Railbird Central Podcast: Ringing in the New Year

Scott McKenna joins the show for his monthly engagement, helping us take a position by position look at the Packers roster. We discuss the reasons the Packers will or won't win the Super Bowl.

Episode 478

Happy New Year, Railbirds. To kick off 2015, we welcome Scott McKenna of the Talkin' S-Mac blog for his monthly engagement to help us look at the state of the Packers as they enter the playoffs. We take turns going position by position through the Packers roster giving our reasons both why the Packers will win the Super Bowl and why they won't.


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Comments (3)

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Allan Murphy's picture

January 02, 2015 at 10:44 am

really start with out me ic how it is :(

0 points
Allan Murphy's picture

January 02, 2015 at 10:45 am

The MVP is the beard guy this week smhhhhhhhhhh.

0 points
CheesestradamusDOTcom's picture

January 03, 2015 at 11:43 am

I missed it due to family frolics. It's just as good as always!

0 points