NFL Draft Talk with Ben Fennell: Packers draft needs

Aaron continues his weekly series with Ben Fennell, talking all things Packers and NFL Draft. This week they look at Packers draft needs, Senior Bowl standouts and give their thoughts on this year's Super Bowl matchup.




3 points

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bossofallbosses's picture

February 07, 2024 at 09:39 pm

Packers draft needs in order:

1.) Safety: Savage allowed 2 TD's and dropped a pick six vs SF. An above average safety ensures GB a spot in the SB and potentially getting a SB dub vs a team GB already beat. The Minnesota safety
2.) MLB: Campbell is done and Quay is on thin ice. NC state MLB
3.) C: Josh Myers is the weak link on the Oline. Oregon Center perhaps.
4.) CB: Some depth from a solid man coverage CB is needed here. Tampa from Ioqa state.
5.) RG: Runyan is below average. I like the dude from Boston College.
6.) RB: Dillon may be gone and Jones is done in one to 2 years. I'd draft Bucky Irving from Oregon
7.) Receiver: Even though they have a great receiver group you can always upgrade the last 2 on the depth chart and injuries are going to happen.
8.) K: Carlson needs better competition
9.) FB: I still think this team needs a solid FB for short doqn yardage situations.

-2 points
Packerpasty's picture

February 08, 2024 at 10:15 am

Ensures a GB spot in the SB??? How'd ya figure that...jump right to the SB without playing the Lions at Ford Field?

-1 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

February 08, 2024 at 02:50 am

I like this Ben Fennel guy!

Since November I've been saying GB's #1 priority in this draft is O line.

#2 priority in this draft is O line.

#3 priority in this draft is O line.

Assuming that only 7 O linemen return, still gotta dress 10. So all three of these picks have to be good. I would have hated to have seen any more draft capital given to JB as DC, but now that problem is gone so if BPA happens to be a DB? I'm ok with spending an early round choice on that, assuming Hadley Gutey and MLF are all on the same page.

More specifically, GB's roster has had 4 OTs not named Zach Tom or Bakh, huge guys that I wanted to see used in 2022 in short yardage situations instead of trying to thread needles from a mile away and killing drives. If none of them are any good don't give them a roster spot and stop drafting behemoths, but I saw Mt Caleb dominate in TC. Is any rookie going to perform better than him, Telfort, Tenuta and Walker? If not then use all three picks on the interior O line and at least get some depth! Every player on the O line played through significant injury except Rhyan Nijman and Walker.

Definitely some personnel choices that were beyond suspect. This "draft and develop" thing has to be tried for it to work; speaking of which #31 Wilson was never given legitimate opportunity in games that count. The one time he was used as a bell cow he got a first down in the consecutive plays, then he was benched. How the hell is Gutey supposed to draft intelligently based on incomplete information like that?

1 points
LLCHESTY's picture

February 08, 2024 at 06:59 am

All the "behemoths" were UDFA s.

0 points
PackEyedOptimist's picture

February 08, 2024 at 05:49 am

Before the 2023 season, I'd have said "BEST PLAYER AVAILABLE!"

Now though, with making the playoffs this year, that seems off-base.

Gute likes to SAY he drafts BPA, but really, like Wolf and Thompson before him, he really drafts Best Available Player Who Is Better Than The Guy We Have At That Position"
(BAPWIBTTGWHATP doesn't have the same ring to it...)
Each year I retell this story: Ron Wolf was being interviewed on a radio show before a draft (I don't remember what year or show--a loooong time ago). During it, he addressed the BAP concept and said that they basically put up their depth chart and their Big
Board and compared the two as they went along. This made complete sense to me.
Why draft a guy if you don't think he really has the potential to beat out whoever you've got there already? (including the guys you possibly just drafted at that position).

He didn't say it, but the best scenario when the BAP isn't better than what you've already got, is to trade down/into the future. I think that could potentially happen at 25 this year. I think a QB could be there, and maybe the Giants would trade up for him (though that's probably more likely for an earlier pick with a different team).

0 points
Ron61's picture

February 08, 2024 at 05:57 am

Stock up on linemen. Great advice that makes every position player better!

0 points