Pack-A-Day Podcast - Episode 2126 - Packers OTA Preview!!!

On today's show, join Andy Herman as he breaks down all the key storylines and things to watch for as OTA's open to the media on Tuesday. Don't miss it!

On today's show, join Andy Herman as he breaks down all the key storylines and things to watch for as OTA's open to the media on Tuesday. Don't miss it!





Andy is a graduate of UW-Oshkosh and owns & operates the Pack-A-Day Podcast. Andy has taken multiple courses in NFL scouting and is an Editor for Packer Report. Andy grew up in Green Bay and is a lifelong season ticket holder - follow him on Twitter @AndyHermanNFL!


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SicSemperTyrannis's picture

May 21, 2024 at 03:18 pm

I'm still not letting go of our depth at O line, most notably the huge humans Telfort Tenuta and Caleb Jones, all bigger than 6'6". I don't know that this marks the end of the experiment if none of them work out this season, but it's more than just interesting to observe, there's a lot of roster spots at stake. I'd love to see returning players prove their worth and push rookies into depth, even if they are first round draft picks.

The "best five" is only half the battle as GB usually dresses 10; or is there so much versatility that they go with 7 or 8 this season?!? Here's hoping they get it right, and may the best men win.


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