Raibird Central Podcast: The Eddie Lacy Enigma

247Sports insider Luke Rodgers assesses what's going on with the Packers running back.

Episode 607

Four days after the miraculous victory over the Detroit Lions, the situation involving Green Bay Packers running back Eddie Lacy has put a damper on what should be happy time for the Packers. We bring on 247Sports insider Luke Rodgers to discuss the Lacy saga, missing curfew and where the team goes from here. We also take a look at Aaron Rodgers' Hail Mary, the NFC playoff picture and so much more.


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Morgan Mundane's picture

December 07, 2015 at 12:58 pm

Once solution and its painful: put Lacy on IR. Ya done for the year. Cleveland benched Manziel, not for one game but two. Even though they needed him the message was, screw up and we decide when you play.
With Manziel he has the health to get out and play, Lacy can't. That's the problem. Time for him to get training for next year. IR will give him the time to reflect and think about what he wants out of life to.
Its both mental and physical issues here.

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Dan Stodola's picture

December 07, 2015 at 01:06 pm

There is nothing wrong w/ Lacy physically. The ankle was early in the season and wasn't ever wrapped against Det. And I didn't see him limited by some imaginary groin/hamstring injury! He's healthy and can play, Period.

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sonomaca's picture

December 10, 2015 at 02:10 pm

As Peter said in "Office Space":

"Bob, it's a question of motivation."

He's just doesn't seem to be that interested in football, although I think he's got a problem with depression.

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sonomaca's picture

December 10, 2015 at 02:07 pm

Regarding Alonozo Harris:

Back in September, Michael Cohen discussed hanging out with Harris on cut-down day. He talked about how hard Harris had worked to learn the playbook and to beat out Neal for the final running back spot. He recounted how the whole Harris family had been present in GB, and the joy which they all felt when he made the team.

What a disappointment he is to everyone now. All that hard work for nothing. All the potential earnings tossed away. I don't get it.

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