Roll Rhyan Roll!!!

2nd-Year Guard certainly looks deserving of more action in Week 10



I don't know how he did it, but gosh golly he did it. Sean Rhyan has finally appeared to be out of Matt LaFleur's doghouse, earning himself FIFTEEN snaps against the Rams. With a whopping SEVEN on an elusive touchdown scoring drive!!! More!!! I need more!!!

But how did this happen? Right Guard Jon Runyan went down with an ankle injury, and instead of who I'll continue to call Royce "The Abominable" Newman playing in relief, somehow Rhyan got the nod. 

I saw a lot to like honestly.

Despite this being Rhyan's first official NFL action ever during the regular season, he looked like a well-rehearsed veteran. Rhyan, probably itching for any significant action, played like he wanted it, being spry on all his blocks. I think the timing with his punches was a little tentative, but that's to be expected. But Rhyan next to Zach Tom (who was picked one round after Sean in 2022) looked like a formidable duo, and might look even better should Tom move to Center permanently. If they could play together more and build more chemistry, they could be a major boom for the running game. There were a couple of combo blocks that if executed better could have opened up HUGE running lanes in LaFleur's outside zone scheme. Speaking of the outside zone, while Rhyan didn't get there effectively, he continued to work up to the second level and look for more work, Rams second-level defenders didn't try to go through Rhyan with his 6'5, 320lb frame, instead opting to try and go around him to get to the ball (Myers take notes).

But what REALLY got me up out of my chair is the picture I spotlighted in this article. You may not have noticed, but that is Sean Rhyan STALEMATING All-Pro DT Aaron Donald. While I didn't catch every snap of Donald's in detail, he absolutely owned Center Josh Myers, and Elgton Jenkins on the left side definitely seemed to be reeling a couple of times(granted they were in the game much longer than Rhyan did).

I get it, this is a small sample size, but given the adversity Rhyan had to go through to get to this moment (albeit somewhat self-inflicted), this is a reason to get excited. Many of us probably wrote off Sean after his 6-game suspension his rookie year and his subsequent inability to get on the field despite the Packers' poor options otherwise. I was wondering if Sean would be just another horror story of Brian Gutekunst and the Packers' adventures in the 3rd Round of the NFL Draft. But after one game and 15 snaps, once again there's hope. While I have the utmost faith in the 2023 class to outshine the 2022 class in the long term, the 2022 class represents what I'd call a "base" of core players that combined with the 2023 and eventual 2024 classes creates the "genetic makeup" for an eventual return to the playoffs.

My only question is when will we see more of Sean? We know Matt LaFleur "has to look at the tape", and probably won't get Sean a start til probably around Week 14 after the Packers are probably officially eliminated from the playoffs. But these snaps need to happen and need to happen soon. If Sean shows ANY long-term promise that could shake up the draft strategy for the front office. If Rhyan could be seen as the RG of the future the interior of the offensive line for 2024 might be set with Jenkins-Tom-Rhyan. Now, you're looking for maybe just a Right Tackle on Day 1 or Day 2 if they decided to allow Yosh Nijman to retain his position at Left Tackle for the entire season. Now if I'm GM I'd probably still take two premium linemen with two picks in the 2nd and 3rd Rounds apiece to create competition and find our new "best 5", but Rhyan could have his say if he continues to get snaps and perform well.

The Steelers definitely present a challenge for the offensive line, any offensive line really...should Runyan falter (he's in a down year), I'd love to see Rhyan take on the challenge of Cam Hayward. If he can hang with Aaron Donald, I'd be quite intrigued to see his performance. 

Let's hope LaFleur makes the change sooner than later; after all, the Packers are UNDEFEATED when Sean Rhyan plays 15 snaps or more.






Joseph has been an avid fan of the Green Bay Packers since 1997, citing an affinity for dairy products during his childhood and his favorite color, green. Born in Jacksonville, FL, Joseph currently is an Active Duty servicemember in the U.S. Armed Forces. Joseph considers himself a lifelong fan of the game of football, competing since his youth well into adulthood. When it comes to the Pack, Joseph is particularly impassioned about the NFL Draft and collegiate scouting process, and will contribute regularly on leading to that year's upcoming Draft. You can follow him on Twitter at @joeyreyallday.


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13 points

Comments (18)

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NickPerry's picture

November 11, 2023 at 06:46 pm

"My only question is when will we see more of Sean? We know Matt LaFleur "has to look at the tape", and probably won't get Sean a start til probably around Week 14 after the Packers are probably officially eliminated from the playoffs."

I wish I could say with some confidence this wouldn't happen and hopefully it doesn't. Somehow though, I think it does. But, at some point you have to imagine MLF will overrule Butkus and Steno, keep Newman and Runyan on the bench, and start playing Rhyan. When that happens I think Rhyan is ready, I mean how many more times does Royce Newman need to kick you in the ole family jewels before FINALLY keeping him on the bench. Hell, if the urge is too great, make him inactive on gamedays. It's no big loss.

Rhyan did look good last Sunday and the Packers actually scored a TD! In the FIRST half! If the MLF Doghouse was because of the suspension it's time for MLF to let that go. You no longer have Rodgers to inflate your record. But Rhyan has paid for his errors and deserves the shot. He played 15 snaps and looked good. The elusive TD drive, the "Stonewalling" on Aaron Donald, staying ONSIDES.

I'll say this, if the Packers score another TD on the first or second drive Rhyan in playing, there should be no more questions.

10 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

November 12, 2023 at 10:14 am

I'd love to see Tom at C, Rhyan at RG along with JRJ, and Nijman / Walker / Mt Caleb covering OT. '24 draft picks shouldn't be able to challenge any of this, but depth is needed on the interior more than OT.

How Myers fits into that was never figured out last TC, and probably won't be until next TC, at the earliest.

0 points
Guam's picture

November 12, 2023 at 10:31 am

SST: I agree with much of your sentiment, but I am not sure that Nijman/Walker/Jones are the answer at tackle. Nijman is an adequate tackle, Walker is still unproven and Jones has yet to play a snap. I would really like to see a high draft choice at tackle in next year's draft as well as some interior line help.

1 points
MooPack's picture

November 11, 2023 at 10:17 pm

"If Rhyan could be seen as the RG of the future the interior of the offensive line for 2024 might be set with Jenkins-Tom-Rhyan."

I can only hope at this point that MLF sees this and would demand this. If they could be the true best iOL group, grab an OT like Ol' Fashun or Joe Alt in the draft, and find another OT later (vet or draft), the Packers could shore up the OL in one season. That would be huge if two guys on the roster already can lock down positions they should've been in by now.

Otherwise we're talking about drafting a Tackle like the afore mentioned, a Guard - Cooper Bebe, and a Center - Sedrick Van Pran. Lost draft capitol because of failed personnel evaluation and foresight.

If instead they stick with Myers, Runyan, or God forbid, Newman, nothing changes on this offense.

6 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

November 12, 2023 at 10:17 am


"grab an OT like Ol' Fashun or Joe Alt in the draft, and find another OT later"

We have Nijman / Mt Caleb / Walker, with depth at 6'8" and 6'7". We need depth at interior O line more than at OT.

0 points
MooPack's picture

November 12, 2023 at 03:37 pm

I disagree. My belief is that Tom is at RT because they don’t like the depth at OT even though he is probably a better Center. I don’t believe Nijman will be back (probably a mistake, but I think it will be) which is why they are trying to get Walker play time. Walker has been a turnstile many times. I don’t think he is the answer. And Caleb isn’t ready, if he will ever be. They don’t have really good depth anywhere on the OL.

Which is why I said if. If they put Tom at Center, where I think he can beat out Myers. If Ryan can prove to be better than Runyan, then a starting iOL of Jenkins-Tom-Rhyan could go a long way to improving the overall OL. Take a true blue collar LT in the draft and it could be a strength again.

0 points
PeteK's picture

November 12, 2023 at 11:19 am

That pic of Rhyan certainly does not give me confidence, as a lineman should never let a defender get to his chest.

0 points
JosephR's picture

November 12, 2023 at 03:46 pm

At the end of the day, this picture shows Rhyan forcing a draw against 3-Time Defensive Player of the Year, 7-Time 1st Team All-Pro, 29th All-Time in career sacks, and Super Bowl Champion Aaron Donald in his first regular season action EVER.

I'd give him a gold medal if I could.

1 points
DocHoliday's picture

November 12, 2023 at 12:18 am

Bulaga and Tauscher suggested Runyan and Rhyan should alternate series. Players don’t want it, but you stay on the field by being the better player.

5 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

November 12, 2023 at 10:20 am

I definitely want these two to compete, whether alternating every possession is the best idea or not. It seems incompetent to play linemen injured when there's depth. Especially with an ankle injury.

0 points
cnich290's picture

November 12, 2023 at 04:14 am

MLF, the rare NFL coach where the better player doesn't play.

8 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

November 12, 2023 at 10:20 am

But there's "continuity"

0 points
jboss's picture

November 12, 2023 at 06:45 am

Hope you had a good Veterans Day, Joseph. Thank you for your service!

2 points
Guam's picture

November 12, 2023 at 08:31 am

Thank you for your service JosephR. I appreciate what you and your fellow service members do for us every day.

While I would like to see more of Sean Rhyan, I am not holding my breath. This coaching staff has made soooo many odd decisions when it comes to the offensive line that I hold out little hope for them to get this obvious choice right. Starting with the NCFCG debacle a couple of year ago and continuing right through this year with starting Walker for 7 games when a clearly better option was collecting dust of the bench (Nijman), this coaching staff has made an art form out of poor offensive line decisions.

Hopefully Rhyan gets a chance, but I suspect this will turn into just another indictment of the current coaching staff.

4 points
Coldworld's picture

November 12, 2023 at 08:31 am

This coaching staff has a persistent tendency to stick with players in spite of performance. At some point when things aren’t working, giving players chances is a better option. It’s not always going to be a solution, but it could be and that needs to be tested. It’s also going to help either develop younger talent or the decisions on whom to replace in future.

We saw it with Watkins, Amari, Lowry, so it’s not just on the OL, but that position group has become a particular source of questions over the last few seasons. That’s without considering the handling of Nijman (not playing, refusing to train at RT then playing him anyway, then playing him injured over Tom), then deciding Tom is the RT, a decision I still can’t fathom as the best use of Tom versus LT or C.

The devotion to Myers, who simply isn’t that good that he should be unchallenged. The playing of Walker patently unready on the blind side. (I like Walker but how does that help him or Love?). The incredibly weird use of Walker as the extra TE while blooding him at LT. Is Caleb Jones really not an option? That’s not To mention the Hanson or Newman at T fantasies. That’s a very long list of at least highly debatable assessments and choices.

At this point we lose not a lot from risking a weak position getting temporarily worse or possibly better. If it doesn’t work, it’s easy to revert to the former. We were willing to gamble at LT, possibly just because Nijman was on the outs. The blind side T is traditionally seen as the riskiest position to mess with. Change elsewhere should be a picnic compared to that.

6 points
Guam's picture

November 12, 2023 at 10:23 am

Thank you CW for taking the time to list the many peculiar choices made by this coaching staff about the offensive line. It is just hard to fathom why or how so many poor choices are made by a professional (?) coaching staff. There seems to be something fundamentally wrong with Stenavich's/Butkus' evaluation skills and yet the situation persists.

Is it favoritism, inability, or stupidity? IDK, but the fact that it is allowed to persist is attributable to LaFleur.

0 points
TxFred's picture

November 12, 2023 at 08:54 am

MLF is happy as long as he playing with his etch-o-stetch pad. Coaching & developing is a foreign concept. Blocking & tackling forget about it. MLF prefers that entertainment crap the union & owners want. Think soccer & then international. Just a matter of time. If the owners could find a way to screw Green Bay out of the franchise, move to a jumbo market (think cha-ching) they would. Sleep with one eye open. We are being watched. Attorney's are burning the midnight oil. GPG!!

1 points
SpikeHyzer's picture

November 12, 2023 at 11:20 am

You may get your wish this week. I think most of the dinged OL members avoided being inactive this week, but all 3 still have to be hurting and could get injured again very easily. They sure aren't 100%.

I think Sean will double his snap count this week. Maybe more than that.

0 points