Buddy Ryan hybrid; a man who will unapologetically hire Matt Patricia as OC and throw a season away just because he can; a towering, talking bicep who can be seen as the Messiah after going 9-8; a human carbuncle who'll throat-punch a fellow coach on the sideline.

As you said, one game at a time. Captain Touchback and his $60 million annual salary will continue to steer the League for fun and profit, and we'll stay tuned, or not. Honestly, like we're discussed in the past, I've never been closer to walking away from the NFL.

6 points
Since&#039;61's picture

April 02, 2023 at 10:21 am

Great post Leotis! I'd much prefer to have a HC that the players love and want to play hard for than the Dan Campbell/Belichick/Buddy Ryan types. Among current coaches I'm an Andy Reid guy. He's smart, he like Lombardi understands that coaching is actually teaching. He is demanding but he knows when to let up and gives his players the chance to have fun.

I think that Bisaccia is that kind of guy as well. I'm not saying that he is or would be as good of an HC as Redi but he is in a similar mode. I think that is what the Packers need now. They need an HC who shows the team that he knows what he is doing, that he can make sound football decisions and can get the best from his players. MLF has not that yet, at least not to me. He still seems like an OC is an HC role. His hiring of assistants has proven that for now until the hiring of Bisaccia which we don't even know if that was his decision.

As for the NFL I regretfully adit that I don't see the product becoming any better while Goodell is here. I recently read and heard that the league is now considering Tuesday and Wednesday night games. A decision that can only be about yet another money grab for the league which is totally unnecessary. If they continue on their current path they will learn that when a pig becomes a hog it gets slaughtered.

No matter what, even when the day comes when I walk away from the league, which I believe will come, I will remain a Packer fan and always hope for the best for them. For now the Jordan Love era is upon us and hopefully it will bring further success for the Packers and their historic tradition. Stay well.
Thanks, Since '61

2 points
Coldworld's picture

April 02, 2023 at 10:51 am

It’s pretty hard to argue with the efficacy of the Bellicheck approach.

Overall my take is I don’t care if a leader is liked as long as he’s not hated. Too close and problems multiply fast and too disliked and things fall apart. The critical factor isn’t liking but respect for the man and belief in his abilities to win.

Lombardi may have thrived in a bygone age, but I doubt any player would have referred to him as a buddy, but the fact is that they visibly respected and believed in him and went out and laid it on the line for him consistently.

Being overly liked or despised are both red flags. The real test is how do players play for their coach over seasons? How much fire and heart do they show when things go against them and consistently over the season? That is the measure.

1 points
Since&#039;61's picture

April 02, 2023 at 01:08 pm

Agree Coldworld. Respect is the key characteristic which any HC needs to earn from his players. It is earned by having integrity and in being consistent (fair) with how any leader treats their people. At least that where it starts IMO and in my experience. Open, honest and on going communication is the next key.

My three Cs for leadership; Commitment, communication and consistency. Of course there are numerous other factors, such as my aforementioned integrity, but I believe that these 3 characteristics apply to HCs as well as many other leadership roles.
Thanks, Since '61

1 points
Coldworld's picture

April 01, 2023 at 05:35 pm

I’ve said many of the same things for a while, as you probably know. However, this year a mix of fatalism (LaFleur is not going anywhere, he’s Murphy’s man) and opportunity to see LaFleur unvarnished have intervened. I know what I expect is most likely, but there’s no need to expect now. One way or another LaFleur has no option to show if he’s the guy who was oppressed by Rodgers and Murphy or should never have been hired by Murphy at all and is probably a big reason for the misses that led us to where we are now.

This preseason and season is the equivalent of the day of reckoning for LaFleur. It could be a transformative emergence, it could be as ugly as it gets. He has no honeymoon. He has no one to blame. We need to be out, prepared, good schemes and productive on both sides of the ball, show we can plan better than opponents and adjust in game.

2 points
BirdDogUni's picture

April 01, 2023 at 06:01 pm

We better hope Rich Bisaccia is up to the task then. ; )

2 points
greengold's picture

April 01, 2023 at 06:28 pm

And, can we let the GM pick his own HC to work with, Please?

1 points
greengold's picture

April 01, 2023 at 06:26 pm

Case of cookies for you.

0 points
croatpackfan's picture

April 01, 2023 at 11:31 am

I just heard on you tube that Tom Brady is unretiring and going back to Patriots.

-2 points
dobber's picture

April 01, 2023 at 11:55 am

"I just heard on you tube..."

Ah, youtube...that bastion of news quality and reliability. ;)

4 points
Since&#039;61's picture

April 01, 2023 at 12:26 pm

Maybe YouTube is picking up the Fox News approach of lying to their audience because they don't know any better anyway. Why have any respect for your audience if they believe whatever baloney you make up and accept it as accurate?

However in the case of Brady, "where there's smoke." Thanks, Since '61

0 points
jannes bjornson's picture

April 01, 2023 at 12:33 pm

When the Cult is a captured audience, any Element of Truth presented by the promoters could lead to Cardiac Arrest. I did hear He wanted to retire as a Patriot. The crypto losses have chewed up some of the cash flow...

3 points
LambeauPlain's picture

April 01, 2023 at 01:46 pm

So are you glued to ESPN, CNN and MSNBC....because they always report the truth?

-6 points
Since&#039;61's picture

April 01, 2023 at 02:36 pm

Lambeau Plain - I don't watch very much TV or TV news in the first place.

My news outlets include but are not limited to: NPR, PBS, Reuters News Network, Bloomberg, The Economist, The Financial Times, WSJ, NY Times, The Atlantic, BBC, The New Yorker, New York Magazine, ArtNews, CSIS, Brookings, The Rand Corporation, The Center for Strategic Leadership and oOrganizational Coherence, JAMA, NEJM, Sports Illustrated, and of course CHTV. I have other sources but they are industry sources from my working years prior to retirement. No need to bore anyone with those.

As you will note most of the these sources are periodicals which I subscribe to and/or organizations where I have a fellowship or a membership. I also do my own research and I still have access to my research team at my company where I still have an equity share. The medical and art periodicals I follow because my son and daughter-in-law are doctors and because my daughter is a performing musician with the NY Philharmonic. Plus my wife, a musician in her own right, has subscribed to Art related periodicals for years.

If there is a crisis where I need immediate information or headlines I'll go to CBS radio in the car, CBS TV at home. I grew up in a Walter Cronkite household or CNN if I am traveling. Outside the US CNN International is a reliable source and every country I have been in has an English speaking CNN affiliate which could be critical if traveling outside the US during an emerging crisis. 9/11 being an excellent example of needing CNN. Fox was nowhere to be found where I was at the time. The US State Department website also does an excellent job of keeping US citizens advised of emerging events in every country and is an excellent resource for US citizens.

My approach to the news is for information that I can actually use and act upon. Not to have someone shouting at me because they believe that having the loudest voice means they must be correct and must be listened to. News should be a tool to inform and in some cases advise. It should not be a forum for telling their audience what to think and/or what they should believers or how they should behave. I also don't need or want a news venue that tells me what I think want to hear. I need news that is informing and updating me about what I don't know or expect.

Shouting at the audience and deliberately and knowingly lying to the their audience is not news. It is a lack of respect for their audience, and it is abusive to their intellect and their interest in learning the truth assuming that they want the truth in the first place. If not what are they watching or listening for? More importantly now that they (FOX) have admitted that they knew they were lying to their audience why would anyone defend them or continue to watch them? Unless of course they don't mind or care about being lied to. Sadly that is a distinct possibility. It is easier to hear the lies or to need the lies than to face the truth.

So my short answer is no I'm not glued to any news channel. I prefer to read for the most part. It is much more satisfying to me and I remember the content much better.

I'll leave with this, "The truth has no chance when a fool chooses to believe a lie." Mark Twain.
Thanks, Since '61

4 points
jannes bjornson's picture

April 02, 2023 at 10:11 am

A dash of Project Syndicate, Lawfare, The Congressional Record, Pro Publica, Wall Street on Parade, The Council on Foreign Relations, Talking Points Memo, Economic Policy Institute, Science, Nature, etc and beaucoup more Journals would really enhance Their worldview....

1 points
The_Baloney_Stops_Here's picture

April 02, 2023 at 11:05 am

CFR huh? Probably the single biggest collection of scumbaggery in this country. Im guessing you never saw the video of Joe Biden at the CFR openly bragging how he strongarmed Ukraine by leveraging a billion dollars in federal aid we were supposed to give them in exchange for Ukraine firing a prosecutor who had been investigating him and his son's dirty dealings with Ukraine energy companies that were nothing more than elite slush funds created by Obama and Podesta using our tax dollars. And dont take this as im a republican either. All politicians are scum and theres plenty of republicans at the CFR too.

Heres the video so you can see it for yourself. Thats our president.

-1 points
jannes bjornson's picture

April 02, 2023 at 12:46 pm

Toss in Foreign Affairs and Foreign Policy to your reading list., or The Air Force will give you an Idea on contemporary strategy and deployments. Burisma is in Competition with Gazprom, Putin's and the autocrats's company. I do not speak Russian.

3 points
jurp's picture

April 01, 2023 at 11:56 am

As of March 17, he was definitely staying retired, per a video he released then. I cannot see any news of this new unretirement anywhere.

3 points
Leatherhead's picture

April 01, 2023 at 12:05 pm

So that division will have Brady, Allen, Tua, and Rodgers. You tell me who you think is going to be the worst QB in that division.

I'll give you a hint: It won't be Brady, with Belichek. It won't be Allen.

0 points
Since&#039;61's picture

April 01, 2023 at 12:23 pm

I have not seen this confirmed anywhere. It may just be fake news like everything on Fox News. Maybe You tube picked it up from Fox. Thanks, Since '61

1 points
Since&#039;61's picture

April 01, 2023 at 06:10 pm

Croat thanks for sending this over. Still nothing being reported anywhere else at this time. Thanks, Since '61

4 points
croatpackfan's picture

April 02, 2023 at 02:58 am

Well, I forgot that yesterday was fools day. Maybe I byte one! 🤦‍♂️

5 points
Since&#039;61's picture

April 02, 2023 at 09:37 am

No worries Croat. Thanks, Since '61

2 points
LambeauPlain's picture

April 01, 2023 at 12:38 pm

If not April Fool's and is true...Rodgers may retire after all. I can't see him retiring the same year as the GOAT and sharing the HOF stage with him.

-1 points
Oppy's picture

April 01, 2023 at 12:58 pm

I dislike ACR as much if not more than anyone, but I'm seemingly in the minority that think Rodgers doesn't give a rip about retirement in the same year as Brady.

Sure, I think Rodgers thinks it's all about the A-Rodge, all the time.. but then, he probably would think it was cool if the two greatest NFL QB's of all time rode off into the sunset together as well.

It would be like a big Bromance. Plus, he'd get to listen to Brady tell the world that Rodgers is the more talented QB during his acceptance speech.

But seriously, I just don't think Rodgers cares about sharing a podium with Brady.

7 points
marpag1's picture

April 01, 2023 at 05:35 pm

No, you're not in the minority. it's clearly a wildly unfounded dig coming from people with an agenda.

Like you, I'm ready to wave goodbye to Arod, but the HOF slam is just stupid.

6 points
fair_weather's picture

April 01, 2023 at 11:32 am

I wish him the best. GPG!

0 points
Heyward's picture

April 01, 2023 at 01:31 pm

"Scraping together" a barely .500 season (9-8) would be a heck of an accomplishment. I think 5 or 6 wins is a lot more likely.

-1 points
BirdDogUni's picture

April 01, 2023 at 02:44 pm

"LaFleur is one of the best coaches in the NFL. Now it’s his time to prove it."

I don't believe this for a second.

A good HC doesn't have Amari Rodgers returning punts and kicks for weeks when he's trash.

A good HC doesn't have Newman playing RG when it's obvious to everyone but him he's overmatched and unserviceable.

A good HC designs better plays, calls better plays, and expects his players to implement those plays.

A good HC could see his DC was/is trash and replace him, like he did Pettine.

I hope I'm wrong. I hope MaLF makes a jump of his own and becomes the HC the Pack needs, but I won't hold my breath.

5 points
BirdDogUni's picture

April 01, 2023 at 06:29 pm


"If LaFleur is one of the best coaches in the NFL. Now it's time to prove it."


I'm still having a tough time buying MaLF is in the top 20 HCs.

3 points
Leatherhead's picture

April 01, 2023 at 07:13 pm

Well, you're going to have to define your parameters. Usually, that W/L record counts the most. By that standard, he's one of the best coaches in the NFL.

And a well-coached team usually doesn't turn it over much, or get a lot of penalties, and that tracks too.

Your Dad was a coach, and so was I. I'm really reluctant to criticize coaches for not being perfect, because the officials and the players make mistakes, too.

I see coaches doing stupid stuff every week in the NFL, and LaFleur probably does less stupid stuff than most. He closes games out; when we get that lead in the second half, he starts to close out the game and he's good at it, and we rarely lose.....even though we play soft zone defense, etc. The object is to win the game, and LaFleur gets the W.

1 points
BirdDogUni's picture

April 01, 2023 at 08:44 pm

Oh, I agree with you Lh. I've done my share of coaching too, but most of it was years ago. I agree the W/L record is on MaLF's side and the Turnover battle was also won most of the time.

But, was the winning and low turnovers because MaLF had a HOF QB? Or his coaching? Did AR12 make MaLF or did MaLF make AR12? I'm pretty sure AR12 was who he was going to be back in 2016, well before MaLF thought of being a HC.

Now. I am willing to root for Matt as long as he's, our HC. I wish him well. I hope he becomes the greatest HC in Packer history. He started young enough and if he does learn from his mistakes, makes a jump in his coaching acumen, and brings Jordan Love along for the ride, it is definitely possible.

Is MaLF the new Bill Belichick? IDK. Is he the next Sean Payton? Could be. I surely hope he is. I think Jordan Love might be just the QB that MaLF could ride along on his coat tails to become the coach he needs to be and if Gutey gives both Love and MaLF enough weapons to make them dangerous, I think they could easily become a dynamic HC/QB duo.

I have seen glimpses of genius from MaLF. I hope he is working overtime on ways to make his and Jordan Love's life easier. If he doesn't, it could be a long season, and I would hate to see him on the outside looking in.

3 points
cdoemel's picture

April 01, 2023 at 06:41 pm

If you’re in your 30s or 40s, Rogers is all you’ve ever known. I understand. But GBP > any player. It’s life. Players come and go. Rodgers is just another one of them. He’s gone. Time to tool up for 2023!

4 points
The_Baloney_Stops_Here's picture

April 01, 2023 at 06:59 pm

For the love of Pete, all the people here who took this article as an excuse to trash every coach on this team not named Bisacca needs to take a breath. This team still managed to win 8 games last year despite getting some of the worst qb play in the league, injuries everywhere, and a whole lot of bad bounces. Despite all that, they were still in nearly every game they lost and fought till the end. If a non-football fan were to come and read these comments, they would undoubtedly assume were talking about one of the worst teams in football, which is completely inconsistent with reality. Please, for your own sakes, get a grip. Its a new year and a new era. Try to enjoy it.

-3 points
StarrtoRodgers's picture

April 03, 2023 at 07:11 pm

"For the love of Pete, all the people here who took this article as an excuse to trash every coach on this team not named Bisacca needs to take a breath. This team still managed to win 8 games last year despite getting some of the worst qb play in the league"

TBSH, Why did this team go 13-3, 13-3, and 13-4 in 2019, 2020, and 2021?

And in 2018, which quarterback set the all time NFL record for fewest interceptions in a season for a quarterback with more than 500 pass attempts despite playing for a team that:

1) Had the 22nd ranked defense of 32 teams in the NFL

2) Is only 1 of 2 teams (the other the Seahawks) that in the last 20 years has not drafted a wide receiver in the first round

And don't kid yourself the overwhelming majority of Pro Bowl receivers are selected in the 1st round

Note: Of the 80 first-round receivers, 16 (20%) have been selected to multiple Pro Bowls, including 11 with at least four. In the final six rounds, 562 receivers were drafted. Of that huge group, 19 (3.38%) have been selected to multiple Pro Bowls, including eight with at least four.

And in 2019, which quarterback placed 2nd all time - 2nd to himself - for fewest interceptions in a season for a quarterback with more than 500 pass attempts while leading the Packers to a 13-3 record and into the NFC Championship game?

And what General Manager - without speaking to this quarterback about his draft plans - traded up to choose the quarterback who had led all of college football in interceptions that year?

And in 2020, which quarterback, placed 3rd all time - to himself in 1st and 2nd place - for fewest interceptions in a season for a quarterback with more than 500 pass attempts while leading the Packers to a 13-3 record and best record in the NFC and into the NFC Championship game?

And in 2021, which quarterback, placed 4th all time - to himself in 1st and 2nd place and 3rd place - for fewest interceptions in a season for a quarterback with more than 500 pass attempts while leading the Packers to a 13-3 record and best record in the NFC and into the NFC Championship game?

I expect Jordan Love, who will be in his 4th year of football in 2023 with the Packers to equal or exceed the performance of Aaron Rodgers in Aaron's 4th year of football with the Packers in 2008.

Packers were 3 and 1 before Rodgers broke his thumb year and 13-3, 13-3 and 13-4 the 3 years prior and unless Packer management continues to rip the team apart the Packer 2023-24 team will be better than the 2021-22 Packer team every where other than maybe receiver and tight end depending on how 2022's and 2-023's draft picks wok out.

Whereas Rodgers in 2008 was 6th out of 32 starters in passer rating and threw 28 touchdowns and 13 interceptions and for over 4,000 yards in 16 games we shall see what Jordan does in 17 games. Should be much easier for Jordan as QBs are more protected than they were in 2008. Packers defense in 2007 was ranked6th and gave up 291 points and in 2008 the Packers defense was ranked 22nd and gave up 380 points

Aaron as the true Packer fan will remember opened 2008 and his career as Packer starter with an 18 for 22 , 1 Td, 0 Int, 115.5 passer rating Packer 24-19 win at Lambeau vs. the Vikings and followed it with a 3 Td 0 Int 117 passer rating 48-25 Packer victory in Detroit. Aaron then severely injured his right throwing shoulder against Tampa in Tampa and he was limited in practice the next month, but still played through it.

Disrespecting Davante before the 2021 season after 7 years of loyal service by not signing him to a long term contract then trying to franchise him - and put him at risk of injury in his prime earning years - and then watching Davante - out of anger - sign with the Raiders for less money - clearly signaled MVS and Lazard and others that they were not valued by the Packers, but Rodgers has trained the new rookies - Watson, Doubs. and Toure -and with the 2 1st round picks used on Jaxon Smith-Njigba and Darnell Washngton and hopefully Cobb and Lewis back for team morale and veteran leadership - if mgmt hasn't alienated them too by their treatment of Adams, Valdez Scantling, Lazard, Rodgers, MVS, Tonyan, Barnes, Jarran Reed, and others - Love has a good crew around him - capable of going to the Super Bowl this year were Rodgers at the helm.

Expectations should be for Love to perform as well as Rodgers in 2008

0 points
Ron61's picture

April 02, 2023 at 07:12 am

Just as Disney publicly turned their back on their franchise actor Johnny Depp so has GB refused to help Rodgers then publicly turned their back on him. Let that sink in Packer fans.
After three consecutive 13-3 seasons and Super Bowl favs, GUTE has been hindering Rodgers efforts to GB another title.
This is a WIN NOW NFL and Rodgers had GB in the mix year after year despite GUTE’S meddling. His ignorant waste of a first round pick on Love was a prime example.
At a time when Rodgers needed one more piece of the puzzle this idiot was drafting for the future with a project QB was not the impact player GB needed to get that Ring.
Rodgers has been openly expressing his feelings about GUTE for years while GUTE used his position to demonize one of the legends of the game.

-2 points
The_Baloney_Stops_Here's picture

April 02, 2023 at 11:11 am

Is this satire? I really hope this is satire.

4 points
StarrtoRodgers's picture

April 03, 2023 at 06:22 pm

It is reality, time for you to wake up to it.

0 points
Oppy's picture

April 03, 2023 at 06:50 pm

You're old enough to remember that this is exactly what people were yelping about when the Packers drafted Aaron Rodgers and then eventually sent Favre packing.

Yet, here we are.

3 points
White92's picture

April 10, 2023 at 09:11 pm


-2 points
StarrtoRodgers's picture

April 02, 2023 at 10:20 am

Poor Matt Lafleur.

He realizes Rodgers saved him:

“He’s done so much for myself, my family, our coaches’ families, so many people within the organization, other players,” LaFleur continued. “A lot of people have been rewarded, quite frankly, because of his ability to go out there and play and play at such a high level.”

and his General Manager has traded away playoff certainty for the length of Rodgers 4 year contract:

and put both their careers in dire straights with an emotion driven ignorant trade for a nice young fellow in Love who has provided no evidence - either in college where led all QBs in interceptions his final year - or in the NFL where when blitzed and game planned for he was abysmal - that he is an NFL QB. Lafleur is setting expectations as low as possible:

"It's going to be a different role for him certainly and I think we all have to kind of temper our expectations with him, for him. It is just different when you are going into a game vs. when you are starting a game and it is going to be a process, but it is going to be, you know it is going to be exciting for him, for us. I don't think any quarterback can truly do it on their own in this league so it is going to be everybody rallying around him and trying to play at the best of their ability so he could go out there and perform as good as he possibly can."

"Certainly we are fooling ourselves if we think he is going to go out there and perform at a level of the like at which Aaron Rodgers does. I mean this guy is a once in a life time, generational talent."

despite the fact that Aaron Rodgers with the same 3 years experience in 2008 was near the top of all NFL passing makes, including passer rating where he placed 6th out of 32 QBs with 28 TDs and 13 interceptions and over 4,000 yards passing.

-6 points
Coldworld's picture

April 02, 2023 at 11:04 am

You might find this challenging to your manufactured take in history.

There is plenty more out there if you really don’t remember.

3 points
StarrtoRodgers's picture

April 04, 2023 at 03:35 am

Coldworld, are you Wes or Mike from the Packers website or some of other writer paid by the Packers Management (i.e. Mark and Brian) to defend them?

Who else is no this website every day – 14,346 posts now – defending Packer management?

Got to be paid to put forth that much time spouting the irrational.

You did not explicitly state what point you were trying to make with the Brees article. Please tell me what point you are trying to make?

The points I make are based in nothing but fact:

2023 for Jordan Love will be his 4th year for the Packers.

2008 for Aaron Rodgers was his 4th year for the Packers.

1) Consequently, if Packer Management’s IGNORANT EMOTION DRIVEN trade of Rodgers to the NFL Owners hunger New York Television market goes through, expectations should be for Jordan Love in 2023 to match or exceed Aaron Rodgers performance in 2008, specifically:

Statistic: 2008 total (NFL Rank)
Passing Yards: 4,038 (4)
Completions: 341 (7)
Completion %: 65.6 (10)
Touchdowns: 28 (4)
QB Passer Rating: 93.8 (6)
20-plus yd. completions:48 (5T)
40-plus yd. completions:16 (1T)
Third-down QB rating:105.8 (3)
First downs passing:182 (9T)

2) If not for the fact that the Packers defense fell from 6th ranked defense, giving up 291 points in 2007 to the 22nd ranked defense in 2008, giving up 380 points in 2008, Aaron would have the Packers in 2008 as well. (the defense lost its dominant sack leader Cullen Jenkins in game 4 for the season, its leading tackler, middle linebacker Nick Barnett to a knee injury for the last 7 games and its leader in interceptions from 2007, Atari Bigby, for most of the season in game 2.

As it is Aaron led the Packers to the playoffs in 2009, his 2nd year as starter, and a Super Bowl victory in his 3rd year as starter and the Packers were in the playoffs every year – 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, until Aaron broke his collarbone in 2017 and management rode with 5th round disaster Brett Hundley.

3) And Aaron succeeded despite the fact that over the last 20 years no other team other than the Seahawks has failed to draft a wide receiver in the first but the Packers.

The Packers last draft of a wide receiver in the first round was Javon Walker in 2002 was a stud that ran a faster 40 – 4.35 - at the combine than Christian Watson’s 4.36 last year. Walker made the pro bowl in 2004 and established several NFL records in first 3 years, but the Packer management played hard ball with Walker – with the help of Favre – and alienated Walker much like they did Davante Adams last year.

There is nothing “manufactured” in the history I provided. I lived the history. I remember all of it very well.

As with the foolish 2020 drafting of Love, all of college football leader in interceptions thrown the year Love was drafted – without communicating this trade first with the QB who for 2018 (2 interceptions) and 2019 (4 interceptions) set all time NFL records for the fewest interceptions in a season by a quarterback attempting more than 500 passes - If this ignorant emotion driven trade by Packer management goes through and they continue to refuse to sign their own young free agents like Tonyan and Lazard and Reed and Barnes and other experienced vets like Cobb, Lewis, and Crosby, my fellow Packer fans and I will be watching the Packers of the late 60s, 70s, 80s and early 90s again when the Packers went through GM after GM and Coach after Coach, and QB after QB, and Rodgers will finished out his 4 year contract at the end of the 2026-27 season leading the Jets to the playoffs all 4 years – and the Jets fans, who have only known losing, will be very appreciative, unlike the young 40 and under spoiled Packer fans, who have seen a winning team for the last 30+ years largely due to Favre and Rodgers, not Packer management.

And all my Packer friends – who watch every game with me from preseason until the end of the season – feel the same way. Only Packer management plants and the NFL Owners’ talking heads – who are there to create hysteria and maximize viewership and clicks – and Rodgers to New York will be right in line with that – think differently.

And if that should happen we will be cheering loudly for all the Packer players – including Jordan Love – as we did Don Horn, Scott Hunter, Jerry Tagge, John Hadl, Carlos Brown, Lynn Dickey, David Whitehurst, Randy Wright, Don Majkowski, Anthony Dilweg, Blair Kiel, Mike Tomczak, and others.

And the young spoiled Packer fans, who complain about the Packers winning “only” 1 Super Bowl during Aaron’s 15 years as starter will be long gone.

But Packer Management’s writers will still be on these websites writing to protect Packer Management and the 31 Billionaire Owners’ talking heads will still be out there each day creating hysteria and pushing those Billionaire’s agenda to maximize collectively shared television, internet, and gambling revenues.

-1 points
The_Baloney_Stops_Here's picture

April 02, 2023 at 11:12 am

Seek help. Do not pass go, do not collect $200, go directly to the nearest emergency room.

3 points
StarrtoRodgers's picture

April 02, 2023 at 10:42 am

Poor Matt Lafleur.

He is also going to have to deal with a player morale issue.

The players are all behind Rodgers and knew their best chance to be in the playoffs and be competitive was with Rodgers under center.

Former Packers John Kuhn and Mark Tauscher weigh on Packer Management poor treatment of Packer players - Jordy Nelson and Davante Adams - and how this effected Aaron Rodgers and Packer fans voice their feelings on the rumored Rodgers trade to the Jets:

John Kuhn Thinks Davante Adams Trade Caused Collapse For Rodgers And Green Bay

John Kuhn excerpt #1:

John Kuhn is perfect as a talking head. He doesn’t buy into the national dramatics but isn’t scared to speak the what he believes is the truth about his favorite team. The former Green Bay legend and host of the popular Nine 2 Noon radio program laid out an interesting belief when reacting to the comments out of this week’s owners meetings.
“If you could go back in time and do this trade, and I have maintained this, I think that the Davante Adams trade last year threw both the Packers Aaron Rodgers for a loop. The Packers may have made the trade last year for Aaron Rodgers. They may have made that trade if Davante Adams was not a part of the team when they did the deal with Aaron Rodgers.
I think that was the card that caused this whole house of cards to fall apart last year.”

John Kuhn excerpt #2:

Earlier in the week while reacting to the Brian Gutekunst’s comments Kuhn weighed in on leverage and the Packers timeline for a deal.
“It is going to be wild to see exactly when this trade takes place and for what assets. Because I feel the Jets have the leverage pre-draft. I feel, now this is just the way I feel, if the Packers make a trade before this year’s draft, they’re going to get less in compensation for Aaron Rodgers. It will be a tell-tale sign that they just want this whole saga to be behind them
“If they make this trade after the draft and before June 1, it tells me ‘Hey, they were ready to put this whole thing behind them, but they wanted still to get the best assets that they possibly could.’ And if they let this thing play out into the summer months, that means Brian Gutekunst was playing absolute hardball with the Jets, trying to put them between a rock and a hard place.”

Mark Tauscher excerpt #1:

Mark Tauscher recently went on record stating he believes things fell apart when Rodgers saw the way the organization treated Jordy Nelson on the way out the door.
“How the Jordy Nelson release was handled completely changed Aaron’s outlook on the organization and drafting Jordan Love was the dagger to the relationship that never ever recovered and [led] to the ‘lost’ season of 2022.”
Rodgers was famously disappointed in the move. It would be the first of many that would make the future Hall of Famer feel that way. A pattern that would lead Rodgers to become outspoken about his involvement in personnel. Tauscher might not be too far off base given Jordy’s original comments at the time.
“I met with Brian and had a discussion because I had to get a feel for not just the pay cut but what their plans were going forward,” Nelson said. “After that meeting, there wasn’t, I don’t think, much desire there. I think the hurt part was, to be honest, was the unwillingness to try to make it work”

Packer fans:

Had Rodgers been traded last off-season it’s easy to believe the Packers would have received the Russell Wilson type haul so many fans are yearning for.

And there is no reason that in 2023 the Packers should not STILL receive a "Russell Wilson type haul so many fans are yearning for":

Russell Wilson was traded for 7 players - the 9th (2022), 5th (2023), 40th (2022), 37th (2023) picks in the NFL Draft - all unconditional draft picks - & a young solid starting tight end (Noah Fant, the 20th pick in the 2019 draft) & a starting defensive end (Shelby Harris) & quarterback Drew Lock (2nd round 42nd overall pick in the 2019 draft - 6 players who will be Seattle starters and 2 of which (5th and 9th pick) will probably be all pros and a backup or possible starting QB in young Lock.

-4 points
Oppy's picture

April 03, 2023 at 07:11 pm

The Packers acted in the best interest of the Green Bay Packers with Jordy Nelson. They moved on because it was time to move on. Could they have been more sentimental, Yes. Were they big meanies? No. Let's be really honest, Rodgers was pissed because he wanted his friend to be kept around and the Packers decided not to keep Nelson because it wasn't a good football decision. Narcissists don't like it when the world doesn't revolve around them.

Rodgers basically rebelled against his coach starting in 2016. McCarthy gave play calling duties to Tom Clements. There was a period of time during the season where the offense was disjointed and not trending the correct direction. MM took back playcalling duties from Rodgers' enabler Clements. Rodgers responded by disassembling just about every call MM attempted to send in to the huddle, often completely ignoring MM's calls. The offense sputtered. MM took away Rodgers freedoms to freelance at the LOS, he also took away Rodgers abilities to audible out of the play (with exception to the built in checks inherent in the play design, which included a check to a run or pass if need be.). The Packers offense got back on track. Rodgers didn't like being put in his place and certainly didn't like being "proven wrong". He never forgave MM for it, and by 2018 Rodgers was completely subverting McCarthy's authority. It got MM fired. Murphy knew Rodgers was at least as "at fault" as MM in the events that transpired. After firing MM (essentially taking Rodgers' 'side'), Murphy tells Rodgers, "Don't be the problem". The message is clear, I know you undermined McCarthy, don't undermine the new coaching staff.

Guess what Rodgers does? He goes ahead and undermines the new coaching staff. Guess what Gutekunst does? He drafts Rodgers replacement.

I think it's swell that Tauch brings up how the drafting of Love was the point of no return, but without giving context to WHY the Packers made the decision to move on from Rodgers, it's not the complete story. Rodgers decided to try an make a power play. The Packers weren't having it. The End.

Rodgers is a POS. Good Riddance.

0 points
Oppy's picture

April 03, 2023 at 07:17 pm

Kuhn excerpt #3:

Don't forget that Kuhn has also stated that the players on the team all seem to be genuinely impressed with and excited to play- chomping at the bit- to play with Jordan Love.

He was on 97.3 talking about this long before Rodgers went into the dark, long before Jets trade was materializing.

1 points
StarrtoRodgers's picture

April 04, 2023 at 04:09 am

April 02, 2023 at 11:04 am
You might find this challenging to your manufactured take in history.
There is plenty more out there if you really don’t remember."

Coldworld, are you Wes or Mike from the Packers website or some of other writer paid by the Packers Management (i.e. Mark and Brian) to defend them?

Who else is no this website every day – 14,346 posts now – defending Packer management?

Got to be paid to put forth that much time spouting the irrational.

You did not explicitly state what point you were trying to make with the Brees article. Please tell me what point you are trying to make?

The points I make are based in nothing but fact:

2023 for Jordan Love will be his 4th year for the Packers.

2008 for Aaron Rodgers was his 4th year for the Packers.

1) Consequently, if Packer Management’s IGNORANT EMOTION DRIVEN trade of Rodgers to the NFL Owners hunger New York Television market goes through, expectations should be for Jordan Love in 2023 to match or exceed Aaron Rodgers performance in 2008, specifically:

Statistic: 2008 total (NFL Rank)
Passing Yards: 4,038 (4)
Completions: 341 (7)
Completion %: 65.6 (10)
Touchdowns: 28 (4)
QB Passer Rating: 93.8 (6)
20-plus yd. completions:48 (5T)
40-plus yd. completions:16 (1T)
Third-down QB rating:105.8 (3)
First downs passing:182 (9T)

2) If not for the fact that the Packers defense fell from 6th ranked defense, giving up 291 points in 2007 to the 22nd ranked defense in 2008, giving up 380 points in 2008, Aaron would have the Packers in 2008 as well. (the defense lost its dominant sack leader Cullen Jenkins in game 4 for the season, its leading tackler, middle linebacker Nick Barnett to a knee injury for the last 7 games and its leader in interceptions from 2007, Atari Bigby, for most of the season in game 2.

As it is Aaron led the Packers to the playoffs in 2009, his 2nd year as starter, and a Super Bowl victory in his 3rd year as starter and the Packers were in the playoffs every year – 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, until Aaron broke his collarbone in 2017 and management rode with 5th round disaster Brett Hundley.

3) And Aaron succeeded despite the fact that over the last 20 years no other team other than the Seahawks has failed to draft a wide receiver in the first but the Packers.

The Packers last draft of a wide receiver in the first round was Javon Walker in 2002 was a stud that ran a faster 40 – 4.35 - at the combine than Christian Watson’s 4.36 last year. Walker made the pro bowl in 2004 and established several NFL records in first 3 years, but the Packer management played hard ball with Walker – with the help of Favre – and alienated Walker much like they did Davante Adams last year.

There is nothing “manufactured” in the history I provided. I lived the history. I remember all of it very well.

As with the foolish 2020 drafting of Love, all of college football leader in interceptions thrown the year Love was drafted – without communicating this trade first with the QB who for 2018 (2 interceptions) and 2019 (4 interceptions) set all time NFL records for the fewest interceptions in a season by a quarterback attempting more than 500 passes - If this ignorant emotion driven trade by Packer management goes through and they continue to refuse to sign their own young free agents like Tonyan and Lazard and Reed and Barnes and other experienced vets like Cobb, Lewis, and Crosby, my fellow Packer fans and I will be watching the Packers of the late 60s, 70s, 80s and early 90s again when the Packers went through GM after GM and Coach after Coach, and QB after QB, and Rodgers will finished out his 4 year contract at the end of the 2026-27 season leading the Jets to the playoffs all 4 years – and the Jets fans, who have only known losing, will be very appreciative, unlike the young 40 and under spoiled Packer fans, who have seen a winning team for the last 30+ years largely due to Favre and Rodgers, not Packer management.

And all my Packer friends – who watch every game with me from preseason until the end of the season – feel the same way. Only Packer management plants and the NFL Owners’ talking heads – who are there to create hysteria and maximize viewership and clicks – and Rodgers to New York will be right in line with that – think differently.

And if that should happen we will be cheering loudly for all the Packer players – including Jordan Love – as we did Don Horn, Scott Hunter, Jerry Tagge, John Hadl, Carlos Brown, Lynn Dickey, David Whitehurst, Randy Wright, Don Majkowski, Anthony Dilweg, Blair Kiel, Mike Tomczak, and others.

And the young spoiled Packer fans, who complain about the Packers winning “only” 1 Super Bowl during Aaron’s 15 years as starter will be long gone.

But Packer Management’s writers will still be on these websites writing to protect Packer Management and the 31 Billionaire Owners’ talking heads will still be out there each day creating hysteria and pushing those Billionaire’s agenda to maximize collectively shared television, internet, and gambling revenues.

-1 points