Mike McCarthy: "Aaron Rodgers Is Progressing"

The head coach of the Packers discussed the calf injury of his star quarterback.

Green Bay Packers head coach Mike McCarthy met with the media on Monday, a day after learning his team's next opponent would be the Dallas Cowboys in the divisional round of the playoffs.

The following are select comments from his press conference:

  • On Aaron Rodgers' calf injury: Aaron Rodgers is progressing, had some hip in his hop today. We'll have an evaluation Wednesday morning and set a plan for the week.
  • On the Cowboys defense: More time in the system. Very detailed, very disciplined in what they're doing each and every snap. What jumps out is their pursuit.
  • On creating a game-plan for the Cowboys: We met last night, 3:00 watched the game and started game-planning immediately afterward.
  • On the timeframe from creating a game-plan: You have to be prepared, to get into the game plan immediately after the game. … Once the game was completed, I think the coaches' video got here a little after nine.
  • On the improvement of the Packers defense: What gave us the confidence back then was the players and the path that we thought we had the right plan for using our players, being a little more creative. Playing more tight personnel packages. … I think that's what you're seeing with our defense.
  • On the Dallas rushing offense: The Cowboys run game is excellent. Murray is a big-time back. … Anytime you see a player for the first time live, they leave an impression on you.
  • On the Cowboys win the wildcard game: The thing that Iv'e been really impressed with and was evident in the Detroit game, they were down 14-0 and just kept battling. … You don't win eight games on the road without that. … This is something that jumps off the stat sheet when you see eight wins on the road.
  • On Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo: I've always felt Tony is an excellent player, commands the whole offense at the line of scrimmage. Their run-pass balance helps any quarterback. But he still has that unique ability to extend plays. … He's a dangerous player.
  • On if he remembers the Ice Bowl: I was in Pittsburgh, four years old. I couldn't' tell you exatly what I was doing.
  • On others in the organization remembering: It's a a joke in our room when something happened a long time ago and none of us were born yet. "What about Dom?"
  • On the Packers' special teams struggles: The things that have gone wrong on special teams, first you look at protection. Those are fundamental things. … I feel confident with that moving forward. … Tim (Masthay's) been an excellent player for us for a long time. … Some of those things we've addressed. … All the things we need to improve on, we've addressed.
  • On Micah Hyde and the return game: Micah, The fact of the matter is, it's winter football. The return game is more important. … We'll see what the plan is come Sunday, but it's about getting more opportunities.
  • On Rodgers' preparation: It's a big challenge for Aaron. I thought Aaron was brought up the right way. He likes to practice. Brett (Favre) was the same way. … When you have your start player out there every day, competing, it makes your whole environment better…. We'll talk it through and make an educated decision.
  • On concern about Rodgers' performance on little preparation: I'm not concerned if you look at he way he plaeyd in the second half of the Detroit game. … Hey, the way he progresses, if he's a quick healer, he jumped out there and played normal football.
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Doug_In_Sandpoint's picture

January 06, 2015 at 12:04 am

We need Aaron to keep from tweaking the calf against the Cowboys and then one more game. Then he gets another 2 weeks to heal up completely.

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HankScorpio's picture

January 06, 2015 at 11:20 am

It was sort of out of left field that the suited up all 3 QBs vs Detroit. I mean, we all knew Rodgers was playing hurt vs TB but he missed no time and showed limited outward signs. Then, the lead up to Detroit didn't seem to revolve around his injury all that much. So I'm sort of on pins and needles in regards to his status, no matter what McCarthy says or doesn't say.

Flynn did beat the Cowboys in Dallas last year. But this is a different Dallas team and Flynn has been sitting, not playing. So I'd rather we not be forced to see if he can do it again.

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MarkinMadison's picture

January 06, 2015 at 07:07 am

I'm more worried about Davante Adams showing up mentally than I am about #12's calf.

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RCPackerFan's picture

January 06, 2015 at 07:33 am

easy fix to that. Get him involved early and often.

His 2 best games this year have come when they have done that. They got him the ball early and often and he was in sync with Rodgers. I think that is the key for him to have a good game.

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DrealynWilliams's picture

January 06, 2015 at 07:52 am

Uhhh, priorities, my friend.

I can take a silent game from Adams if another WR/TE becomes a capable #3 receiving option.

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White92's picture

January 06, 2015 at 08:34 am

While I'd love for Adams to have a great game, he is very low on my concern list. I think Nelson and Cobb will have plenty of opportunities vs the Dallas secondary.

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Handsback's picture

January 06, 2015 at 08:22 am

I live in Dallas and this year the Cowboys have far exceeded expectations. Against Green Bay and the cold, their running game will be key. If the Pack stop it....they should win.

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HankScorpio's picture

January 06, 2015 at 11:15 am

Is Hyde returning kicks these days or just punts?

I agree with McCarthy that creating more opportunities for him on punt return is a good thing. I could live without seeing much of the kick return unit at all this weekend.

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