Gut Reactions: Packers revert to form against Lions

Aaron gives his gut reactions to the Packers season ending loss to the Lions. 

  • The Packers completely reverted to form after a month of playing over their heads. 
  • Rodgers panicked in the big moment. Again. Threw at Davante's feet in '20. Threw it up to a double covered Davante in '21. Threw it up to Watson tonight. Rinse and repeat.
  • That said, Rodgers was let down early and often by his teammates. Dillon's drop. Lazard's drop. A fumble from Jones. It's a team game. 
  • Of course, they ARE paying the man to come up big in important moments and all 12 does lately is shrink from them.
  • The defense played well enough to win that game. But lord almighty between Rasul and Quay, someone needs to get those guys in check. Stupid penalties cost the Packers dearly tonight.
  • If I see another shotgun run for AJ Dillon, I'm going to lose my mind. 
  • Hell, if I see Aaron Jones fumble in another big game, I'm going to lose my mind. 
  • Robert Tonyan was just rounding into form. 
  • It's particularly frustrating when you watch Detroit run Jamaal Williams on a counter out of offset I-formation to great effect. It's almost like playing to your players strengths is a good thing. 
  • Rodgers got bailed out twice against the three man rush when he almost threw a pick and then DID throw a pick that got wiped out by a penalty. Then, Aaron Glenn sent the house and Rodgers threw it up for Jesus. Lord have mercy. 
  • Quay Walker. What the fuck man. Shoving a trainer is dumb enough, but THIS WEEK? Really. 
  • Same goes for you Rasul. What the fuck man.
  • Christian Watson is going to be that dude. 
  • I get wanting to be All Gas, No Brakes - but that early 4th down call to Lazard is one of the dumbest playcalls I have seen in my 49 years on this planet. 
  • Who's ready for Rodgers Watch!
  • Ultimately, this team didn't deserve to be in the postseason. I can make peace with that, but I have to wonder how much longer we have to watch a team quarterbacked by Aaron Rodgers get embarrassed in Lambeau in January. 
  • I'd be remiss if I didn't give the Detroit Lions credit. They played sound ball and executed when they needed to. Dan Campbell had his guys playing well down the stretch and they played hard tonight. 
  • Regardless of tonight's outcome, I still and will always love the Green Bay Packers. 




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16 points

Comments (138)

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ddepula418's picture

January 08, 2023 at 11:14 pm

MLF just is overmatched in big games. Another season ending loss at home. Three in a row.

30 points
Bitternotsour's picture

January 08, 2023 at 11:28 pm

Tonight we saw a leader of men vs a guy who gets his eyebrows waxed.

11 points
calabasa's picture

January 08, 2023 at 11:36 pm

He looks like he owns a cigar bar in Tallahassee.

2 points
pacman's picture

January 09, 2023 at 07:14 am

So what are you going to do about it (MM)?

I don't want the team to move but can we somehow have some accountability here?

2 points
jurp's picture

January 09, 2023 at 08:29 am

As long as Murphy's running the show, there will be no accountability.

0 points
Packerpasty's picture

January 09, 2023 at 08:46 am

why should he (MLF) or any other Packer coach be retained for another year? Which will probably be a rebuild anyway...I see no reason to see this cheerleader on the sidelines, waving his arms around, again..

1 points
ddepula418's picture

January 08, 2023 at 11:15 pm

Terrible play calling, terrible execution, terrible defense, terrible offense, dropped balls, turnovers, hard to win with all that.

17 points
Tundraboy's picture

January 08, 2023 at 11:20 pm

And after last week's resurrection. I'm speechless. Rodgers and Cobb walk off together. Team has no face. Coaching staff has no identity and has to go as well.

8 points
Im Fubared's picture

January 08, 2023 at 11:28 pm

I dont think the execution was terrible I think it was the Lions out playing us with better talent that made our execution look bad.
Rodgers had no time to throw the longer passes. Why he doesnt have plays for short passes like the one to Lazard for a first down and some swing passes to the back is beyond me. Its like they have 5 pass plays and thats it.

8 points
pacman's picture

January 09, 2023 at 07:15 am

Because the head coach is in over his head and there's nothing anyone is going to do about it.

2 points
jurp's picture

January 09, 2023 at 08:30 am

I don't know - I think we were executed pretty efficiently by the Lions.

1 points
SteelyPhil's picture

January 08, 2023 at 11:16 pm

At least we won't lose to the 49ers in the postseason again for what would have been the third time in four years

18 points
ddepula418's picture

January 08, 2023 at 11:17 pm

Did the Packers run any hurry up offense? If not, why not? Nothing else was working. Once agin MLF is out coached in a huge game.

19 points
TarynsEyes's picture

January 08, 2023 at 11:17 pm

Where to start.
The Lions are not the same Lions as over the last 30 years, or since the first game played against them this season.
The 4 game win-streak has been shown by the play tonight was a prevarication.
The 'Other Ways' to win apparently weren't.
Quay Walker has earned some stupid penalties, but this one takes the cake. How dumb-stupid is he that he pushes a medical asst in the back.
Rodgers has become Cutler, you just know he's going to toss one to you.
Rodgers loses accuracy at the drop of a hat, especially late in the game.
Perhaps Watson needs to add a few pounds, since Rodgers can't see him wide open too often.
MLF is not an above average HC.
Collinsworth said Barry doesn't get enough credit, made me fall off the couch.
I think Rodgers and Cobb were saying farewell as Packers in the tunnel.
The Lions wanted to keep the Packers out more than the Packers wanted in.
The Lions did the Packers a big save, by keeping SF from embarrassing the Packers AGAIN, next week.
Losing sucked, but I openly shared my doubts and concerns about this team all season, and regretfully, they were a member of the fraud group all along.
That's it. Dislike all you want. Truth always hurts.

28 points
Tundraboy's picture

January 08, 2023 at 11:22 pm

Dislike? Love it

2 points
Oppy's picture

January 08, 2023 at 11:55 pm

The only thing i take issue with here is "The 'Other Ways' to win apparently weren't."

The other ways to win were there for the taking, but abandoned in the second half when impatient Rodgers needs to show the world he'll win the game with the long ball. Those other ways to win were moving the ball in the first half. Specifically, actually running the ball, and hitting WRs on shallow screens off of motion in the backfield.

8 points
TarynsEyes's picture

January 09, 2023 at 12:14 am

Moving the ball is one thing, being held to 16 points is another, especially when the Defense has proved most fallible often. Rankings mean nothing, the talent, and ability of the opponent speaks a larger truth.

Winning ways get abandoned for two reasons.
1) It stops working to a desired need.
2) The HC panics, or is persuaded to change the plan, or is usurped by another.

I think both happened tonight, and many times before.

4 points
Oppy's picture

January 09, 2023 at 06:40 am

Usurped is the answer.

When the other team doesn't stop it, you just stop running it, it hasn't stopped working.

This is a recurring pattern under two different head coaches, multiple OC's and play callers, for over a decade. It's Rodgers.

1 points
Since'61's picture

January 09, 2023 at 08:56 am

Yes of course blame Rodgers. It's his fault the receiver dropped 5 perfect throws yesterday andit's his fault that Jones fumbled and cost the Packers at least 3 points on that drive. Jones fumble produce a 6 point swing in a game that ended with a 4 point difference. Plus if the receivers make those 5 receptions we have a totally different game. And yes it's Rodgers fault that MLF made stupid field position decisions that gave the Lions 10 points in a game that ended with a 4 point differential. Let's not forget that it's Rodgers fault for the unbelievably stupid penalties by Douglas and Walker. I understand, blame Rodgers it's the easy way out. Thanks, Since '61

3 points
TarynsEyes's picture

January 09, 2023 at 01:22 pm

Blaming Rodgers is the easy way out of not accepting all that has been and still is wrong, though in varying degrees and areas. However, one cannot not blame Rodgers, as he certainly has a hand in the problems that has generated such play level at the most inopportune times. I personally, and have often mentioned that keeping Rodgers or moving on was fine, because the issues that hurt this team, isn't just Rodgers. Fix a few other issues, the Rodgers issue isn't as dire as some make it.

0 points
Oppy's picture

January 09, 2023 at 02:26 pm

I’m not talking about fumbles (by the way, I tried to point out Jones has ball security issues over three years ago.. ignored.)

I’m not talking about the drops. Those suck, but no more than missed throws.

I was talking specifically about the other ways of winning that supposedly didn’t work,but they were, until they stopped utilizing them.

0 points
Since'61's picture

January 09, 2023 at 08:14 pm

Taryn - Rodgers has absolutely been part of the problem. This season has proven that he can't carry the team any longer and hasn't been able to do so since the playoff game against SF last season at least if not even before then.

Like you I was fine if the Packers traded Rodgers during the off season. I even advocated for the Packers to make the trade. I also advocated for the Packers to sit Rodgers while he was injured this season. The HC chose not to do so.

Yes fix the other issues but the Packers have refused to move on any of them so here we, maintain the Stus quo and watch Rodgers play continue to decline due to age and injuries. Madness, madness. Thanks, Since '61

0 points
kagood's picture

January 09, 2023 at 01:43 pm

Nicely stated. This poor play was a TEAM effort, players and coaches included.

1 points
Oppy's picture

January 09, 2023 at 02:23 pm


Gather your emotions and re-read the thread.
You’ll find I’m speaking specifically about not running plays that were working earlier in the game. Period.

Gather your shot together sir.

By the way… Rodgers,he’s a fucking problem.
There, now you have something to bitch about.

-2 points
Since'61's picture

January 09, 2023 at 08:19 pm

Oppy - except that I agree that Rodgers is and has been a problem at least since the playoff game against SF last season. He can't carry the team any longer and this season has clearly proved that (So what would I bitch about). I advocated for the Packers to trade him in the off season. I advocated for the Packers to sit him while he was injured this season. They did neither.

As for plays that worked in the first half not being called in the 2nd half, the Packers lost the LOS on both sides of the ball so those plays weren't working any longer. Plus MLF calls the plays which include the options that Rodgers may or may not audible to. Bottom line is that when the OL loses the LOS it probably doesn't matter which play is called. Thanks, Since '61

1 points
bjkdad44's picture

January 09, 2023 at 08:07 am

Screen? Define please!?

0 points
jlc1's picture

January 09, 2023 at 04:07 am

Dislike? No I love the Pack. Oh, right you mean you. Turns out it's not all about you. Sorry for the reality check but I don't, nor I think do many others here, spend much (any) time thinking about much less hating you. Hard truth.

-6 points
NickPerry's picture

January 09, 2023 at 06:08 am

I haven't always agreed with you, mostly because I see the Packers through green and gold glasses and am a self admitted "Homer".

But for once this season, at least most of the season I was with you. This is one of your best comments...EVER!

2 points
bjkdad44's picture

January 09, 2023 at 08:06 am


0 points
Since'61's picture

January 08, 2023 at 11:19 pm

Outprepared, outcoached, out played and out of the playoffs. Team did a total turnaround since the Vikings game. MLF and his staff need to go. Time to move on from Rodgers as well.

MLF planned and coached not to lose the game and his team was beat by a team that planned and played to win. This week the team had as bad of a performance as they had a great performance against the Vikings. I had hoped the team was hot but they went out as cold as the temperature. Yet another huge disappointment to the end of a season. Thanks, Since '61

22 points
Coldworld's picture

January 08, 2023 at 11:50 pm

MLF has played safe with personnel and plays all year. He’s the epitome of timid. We will never win with him, with or without Rodgers.

16 points
Oppy's picture

January 08, 2023 at 11:58 pm

Not so sure about that.

I would like to actually see a QB run MLF's offense as its designed, without all the incessant tampering and outright changing of plays.

Post game presser MLF was livid. At first I thought it was just about the loss and Quay Walker, but then he eluded to assessing Rodgers each season. He mentioned he thought "the rapport" (between Rodgers and the young WRs) has improved a good deal since the beginning of the season. He then made mention that he himself has to find better ways to facilitate speeding the young players' learning curve during the season, actually teaching them... Boy, that sure sounds like he was hinting towards the "Rodgers offense".

Who knows. You're inclined to point everything at MLF, I'm inclined to point everything at Rodgers. Truth is probably somewhere in the middle, but then, I'm just being polite, it's mostly Rodgers :) :)

0 points
Coldworld's picture

January 09, 2023 at 12:04 am

MLF is always livid. It comes each year after he gets out prepared, called and coached in a must win game to end the season.

11 points
dblbogey's picture

January 09, 2023 at 12:40 am

It would help if his QB didn't choke in the big game, as he has each year under MLF.

4 points
Coldworld's picture

January 09, 2023 at 08:17 am

It it would also help if LaFleur wasn’t out planned and prepared and then shown up in game by his counterpart too. Rodgers should not have been brought back, I’ve been consistent in that, but it’s equally true that only vintage Rodgers could have made up for LaFleur. We have a Head Coach for a reason, but LaFleur has never fulfilled that.

6 points
PackyCheese500's picture

January 09, 2023 at 12:16 am

He very well may be a good offensive play-caller. My issue with him is his leadership, or lack thereof. He looked unfazed and not disappointed in is press-conference, and always seems to lack confidence whenever he speaks or on the sideline. We need a real leader before we will contend again

8 points
Packerpasty's picture

January 09, 2023 at 08:50 am

and thats how he looks like on the field...lost and befuddled...he should go back to some Big Ten team and be an offensive co ordinator for a few more years...he is not much of a fire..

3 points
Since'61's picture

January 09, 2023 at 09:02 am

Oppy the fact is that you have seen a QB run the MLF offense for the last 4 seasons. Every play has 2-3 options when it is called in so even if Rodgers audibles to one of the other options it is still an MLF designed play.

In yesterday's game the Packers receivers dropped 5 passes. If those receptions are made we have a completely different game. Plus Jones' fumble cost the Packers at least 3 points and ultimately at least a 6 point swing in a game which ended with a 4 point difference, Not to mention that MLF gave away 10 points with stupid and unnecessary field positions decisions but let's blame Rodgers for those decisions as well as the drops and fumbles. I understand that its easier to blame Rodgers than check out the facts. Thanks, Since '61

2 points
Oppy's picture

January 09, 2023 at 02:35 pm

As I e stated elsewhere, you will shit your pants whe a lesser qb runs this offense and. You find it’s more effective than when Rodgers ran it.

Rodgers’ tampering with all things due to his smartest guy in the room complex is a problem.

0 points
Since'61's picture

January 09, 2023 at 07:40 pm

Oppy - There is absolutely zero chance that I will ever shit my pants over the play of any QB whether good or bad. Whoever the QB is that runs the alleged MLF offense or any other offense better than Rodgers I'll be fine with it. I am a Packers fan and I support whoever plays QB or any other position for the Packers.

I also will not blame whoever that QB is for dropped passes, RB fumbles, stupid coaching decisions and players who take bad penalties because there is no reason to blame a QB for those issues. When the QB costs the Packers a game I'll point that out as well as I have with Rodgers over the years but those occasions have been rare with Rodgers over his career.

Yes I throw blame at MLF who I now refer to as MLC (Matt LaChooch) became of 4 seasons of poor coaching decisions and failure to prepare his team to play in big games among numerous other reasons. But in the end he is the Head Coach. He is responsible for the team's performance, for the W/L record and the team's results. I advocated for MLC to replace Rodgers while his thumb was injured, he chose not to. That is MLC's decision. I advocated to trade Rodgers for picks but the organization, specifically "We're not idiots" Murphy gave away the team's negotiating leverage and chose not to trade Rodgers.

With any player we take the good with the bad. Speaking for myself there has been many. many, many more good games and moments over Rodgers career than bad. We have reached, actually passed, the point where Rodgers can carry the team as he did in the past. I've admitted that since last season's loss to SF in the playoffs. But the fact is that except for a few plays per game very few other players have stepped up and the coaches have usually failed in preparation, leadership and in game adjustments. Rodgers was once good enough to overcome numerous team weaknesses. Those days are gone and it's time to move on from Rodgers, other veteran players and yes I believe the coaching staff. I would move on from Murphy and Gute as well but I know that won't happen because there isn't any accountability or urgency in the Packers FO.

Finally you should know that I didn't' shit my pants in the NAM so it's certainly not going to happen over a football player. Don't get me wrong I was scared and anyone who tells you they weren't is either lying or crazy or both. But scared or not I did my job as best as I could based on the situation and because other men in my platoon were depending on me just as I was depending on them. For my part I regret that my post has caused you any angst. I've enjoyed your posts over the years. In this situation I think that we are coming at the same problems from different perspectives. Stay well. Thanks, Since '61

1 points
Since'61's picture

January 09, 2023 at 08:50 am

Totally agree Coldworld! The Packer receivers had 5 drops yesterday. If those catches are made Rodgers is 22/27 and it's a totally different game. Thanks, Since '61

2 points
Minniman's picture

January 09, 2023 at 12:45 am

They lost it in the trenches '61.

Aiden Hutchison and Isaiah Buggs were unstoppable - they had pressure on Rodgers all night.

In countenance, Goff had as much time as he needed - and those Williams touchdowns were soft (congratulations to Jamaal Williams though, he's a class man).

Sadly, I can't work out if the Aaron Rodgers or the Matt LaFleur era should be over in Green Bay........ either way, I'm enjoying a scotch tonight as I think that at least 1 is finished, and I think that Rodgers' time at GB should be celebrated.

P.S Part of me thinks that LV may be gullible enough to agree to a trade for Rodgers, and he may well accept to go there (allowing a restructure).

8 points
jurp's picture

January 09, 2023 at 08:34 am

"Sadly, I can't work out if the Aaron Rodgers or the Matt LaFleur era should be over in Green Bay" BOTH ERAS should be over in Green Bay.

3 points
Minniman's picture

January 09, 2023 at 01:16 pm

You are probably right.

I normally pose the question "who's the replacement then?" - as I'm a firm believer that we don't move on from critical partners without a replacement in mind.

In this case, with 3 years of watching MLF offenses though, I'm finally in agreement with most on this site that MLF isn't able to capture the best of the Packers (Players and Coaches), so moving on is a must.

Regrettably, I think that he gets a stay of execution next year as Rodgers gets the "blame" for this year - so buckle in for another season on the precipice....... we'd better stock up on the antacid (or alcohol.... or both), I think that we'll need it.

0 points
Since'61's picture

January 09, 2023 at 09:04 am

Minniman I agree. They lost the trenches on both sides of the ball. 5 drops by the receivers didn't help.

If those receptions are made we have a totally different game. Not to mention the Jones fumble. Thanks, Since '61

2 points
Irish_Cheesehead's picture

January 09, 2023 at 06:55 am

MLF needs to go? 39-10 over his first three seasons and he needs to go after one mediocre year? I'd rather see Rodgers go and MLF run his full system with Love before overreacting.

-5 points
Coldworld's picture

January 09, 2023 at 08:23 am

Yes, he needs to go, serially out thought and serially out adjusted. Poor coaching and player usage, serial repeats if failed strategies. Rodgers was good enough for the wind, but we got none from LaFleur. He’s a rider of coat tails now threadbare. Rodgers no longer makes sense here, LaFleur never has.

3 points
Oppy's picture

January 09, 2023 at 02:43 pm

Lots of packers fans can’t wait to throw the baby out with the bath water.

Clearly, many have zero idea how basic troubleshooting works.

0 points
ddepula418's picture

January 08, 2023 at 11:19 pm

Way to come up small Packers!

10 points
The_Baloney_Stops_Here's picture

January 08, 2023 at 11:22 pm

Shitty season followed by another offseason of will he/wont he that will likely end with Rodgers getting a raise to $60 mil per season. Sigh.

3 points
Minniman's picture

January 09, 2023 at 12:50 am

I don't think that he does this time RTS.

He's had his shots, with "his" guys around him, and come up short.

I think he's done in GB - along with Bakhtiari - and he passes the mantle on.

3 points
bjkdad44's picture

January 09, 2023 at 08:11 am


0 points
The_Baloney_Stops_Here's picture

January 09, 2023 at 08:48 am

Minniman, I sincerely hope you're right. However, I've lost all faith in this front office to do what's necessary. Its become a clownshow.

3 points
crayzpackfan's picture

January 10, 2023 at 01:17 pm

I would like to see them trade Rodgers (if he doesn't wanna retire) and Jones for whatever they can get. Clean out the coaching staff and make Jim Harbaugh an offer he can't refuse. Bring some attitude, toughness, power football, and see what he can do with Love.

0 points
Philarod's picture

January 08, 2023 at 11:23 pm


• The Lions were hungrier and better coached.
• The Lions were better in the trenches.
• Our defense was good, at times very good, until it wasn’t.
• Yes, Rodgers’s last throw of the year (I still hope it wasn't his last as a Packer...but could have been) was a pick….underthrown?...but our offense just doesn’t have enough talent. Jones (who I love) has a knack for fumbles in key spots, and key drops by Dillon, Lazard and Doubs.
• Quay Walker, though improving as a player, needs to be suspended and fined heavily. And what is Rasul thinking in the first half? Knuckleheads. Both, especially Quay. Suspend him for 3 or 4 games next year. What he did just can't happen. Ever.
• In the end, for a variety of reasons, we were – on merit – an 8-9 team.
• And yes, this hurts! SF may well have blown us out, but we’d be playing with house money.

10 points
stockholder's picture

January 08, 2023 at 11:39 pm

The trainer grabbed his arm. I think it was just a natural reaction, to push instead of look.

-2 points
Philarod's picture

January 08, 2023 at 11:42 pm

Maybe, I'll have to see it again....perhaps tomorrow, or later today for that matter.
Wait, no, just watched it again. The trainer technically put his hands on Quay, but in the gentlest way possible, probably to say "Excuse me", as he needed to attend to his player.

Was Quay's shove vicious? No. Totally inappropriate and inexcusable/ Absolutely.

5 points
TarynsEyes's picture

January 09, 2023 at 12:21 am

Why was he even standing there, in the way of Lion personnel to attend to their player? The push in the back clearly makes it obvious he knew he was not a player. Please, no excuses made for this stupid act.

5 points
jlc1's picture

January 09, 2023 at 04:10 am


0 points
gmeyers1's picture

January 09, 2023 at 07:37 am

The 2 penalties were way beyond dumb. Dumb is running the wrong route, or not knowing your assignment. What they did had nothing to do with trying to win the game. LaFleur says inexcusable, so what's he going to do about it. Stuff like that is on the head coach & his organization & discipline.

4 points
Im Fubared's picture

January 08, 2023 at 11:25 pm

What we saw tonight was what we saw all season with the exception of last week. But hey a pick six and a kick off td puts 14 on the board that our offense didnt do.
To me this defense was never playoff quality from game one and our offense sputtered all season. If the run game worked the passing game didnt and vice versa.
I still say there was a constant battle between the play leFleur called and the one Rodgers decided to run. Rodgers is afraid of the pass rush and wants to dump the ball off or go to a run to save his ass. Its all about him.

2 points
Cubbygold's picture

January 09, 2023 at 06:05 am

I thought it was odd how everyone latched onto the narrative that GB was suddenly on this '4 week run' of greatness... Like you said, they played well once. The Bears should have beat GB, the Rams were a mess, Tua was concussed and gifted the packers the game, and then they did a great job against the vikings. No surprise that the one game was the outlier and not the other 15 before it.

2 points
VacavilleBill's picture

January 08, 2023 at 11:27 pm

QB play is not good enough. Choke at home in GB. Rodgers throws are off, he can't throw the deep ball arcuately anymore. The passes he does complete are off the mark.
Hopefully there will be a QB competition in camp next year and Love will get a fair chance to compete.
Rodger's is washed.

5 points
saltandpeppers's picture

January 08, 2023 at 11:29 pm

-Lafleur ain't going anywhere, but man I wish he'd give up play-calling. He's just not that good at it.
-Do the Packers know there's such a thing as blitz beaters?
-This isn't all on Rodgers, but it's time to move on. That should be clear to everyone.

9 points
Dragon5's picture

January 08, 2023 at 11:30 pm

Can't expect a beta male in MLF to lead a storied blue-collar franchise. Unfortunately for Murphy, if he tries to implement CYA (cover your ass) he only brings to light his own poor decision making given he spearheaded the hire as well as the unspoken truth of Rodgers retention.

3 points
pherrick5's picture

January 08, 2023 at 11:31 pm

100% agree with every single take here Aaron!!

3 points
stockholder's picture

January 08, 2023 at 11:33 pm

There was Hope. What a season turn around. I do want Barry Gone.
The packers come back, then give up another Home run ball. Why?
If things don't go the packers way. Why play Dumb?
I remember fumbles in big games. And TT dumped them for it.
Think Gutey! -----If Watson can be such a big game changer.
Shouldn't you draft another?

-1 points
croatpackfan's picture

January 09, 2023 at 01:20 am

How stupid need one to be that not to understand when you are doing one thing over and over and fail, next time you can expect the same failed result.

For me, it is over. I'm never the guy who will say fire everybody, but it is the time to clean the house. Start rebuilding, you have good starting point. Do not keep yourself in the past, because everything changes. To be by step with those changes, you'll need to change yourself or the way you are doing futile attempts.

I know many of you are hurt now. I'm not. Deep in me I felt the story will end similar to this. Just thought it will be more close and with more fight.

This team is broken. Deep in it. And stupid, IDIOTIC decision from "We are not idiots" just was the last nail in the coffin.

I do not hate any person on this planet. But, I do not like when any try to harm the one I love or I like. I like Packers, not this or that player, CEO, GM, HC or QB, or WR, or RB... When any of those person(s) harming Packers, I feel free to speak against them.

Now, it will be again: "Will he or will he not", where he is CEO, HC, GM, QB, WR, OL, DL etc. It is old music on broken tape.

6 points
splitpea1's picture

January 08, 2023 at 11:36 pm

I was fairly confident a month ago that the Packers weren't a playoff team, so I mailed in my invitation to an wedding reception on an upcoming Saturday night. I was right, but at least the Packers made it interesting....

LOL, which team has the better coaching staff in terms of strategy, motivation, and guts??!!

This was really a very entertaining game with a lot of great individual plays on both sides.

Has anyone figured out what Rasul was doing yet?

Quay Walker must be a boiling cauldron out there on the field; unfortunately it sometimes spills over to the people not wearing uniforms.

I don't think this team can afford to lose Lazard.

Very nice game from Savage, I'm finally happy to say.

The Lions OL lived up to its billing; only that early sack by Wyatt was allowed.

The Packers deep red zone/goal line offense is pathetic--and costly. They either need better play design, creativity, a power running game, or any combination thereof. This has reached the point of embarrassment.

Thankfully this will be the abrupt end to any comparisons between this team and the 2010 version.

So now the big question is will the Packers FO make any significant changes or will it weasel out and offer more excuses and false hope? I think it's a coin flip.

4 points
PackyCheese500's picture

January 08, 2023 at 11:42 pm

They need a better run blocking O-line. Dillon can give them the power run game. Lazard I think we could convert to TE. He stunned Hutchinson with his blocking. Incredible job by him

0 points
stockholder's picture

January 08, 2023 at 11:51 pm

Trade Dillion. He's too slow. And he's dropped too many.
HE's Lost his Balance!

-9 points
dblbogey's picture

January 09, 2023 at 12:44 am

This is a good draft for tight ends. We need one early,

6 points
stockholder's picture

January 08, 2023 at 11:46 pm

Time to let Lazard go. 10mil. doesn't work. And he's had too many drops.
And since Rodgers doesn't throw to his TE's. Don't over-pay them.

-2 points
Coldworld's picture

January 08, 2023 at 11:53 pm

I like him, but every snap he’s out there you are foregoing an offensive threat. He’s a 3/4 playing starter snaps, as is Cobb now. The opportunity cost of Lazard is overlooked.

5 points
Bitternotsour's picture

January 09, 2023 at 08:30 pm

Re: Rasul. Watch it again. The whistle blows. He walks along the line and prevents the center from doing a run-thru snap before the field goal. It wasn't a terrible idea. I have no idea why it was a penalty. The play was dead. They have no right to snap the ball, would they have thrown a flag for unsportsmanlike if he'd snapped the ball after the whistle blew?

That play had no effect on the final. The Packers are bad. Aaron Rodgers is bad. He lost to the Lions twice, to the JETS! MLF is overmatched and projects weakness.

0 points
Dragon5's picture

January 08, 2023 at 11:36 pm

Sports Illustrated@SInow

Jameson Williams asked Aaron Rodgers for his jersey after the game.

His response: "I'm going to hold onto this one."

3 points
Coldworld's picture

January 08, 2023 at 11:55 pm

Rodgers confirmed that during his press conference.

3 points
GBPDAN1's picture

January 08, 2023 at 11:39 pm

. The good: Watson will be a stud for years to come

. The bad: Rodgers not Carrying his team in the big game. Quay

. The ugly: The offense. Only scored 16 points, at home, against the worst defense in the league. Our Red zone offense all year was horrible (worst in the NFL) .

PS: We get the 15th pick

11 points
PackyCheese500's picture

January 08, 2023 at 11:39 pm

As weird as it sounds, I think Joe Barry did a nice coaching job tonight. MLF not so much....

What is not being mentioned is before the ejection Quay was making some amazing run-stopping tackles. Had a nice blitz too. Of course, he can't then be stupid.

4 points
The_Baloney_Stops_Here's picture

January 08, 2023 at 11:44 pm

Barry did coach a pretty good game. i dont blame Lafleur tho as Im still not convinced he even calls plays. And yeah Quay was having a big game till he decided to go full moron. Just wasnt meant to be I guess.

4 points
Coldworld's picture

January 08, 2023 at 11:57 pm

If he doesn’t call the plays then he doesn’t help the team. He does send in personnel. Fire him for that.

5 points
The_Baloney_Stops_Here's picture

January 09, 2023 at 08:55 am

And what if it wasnt his choice? What if Murphy ordered him to do whatever it takes to keep Rodgers happy? If you go back and look at 2020, that was MLF's offense. No doubt. Then Rodgers holdouts and the 2021 offense barely resembled the 2020 offense that absolutely dominated. So what changed? Rodgers held out, demanded more control over the offense, and Murphy gave it to him. Whats MLF supposed to do about that? He got neutered. I dont want to sound like a Lafleur stan because i do have issues with his coaching/managerial style but Im willing to give him a season with Love without Rodgers' black cloud of bs poisoning the well. I think he's earned that much. Not to mention, MLF's offense is all Love knows. Moving onto Love with a new offensive system is putting him into a position to fail.

5 points
Oppy's picture

January 09, 2023 at 12:08 am

Quay Walker has clearly shown his athletic prowess and ability to be a game-changing force at ILB, no question about that. Been seeing it on the field since mid season.

Quay also has a temper and self control issues, big ones, and he's likely to catch a domestic violence charge at some point based on those tendencies. Young men who can't control their tempers are bad news if people don't intervene and convince them they have a problem they need to commit to working on changing.

4 points
13TimeChamps's picture

January 09, 2023 at 09:51 am

The officials also now have a "book" on him, so to speak. His reputation will precede him every game next year until he cleans up his act. There will be no "benefit of the doubt" on close plays. And he has no one to blame but himself. Those were really bad penalties.

It's a shame because he has the look of a really good player. I hope he figures it out.

2 points
jlc1's picture

January 09, 2023 at 04:15 am

Where were the dbs on 3rd down on the winning drive? Off the man in Barryland to let the throw come in underneath. He did not do a good job.

6 points
coolhand's picture

January 09, 2023 at 09:41 am

Jaire was 8 yards off the receiver on 4th and 2. Typical barry failure at a crucial time.

1 points
PackerGravy's picture

January 09, 2023 at 07:20 am

…but of course he IS that stupid

1 points
ricky's picture

January 08, 2023 at 11:41 pm

After some processing amid a feeling of emptiness and sadness, it finally dawned on me that Rodgers is no longer "a bad man" when it is crunch time. Two years ago, the Packers had home field advantage, then lost to Tampa due to Rodgers, as noted, forcing the ball to Adams. Last year, HFA again. And the ST's stunk up the joint, but the offense went on strike after the first few minutes of the game. This year, why was I expecting different results? First down on the Lions five, and they settle for a FG? Then, they settle for another FG later on. As per usual. This one hurt. Bad. I'm less angry, but rather, resigned to this "Groundhog Day" experience every year. The pattern has been set, and all we get to do is watch it unfold, against different teams, again and again. But this is getting old, real fast. I know what Rodgers was; it is also becoming more apparent who he is now. Time for a reset/revamp/reconfiguration.

9 points
Ikrispy's picture

January 08, 2023 at 11:41 pm

So much for “team of destiny”

3 points
Coldworld's picture

January 08, 2023 at 11:58 pm

I’d say we lived down to the destiny set when Murphy gave that contract to Rodgers for another last dance.

6 points
croatpackfan's picture

January 09, 2023 at 08:21 am

Well, Coldworld, it would be nice if this is the really last dance. But, as we know, the adut is in ACR hands, not in Packers.

I just hope big cleaning is just about to start. And I'm also affraid that it will not happen.

1 points
calabasa's picture

January 08, 2023 at 11:42 pm

While it was a stupid move, watching Quay in the tunnel was watching a man in agony. He’s a 22-yo rookie in the biggest game of his life and makes a dumb move. I feel for him, and hope it’s a massive learning experience for this young Packer.

4 points
Oppy's picture

January 09, 2023 at 12:11 am

He's crying because he's got a problem he isn't equipped to control at this point.

He's probably been coddled his entire life and allowed to let his temper go- 'just give him space, he needs to cool down, he doesn't mean it', or, of course, those around him have probably been frightened to attempt to intervene.

Clear anger management issues. Hope he gets himself straightened out, but it's likely a life long tendency to lash out when angry or frustrated. Gonna take some work.

2 points
jurp's picture

January 09, 2023 at 08:45 am

According to the internet, Walker now holds the dubious distinction of being the only player in league history to have been ejected twice in the same season for striking non-players from the opposing team. He's in danger of out-Suhing Suh.

2 points
PackerGravy's picture

January 09, 2023 at 07:18 am

You can’t fix stupid, 22 or not pushing a medical staffer?
What an absolute Idiot!

2 points
croatpackfan's picture

January 09, 2023 at 08:22 am

No, he is not stupid. Stupid one you shall find at CEO position on Packers upper management.

1 points
Alberta_Packer's picture

January 08, 2023 at 11:44 pm

Shall we take a moment silence for the premature passing of this season - although it wasn't entirely a surprise for many - based on some of management's off-season decisions - notably bringing back an aged and declining Rodgers. Is any more proof needed to jettison Murphy - otherwise we are looking at a Ryan Pace (Chicago Bears) years of ineptitude.

6 points
The_Baloney_Stops_Here's picture

January 08, 2023 at 11:45 pm

Premature? For all intents and purposes, this team far outlived its expiration date.

3 points
Alberta_Packer's picture

January 09, 2023 at 12:00 am

I was mostly being facetious - as a swipe at management. Personally, I bet the Lions as there was nothing in Rodgers past performance lines to suggest that he was capable of meeting the moment.

3 points
The_Baloney_Stops_Here's picture

January 09, 2023 at 08:57 am

Lol fair enough

1 points
KnockTheSnotOutOfYou's picture

January 08, 2023 at 11:47 pm

The thing is the Lions have a potential generational WR talent in Jameson William's who barely played tonight. Additionally, they have the 6th pick in round 1, with another in the middle of round 1. They also have two second round picks. This is going to be the team to beat in the Division next year.

3 points
PackyCheese500's picture

January 08, 2023 at 11:53 pm

Agreed, although Watson also is a hot speedster too....

1 points
KnockTheSnotOutOfYou's picture

January 09, 2023 at 12:13 am


I so wanted to see Watson on a slant across the middle with a catch and run like in the Dallas game.

4 points
croatpackfan's picture

January 09, 2023 at 08:24 am

That might happened if there was another QB at the Packers helm (khm, khm, Philly game) ...

1 points
EnemyTerritory's picture

January 09, 2023 at 06:52 am

And the Bears have their QB, also the No. 1 pick overall and more than 100m in cap space. Green Bay has 150m in cap space eaten up by a closing in on 40 year old QB/philosopher who’s best days are in the rear view mirror. TE is not really functional as a weapon, coaching intensity, tactics and strategy is subpar and other than Watson who shoulders the WR load? I love Bahk and Jones but the cap hits are massive. Damn, this offseason is going to be brutal…

4 points
Coldworld's picture

January 09, 2023 at 08:28 am

The Bears have Fields. If they think that’s their answer then that’s good for us.

2 points
The_Baloney_Stops_Here's picture

January 09, 2023 at 08:58 am

So do the Packers. Christian Watson is the 6'4" 210 pound version of Jameson Williams.

0 points
Wilment's picture

January 08, 2023 at 11:54 pm

Let me start by saying AAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Ok, now to the game. The red zone offense absolutely sucks. I mean sucks. This has been a trend all year, win or lose. Defense, played decently enough, but part of the coaching is to stress discipline. The penalty by Walker, who is going to either wise up and be a great player or become the second coming of Suh, and the Douglas penalty were costly and absolutely absurd. The pass rush had the night off tonight. Special teams weren't so special tonight. Nixon was a non factor. Crosby hit three of four, and considering he was kicking abrick, not terrible , This might be the last hurrah though for the packs all time leading scorer though. Then theres the offense.....which red zone aside, the critical fumbles, drops, Rodgers inaccuracy, and the Yosh experimengt must come to an end. Guy can only hold up against has beens or never was pass rushers. Quality guys run his ass over or he gets caught with a fist full of jersey. Barry hasn't earned another year, and the powers that be might want to take a close look at Sean Peyton . MLF might have won forty plus games in four years, but how many home playoff games have we won? I think theres quality on defense, and lots of young talent on offense, bring in a proven coach to work with them GO PACK GO!!

2 points
TommyG's picture

January 08, 2023 at 11:59 pm

It was never going to be a great season. We knew that heading in. Some had convinced themselves that the defense would be a shutdown D. How could that happen with a new DC, new scheme, and departing stars? Some thought AR would get another MVP run.

I’d say that in the end we got nearly what we expected. All but the wildcard blowout loss.

4 points
croatpackfan's picture

January 09, 2023 at 08:31 am

This season was Joe Barry's second season. Just saying...

0 points
A New Era's picture

January 09, 2023 at 12:13 am

It was yet another hugely disappointing season ending loss at Lambeau but as upsetting as that is, I also give a face palm to the predictable overreactions by fans.

The drumbeats were loud midseason to fire and bench everyone. Then, as the Packers started a nice roll and all the other games seemed to fall into place, the mood shifted. Maybe heads didn't need to roll. Every staff member on CHTV predicted a Packer win tonight! Now that the Packers lost, the torch and pitchfork crowd is at it again.

Heros to bums to heros to bums to heros to bums. Yadda yadda yadda.

I've been following the Packers since 1961. In the Lombardi era I believed with good justification that the Packers had an aura of invincibility to them. The dark ages between 1968-1992 were pretty tough but the Holmgren era was pretty darn good. We had that undefeated home streak going until the debacle when our JV team lost to Atlanta. Then things slowly unraveled. The McCarthy era was good too and after the incredible 2010 Super Bowl win with a talented young team, who didn't think the Packers had at least a couple more Lombardi trophies in them? But the playoff failures kept piling up, often in excruciatingly painful ways (Seattle, anyone)? LaFleur set a regular season record for the first three seasons as a head coach. No small feat. But more playoff losses.

My take? We Packer fans have been spoiled for decades. From Favre to Rodgers, we've watched HOF quarterback play for three decades. Seven NFL MVPs between them! Sure, we'd like to have more than two Super Bowl wins, but I wouldn't trade the last thirty years with any other fan base except New England.

There are 32 teams in the league and the players on every team get paid.

Blow it all up? Be careful what you wish for. Thankfully, fans do not run NFL franchises.


-2 points
Coldworld's picture

January 09, 2023 at 08:32 am

The blow up has already happened. When will you notice? The problem is we are likely to absolve and retain all those responsible, so the self immolation will continue.

1 points
A New Era's picture

January 09, 2023 at 02:52 pm

When will I notice, Coldworld? Well, ever since I was a kid, or put another way, for over 60 years, I've devoured just about every scrap of information as possible about the Packers. I read Cheesehead TV, the Athletic, and many other Packer news sources. I interact with many other fans.

I grumble and grouse too. Who in their right mind could be happy with the Packer situation right now? However, I have learned that my fan perspective is very limited, compared with the folks in the organization who watch all the practices, understand the personalities and quirks of the players and coaches, and are paid a shitload of money to make the big decisions. No question they have and will make mistakes, as do the folks running the franchises of 31 other teams.

I'm glad you and many other fans know more than they do and have all the answers.

1 points
jurp's picture

January 09, 2023 at 08:49 am

So, wash-rinse-repeat until the entire structure collapses? SMH.

-1 points
A New Era's picture

January 09, 2023 at 02:55 pm

Maybe you should submit your application to become the next Packer GM, Jurp. You're obviously more qualified.

0 points
Starrbrite's picture

January 09, 2023 at 12:14 am

I’m too disappointed to make a worthwhile comment.
Later y’all.
Go Packers

1 points
Ferrari-Driver's picture

January 09, 2023 at 12:41 am

The year Sean Payton went from offensive coordinator to head coach, he badly wanted to get the job in Green Bay which went to Mike McCarthy. I listened to the football pre-game and Payton indicated that he wants to coach again next year. I'll just stop here and put this out simply as information.

0 points
croatpackfan's picture

January 09, 2023 at 08:33 am

Broncos already negotiating with him. And another franchise, I can not remember which one!

0 points
uncle10's picture

January 09, 2023 at 12:41 am

I am going to be the biggest cheerleader for Aaron Rodgers all offseason. As long as all the parades lead out of town! That's a baker's dozen in the Super Bowl drought! (Imagine Charlie Berens' voice there...).

2 points
BAMABADGER's picture

January 09, 2023 at 12:51 am

Congratulations, Detroit Loins. You had nothing to play for except Pride and the desire to win for your Head Coach. The Green Bay Packers, our team, did neither. On to the draft, hopefully front office/coaching changes, and player changes. Let a new era begin. GPG!

1 points
Gman1976's picture

January 09, 2023 at 01:05 am

*Good teams don't beat themselves. With senseless penalties, turnovers and drops, the Pack opened the door wide open for the Lions to win.
*Who is the play caller for the offense? Too many of the plays seem uncreative and repetitive which lead to failure. If something is unsuccessful, should we keep on trying the same thing? If we can't score TDs in the red zone, should we just do what hasn't worked again?
* Aaron Rodgers has been a great QB. He was not great tonight. He often can't accurately throw short. Is this due to injury; and if so, why is he playing?
*Our OL didn't seem to hold up. Was Nijman injured again?
*Just when we needed the defense to hold, they give up the long pass; and then all of a sudden they can't stop the run. Where was the pass rush from our outside LBs? In close games, I am so tired of seeing corners staying back 7-10 yards and passes getting easy completions.
*We lost a very winnable game and certainly did not play up to our talent level. Very frustrating for this Packer lifer.

2 points
coolhand's picture

January 09, 2023 at 09:51 am

I still don't get the 4th and less than a yard at our own 35 and we go for it with a run wide? If you can't call a power the ball with Dillon up the gut for 1 yard what are you thinking?

0 points
fastmoving's picture

January 09, 2023 at 01:50 am

That the only thing, besides blaming everyone besides himself, the weak antivaxxing chemtrailer is good at..........loooosing when it counts. Since over 10 years now for 50 Million.
What a srange joke this diva is........

2 points
Rossonero's picture

January 09, 2023 at 05:48 am

If there's any good that comes out of this, at least it might force some change - hopefully with Rodgers moving on, despite his monstrous contract.

We also would've gotten destroyed vs. the Niners. We all know it.

Nagler summed it up well. We reverted to form. We are what we are. Just wish we got to see more of Jordan Love here down the stretch. What a disappointing night. I did not get much sleep and now it's off to work.

3 points
NickPerry's picture

January 09, 2023 at 06:39 am

I said this on "Polluted Mindsets" this week on Jersey Al's weekly Wednesday's piece... Al had bought into the Packers 4 game winning streak while I hadn't...Not yet anyways. (No offense Al)

"I still haven't bought into this team 100%. I have this overwhelming fear Joe Barry will revert back to his soft-zone coverage and will stop doing what has been successful the last 6 quarters especially for the Packers. Dean Lowry's move to IR will squash Barry's need to continue to play Lowry which I know sounds kinda messed up. But at times an injury is what finally gets a player like Slayton and/or Wyatt on the field more while IMPROVING the defense at the same time.
I'm also concerned about that thing called "Hero Ball". We've all seen it too many times to feel 100% certain Rodgers won't revert to it again. But Aaron Jones looked healthier last week, and AJ Dillon is running harder than he has all year AND scoring TDs. STICK WITH THE RUNNING GAME...PLEASE!"

I also made comments similar to this in other pieces leading up to the game and right after the beatdown of the Vikings. I'm not bring this up to toot my own horn, but because it's happened far too often these last few years under MLF.

Well, BOTH things happened. I put this ALL on MLF. He's got a QB who does whatever the fuck he wants when he wants to and a DC who is a complete and utter moron.

Now my concern isn't "Rodgers Watch". It's after 3 years of this same ole shit, will ANYTHING CHANGE at 1265 Lombardi. It starts with Murphy, he's got to go. Why? Because HE IS AN IDIOT!

8 points
croatpackfan's picture

January 09, 2023 at 08:41 am

Thank you Nick!

When I was saying that many spit on me how I can offend Packers CEO who was excellent Packers player and graduated from the Faculty of Law.

Well, I answer them that only the idiots will try to convince us they are not by using sentence "We are not idiors!" Well they are...

0 points
TacoTuesday's picture

January 09, 2023 at 06:56 am

Sad, sad, Monday.

1 points
The_Baloney_Stops_Here's picture

January 09, 2023 at 09:02 am

Well, theres always taco tuesday to look forward to lol

1 points
Coach Cleve Steamer's picture

January 09, 2023 at 06:59 am

Plenty of off-season left.

4 points
PackerGravy's picture

January 09, 2023 at 07:14 am

Clever Rebecca 👍

0 points
Crankbait's picture

January 09, 2023 at 07:06 am

The Packers are who they are. Plenty of talent, no leaders or leadership, poorly coached.

1 points
PackerGravy's picture

January 09, 2023 at 07:11 am

Quay Walker = Idiot!

0 points
pacman's picture

January 09, 2023 at 07:28 am

Let it all out guys. MLF shows time and time again that he doesn't get his team ready enough. Lot of blame to go around for yesterday but it AR is no longer elite. I was hoping that something would spark him back to life these last few weeks but it wasn't to be. Management wasted so many years in so many ways of one of the best to play the game. What a shame.

And the worst of it is that I have no confidence that anything will change other than some players.

4 points
Fan4ever's picture

January 09, 2023 at 07:37 am

There is no "I" in "team". With the last 2 quarterbacks, the Packers have tried to put the "I" in "team" making Farve and Rodgers the ultimate lone player paying them the big bucks. This left little funds to pay / get better surrounding players. The quarterbacks have no one to throw to; the front line isn't that strong; the defense isn't strong; etc. Remember when we had Farve (who had not yet risen to idolship) and Reggie White and great supporting players? But once one player becomes elevated above the rest as Farve and Rodgers have, the team becomes substandard. Until the front office learns this, the Pack will continue this cycle. [I am not saying that Farve and Rodgers are not great players, they are. However, how did they become great? By having a great surrounding team. Take the great surrounding team away, well, we have the current Packers.] One last thing.. for me, to retire Farve's number on the stadium wall and not Leroy Butler's number, I am still hanging my head in shame...just my opinion.

1 points
Fan4ever's picture

January 09, 2023 at 07:37 am

There is no "I" in "team". With the last 2 quarterbacks, the Packers have tried to put the "I" in "team" making Farve and Rodgers the ultimate lone player paying them the big bucks. This left little funds to pay / get better surrounding players. The quarterbacks have no one to throw to;, the front line isn't that strong; the defense isn't strong, etc. Remember when we had Farve (who had not yet risen to idolship) and Reggie White and great supporting players? But once one player becomes elevated above the rest as Farve and Rodgers have, the team becomes substandard. Until the front office learns this, the Pack will continue this cycle. [I am not saying that Farve and Rodgers are not great players, they are. However, how did they become great? By having a great surrounding team. Take the great surrounding team away, well, we have the current Packers.]

-1 points
LeotisHarris's picture

January 09, 2023 at 08:51 am

The numbness and emptiness that accompany seasons' end has arrived. I like Rebecca's take; lotta off-season left.

Hats off to the Lions, they did what they needed to do to win. How about Jamal passing Barry Sanders for TDs in a season? Wow!

Farve to Driver PTSD on Rodgers' final INT. Once again, 12 didn't get it done when he had the chance.

For me, this 2022-23 version of the Packers has been a difficult collection of players to like; even more so for the coaching staff. Can't trip on your own dick that much and expect to win.

Let's chat again about Quay's Wonderlic score, shall we?

Disappointment. Uncertainty that any of the current cast of characters can act to right the ship.

Time to cheer for Buffalo. That area and those fans could use some happiness.

1 points
KnockTheSnotOutOfYou's picture

January 09, 2023 at 09:56 am

Ahhh....a good nights sleep and I watched the sun come up this morning.

Big decisions coming! I will be honest because of the horrific decision last offseason by Mark Murphy, Ball, & Gutey it was a monster struggle for me all year to watch the Packers. I never once believed they would make the playoffs and knew prior to the Lions game they did not have what it took to get in. For me, the screw up was so obvious last offseason and now that poor decision will haunt the Packers going forward for years to come. The interesting thing is even if Rodgers is gone next year and say the Packers get one or two draft picks in a trade it will never remove the stench for me.

Yes, I believe the Packers need a legitimate TE to go along with Tonyan (who I hope is resigned) in order for the Packers to be effective in the red zone. Many now want Notre Dame's TE, Michael Mayer in round 1. Think about it.....the Broncos drafted TE, Noah Fant in the 1st round in 2020 who is 6'5" and runs the 40 in 4.5. The Packers could have had Fant along with two first-round picks, two second-round picks, a fifth-round pick, QB Drew Lock, and defensive lineman Shelby Harris. Plus, the Packers this coming draft would still have that #1 first round pick in 2023 to use to strengthen another position like the DL, OL, or Safety. The failure of Murphy and company decision last season will hang around Lambeau for many years to come. Any objective Packer fan who has watched Rodgers play all year has to agree with me that the last offseason decision was a horrible one and it will sorely affect the team for many years to come.

The other downside to not making the trade last offseason is we now will have to look forward to seeing Jordan Love get much needed game experience in 2023 that he should have received in 2022. Talk about taking multiple steps backwards for the organization with that one major offseason decision.

0 points
SinceLombardi's picture

January 09, 2023 at 11:53 am

Let’s be honest about playing over their heads.. Bears, Rams, Dolphins and a crippled Vikings team.
Still not bad for a team owned by Jared Goff.

-1 points