Time for the Packers Offense to Get Back to Basics

The Green Bay Packers offense has struggled so far this season, especially since Week 3. They’ve gone five straight games without scoring more than 20 points in any of them. The first half in the last five games has been a disaster with the team being outscored 73-9.

Every part of the offense is struggling. The offensive line cannot seem to run block well. The wide receivers and tight ends are running the wrong routes and aren’t making enough contested catches. Quarterback Jordan Love is struggling with his decision making and accuracy and nothing seems to be going right until it’s too late.

So, when an NFL team is struggling and out of sync, the thing to do is get back to basics. Keep it simple and go back to what you do best.

For the Packers and their inexperienced players on offense, this means game planning to your players’ strengths.

First, Matt LaFleur needs to mix up his play calls. The pattern of running for a short gain, running for a loss, then throwing an incomplete pass deep downfield has got to end. It’s time to mix up the play calls and keep defenses off balance. It’s one thing when your offense is struggling for consistency but it’s even worse when your offense is struggling and predictable.

It's time to throw a bit more on first down. Using play action passes on first-and-10 would be enough to give the offense a small element of surprise.

The offense also needs to get back to LaFleur’s basic concepts. More pre-snap motion and more plays designed to scheme players open.

To have Christian Watson open short over the middle after being schemed up can turn a short pass into a long gain. Even if the play results in a five-yard gain, coming up 2nd-and-5 is a lot better than 2nd-and-9 or 10. That increases the play calling options on second down and helps keeps the chains moving.

Jordan Love has good mobility and can be used on rollout plays and run pass options. Again, this is a way to play to Love’s strengths.

The Packers can also go back to running screen passes, something they have gotten away from this season. Aaron Jones is a very good receiver out of the backfield and screens would be a good way to get him the ball in space so he can make plays. Similar play calls can also be used with the receivers or tight ends.

These are high percentage plays that can improve the efficiency of the offense and boost the confidence of the young players. Staring with small successes will lead to bigger plays down the line.

LaFleur was hired as an offensive coach. Yes, he’s dealing with a lot of difficult circumstances this season. He has an inexperienced quarterback. He lost his best offensive lineman in David Bakhtiari after just one game. His best offensive weapon, running back Aaron Jones, has missed time due to a hamstring injury and has been limited when he has played. Christian Watson has missed time and been slowed by injuries as well.

But this is when an offensive minded coach like LaFleur must prove his value. It’s time for him to get back to basics, keep it simple and build things up from the beginning.

That also means spending significant time teaching these young players what to do. Making contested catches, running the right pass patterns, and using your body to box out defenders are fundamental things this young receiving corps needs to get better at.

The most important thing the Packers needed to do this season was get a fair evaluation of Jordan Love. There are 10 games remaining this season to do that. This team needs to be better around Love to get that fair evaluation and Love himself also needs to play better.

LaFleur faced a tough challenge when he took over as coach of the Packers. He had to win the confidence of his veteran future Hall of Fame quarterback and integrate what Aaron Rodgers did well and what he wanted to run into a new offense. He passed those tests and had three straight 13-win seasons.

Now he has a different challenge. Rebuild from scratch with young and untested players. How he handles that test will determine his long-term future as coach of the Green Bay Packers. He has 10 games left this season to show that the team is heading in the right direction.




You can follow Gil Martin on Twitter @GilPackers


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6 points

Comments (50)

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MooPack's picture

November 04, 2023 at 11:17 am

When you run practice against a less than average defense every day, you probably think your offense is pretty good. Then shock during games when you can't move at will.

[Edit] Have we not seen that shocked, confused, perplexed face on MLF every game?

-2 points
TarynsEyes's picture

November 04, 2023 at 12:09 pm

Preseason is deemed a vanilla script to protect much of what will be real in the regular season, but that was all there was, and as evident weekly, all there will be.

Which came first?

The illusion of Complexity creates the delusion, or did delusion create the Illusion.

Why was Rodgers so, near adamant against the Illusion of MLF?
Did he recognize it was borne from delusion?
Did he recognize the lacking in the ability of the players to utilize it?

Does MLF even know what basics are, or is he so delusional in the Illusion?

No matter what each of us think, the toilets need to be flushed.

7 points
TKWorldWide's picture

November 04, 2023 at 02:05 pm

The illusion of fecality?

-1 points
TarynsEyes's picture

November 04, 2023 at 02:18 pm

Crap isn't an Illusion, it at least, unlike MLF's version of Illusion, has substance.

6 points
LaFlukeMustGo's picture

November 04, 2023 at 04:31 pm

Be sure to close the lid so nobody stands on another's shoulders and crawls out.

-1 points
Coldworld's picture

November 04, 2023 at 05:26 pm

The illusion of competence

0 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

November 04, 2023 at 08:33 pm

Unfortunately that's all too real.

0 points
LeotisHarris's picture

November 04, 2023 at 05:02 pm

"Which came first? The illusion of Complexity creates the delusion, or did delusion create the Illusion."

That depends upon your philosophical bent. Idealists would argue that the mind and perception are primary. So, the delusion (the mental concept or idea) precedes the illusion (the perceived complexity). According to them, our mental constructs shape our perceptions of reality.

Materialists would suggest that the illusion (the perceived complexity) is a result of the physical world and its objective properties. In this view, delusions may arise as products of complex physical processes in the brain, but they are secondary to the external world.

Philosophers who focus on epistemology, the study of knowledge, would explore how we come to know and understand the world. They might argue that delusions and illusions are interconnected in a complex web of belief formation. It could be a circular process where delusions influence perceptions, and perceptions, in turn, shape delusions.

Philosophers like Edmund Husserl and Maurice Merleau-Ponty may approach this question from a phenomenological perspective. They would investigate how our conscious experience of the world, including delusions and illusions, arises from our subjective interaction with reality. From this standpoint, the distinction between delusion and illusion might blur.

Existentialist philosophers would delve into the existential aspects of delusion and illusion, considering how individuals create meaning and significance in a seemingly complex and often absurd world. Here, the question could be seen as a matter of personal choice and responsibility.

Ultimately, the answer is highly subjective and may depend on the specific philosophical perspective one adopts. What we can be certain of is that Matt LaFleur was hired after a single two-hour interview, and the Packers currently have a record of two wins and five loses. There's a high probability, too, that Randy and Mary Kay from Two Rivers will drive home from Green Bay in silence tomorrow afternoon; a silence so deafening you can hear the serving spoon rattling in the empty Packers-branded crock pot on the floor of their 2007 Chevy Silverado 1500 LT Extended Cab.

6 points
Coach Cleve Steamer's picture

November 04, 2023 at 07:29 pm

I know, right? This is actually a cool way to look at individual players and coaches from how they negotiate the media world intertwined with their individual personal lives when they’re not playing or coaching football.

1 points
MainePackFan's picture

November 04, 2023 at 07:48 pm

I gave you a thumbs up LH. That was the best complete line of bullshit I have read in a long time. you should write a book, it would be a bestseller because no one would want to admit they had no clue what you were talking about ; ) Well done.

1 points
Bitternotsour's picture

November 04, 2023 at 10:43 pm

From a purely epicurean standpoint, I'd really just like to enjoy some quality snacks, an adult beverage, and a game where I'm entertained by the action on the field.

Short of that, I'd really rather be in Philadelphia.

1 points
TarynsEyes's picture

November 04, 2023 at 10:59 pm

Yes, there are many avenues to take in regard to answering the question, but ultimately they all lead to the same result, regardless of which came first, Illusion or Delusion, the MLF plan is crap.

Kudos for the copy and paste from whatever med journal/book etc. It would have been great had you posted the link. I'd like to indulge myself.

3 points
BaldingersBentDigit's picture

November 05, 2023 at 08:56 am

Søren Kierkegaard would be proud.

0 points
SpikeHyzer's picture

November 04, 2023 at 06:05 pm

Nah. That system you refer to as the illusion or delusion is the one that works. Rodgers resisted it despite the evidence of this coaching tree being the best on offense. He thought he had a skillset that was better than the system.

The basics the team needs right now are the players actually executing the fumbles. It's not the system. It's not the QB. It's EVERYONE running wrong routes and the worst line I've seen in 40 years.

0 points
TarynsEyes's picture

November 05, 2023 at 12:01 am

" That system you refer to as the illusion or delusion is the one that works. Rodgers resisted it despite the evidence of this coaching tree being the best on offense. He thought he had a skillset that was better than the system."

Sorry, but the results don't support your affirmation of MLF and his whatever it is, and Rodgers' skill set has had more success, before, during, and likely after MLF.

0 points
NickPerry's picture

November 04, 2023 at 01:02 pm

"That also means spending significant time teaching these young players what to do. Making contested catches, running the right pass patterns, and using your body to box out defenders are fundamental things this young receiving corps needs to get better at."

Hmmm... Sorry Gil, you totally lost Matt LaFleur and his staff with the word TEACH.

I find it impossible to believe that EVERYONE of Gutey's draft picks have been busts for the most part. What I do find much more believable is THIS staff is incapable of "Teaching" a player to get better and be a good Pro because they have NO CLUE.

People here didn't like when I said this is starting to feel a lot like those 70s and 80s teams, and it felt as though we were heading in that direction again. Well, to all of those CHTV commentors and readers who didn't watch the Packers BEFORE 1992, welcome BACK to the 70s and 80s. That's Packers Football every Sunday without much hope it will get better.

That's what THIS season feels like. It feels HOPELESS. Like it just won't and can't get better because it feels like regression every time they take the field. There's been NOTHING that I've seen on the field that makes me feel it will get better this year. Nothing the Packers can even hang their hat on. When things go bad we can at least do this...There is NO THIS.

Other than THIS is all there is THIS year.

9 points
TarynsEyes's picture

November 04, 2023 at 01:12 pm

I don't need to be reminded of the past, I have my mind full of the present. The younger fans today don't know the past and don't care about it, unless it can be re-written, and that's an even bigger problem when you're trying to relate to them.

-1 points
Coach Cleve Steamer's picture

November 04, 2023 at 04:54 pm

Could you please rewrite the past so all of us younger fans know what happened because we are uninformed and apathetic?

3 points
dblbogey's picture

November 04, 2023 at 07:01 pm

I started watching in 61 at 9 years old. Even though I wasn't around to see it, I knew about the history of the franchise - the good years, greats like Don Hudson, as well as the bad times. I believe the younger fans know the history of the franchise as well.

2 points
Tundraboy's picture

November 04, 2023 at 08:21 pm

Marvin Harrison or that Penn State OL Sweepstakes! I'm just afraid it'll come down to us beating the Bears and messing up the pick.
Don't worry NP It is hopeless now but it could change. It's not the '70s or 8Os again.

1 points
SinceLombardi's picture

November 05, 2023 at 07:21 am

That’s not true.. in the 80s ( for a time ) you could argue the Packers had the best offense in the NFL. Lynn Dickey was the third qb ever, to throw for 4000 yards.
The defense was horrible. Some years the whole team stunk, but there were some entertaining games. Not like the dentist drill games we presently enjoy. For the past two seasons this team is borderline unwatchable.

1 points
stockholder's picture

November 04, 2023 at 01:41 pm

Gil - Gutekunst insisted earlier this offseason that Love was "absolutely” ready.
Seems that was the problem to start with.

Quarterback Jordan Love is struggling with his decision making and accuracy.??
Just about every guy on this team said he wouldn't.

When the after Rodgers party began. No one mentioned Deshone Kizer.
Now the comparisons have begun.

Ok let's keep evaluating Love, so Gutey can Fire MLF.
Draft the next QB. Wait for the next generation to fix the packers.
And let Gutey laugh his way to Fort Knox.

-6 points
jannes bjornson's picture

November 04, 2023 at 06:08 pm

Now he begins the Doubting Thomas routine in regard to his "chosen one." This guy is a back door man. Never confuse confidence with arrogance. One would assume 3-1/2 years is a fair period of time to see the nuances of the Love Show. Like I mentioned before, Love doesn't have to re-sign with this operation. Rodgers backs him, not Gutey. Read the article on Fouts in THE ATHLETIC.

2 points
stockholder's picture

November 04, 2023 at 07:16 pm

Good Read - Last week I told everyone to show me just one.
It was a timing-based offense built on trust and rhythm.

-1 points
Tundraboy's picture

November 04, 2023 at 08:28 pm

Just about every guy on this team thought we had a functioning a solid OL with or without Bahktiari. We have neither.

3 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

November 04, 2023 at 08:39 pm

SH, you know Gutey can't fire MLF.

WTF is wrong with you?

4 points
coolhand's picture

November 04, 2023 at 03:21 pm

So, when an NFL team is struggling and out of sync, the thing to do is get back to basics. Keep it simple and go back to what you do best.

I don't know what this offense does best. The line doesn't block so nothing else matters. The receivers don't fight for balls and Dillon seems to be the only RB on the roster.

The lack of flexibility of this coaching staff ensures the young players will learn nothing.

7 points
Turophile's picture

November 04, 2023 at 03:42 pm

LaFleur has a poor cast of coaches. He put too much value on having worked with coaches before (even if they were not that good), rather than get some of the hot up-and-coming coaches that he hasn't worked with in the past. He is also reluctant to fire his coaches when they don't perform well.

Perhaps the responsibility of firing and hiring coaches should be passed on to Gute for two years, with a brief to clear out the dead wood and get new coaches/coordinators in. Hopefully that will kickstart LaFleur to seek out the best and not necessarily the cosiest fit for him.

2 points
baldski's picture

November 04, 2023 at 04:48 pm

I hear rumors that MLF does not like to be told anything. So maybe the Assistants are telling him what he wants to hear.

1 points
Coldworld's picture

November 04, 2023 at 05:30 pm

I find that such people hire people who aren’t in a position to out of desperation. or just won’t contradict due to personality. A classic flag for declining grasp of reality and competence in any organization.

1 points
stockholder's picture

November 04, 2023 at 07:32 pm

Turnpile - Perhaps. = No professional coach
anywhere would be on board with that.
MLF is done in GB. The tank is on.

And it isn't the cast of coaches but the talent.
Injuries, penalties, and turn-overs do every coach in.

-1 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

November 04, 2023 at 08:41 pm

You think MLF has authority to hire and fire coaches?

0 points
Turophile's picture

November 05, 2023 at 06:58 am

I most certainly do, that would be the usual way of doing things.

2 points
LeotisHarris's picture

November 04, 2023 at 04:21 pm

DM to Leatherhead:

Hey! Resurface please. This article is a perfect big bait trolling along the weed edge to draw you out. Drop a back-to-basics post, dude. C'mon.

I'm old enough to remember, quite frankly, a HC who stressed fundamentals, and was obsessed with pad level. We don't hear those wacky notions much these days 'round 1265. Are O lineman who are not fundamentally sound capable of getting back to basics? Can a HC who can't seem to identify his team's strengths call plays that lean in to those elusive strengths? Will said HC forget about Aaron Jones being turned loose and whine in his post-game presser about how we need to find a way to get 33 more touches? Tune in Sunday to find out!

6 points
dobber's picture

November 04, 2023 at 04:28 pm

"I'm old enough to remember, quite frankly, a HC who stressed fundamentals, and was obsessed with pad level."

He was a very successful football coach.

2 points
Bitternotsour's picture

November 04, 2023 at 10:49 pm

That is undeniable. I think you'll find that he's in the top five in compensation in the league, and he's holding down the fort for the NFL's most valuable franchise. He moved from America's team to the team referred to as America's team. Mike is a mensch.

1 points
beerandbrats's picture

November 04, 2023 at 04:49 pm

We have lost to 2 teams now that just benched their starting QBs. They were good enough to beat the Packers but not good enough to continue as starters in the NFL. This season is turning into a clown show. It's embarrassing! I would be very happy just to see us play competent football this weekend. Getting back to basics is sound advice. Good article Gil!

2 points
SinceLombardi's picture

November 05, 2023 at 07:24 am

One of those teams fired the HC/GM as well. Perhaps they thought they didn’t beat GB by enough.

1 points
SpikeHyzer's picture

November 04, 2023 at 06:02 pm

I agree with most of these basic points.

I would mention that the WR and TE screens have been wholly ineffective for most of the season and Jones had a big first down with one when he returned. They've had a couple of good gains with WRs and TEs since that moment, but I'm not sure I expect success to become a trend with that play any time soon. It always seems to get read quickly and snuffed out when it's the TEs or WRs.

I hope these guys get on the same page soon. Too much talent being wasted. I disagree that any of it is on Love now. The interviews recently seem to indicate that almost all of the failures are in route running, lining up wrong, and the O line being terrible. It's hard to make perfect decisions in those cases.

I don't think he had more than 2 balls (one wiped out by penalty) that were off target last week and added 6 or 7 (I had Musgrave for the one that stat sites didn't) drops to his league leading totals.

He's been WAY better than everyone else on offense. Including Jones and Bak who were ranked ahead of him.

0 points
Tundraboy's picture

November 04, 2023 at 08:13 pm

Is it OTA time already?

0 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

November 04, 2023 at 08:45 pm

Gil, good article but the screen game is NOT ready to see action. The fundamentals necessary for it to work are simply missing.

3 points
Fubared's picture

November 04, 2023 at 10:42 pm

I agree, lets toss some bombs and have receivers streak down the sidelines for big gains. Lets run wide and made the linebackers gas out by the third quarter. Lets kick the shit out of the ball and put up 4 field goals. Lets too left and right to our two tight ends mid field. ya back to the basics. Lets get our entire receiving team catching passes all over the place and put up some points. Lets get some interceptions and some run stops behind the line of scrimmage. Ah the basics instead of trying to be fancy. LOL
This team cant do the basics thats the joke.

1 points
Renllaw's picture

November 05, 2023 at 04:58 am

You know what turned the franchise into a winner again? A coach who was teacher, and hired others with the ability to teach.
MIke Holmgren had assistants capable of teaching his schemes alongside footballs fundamental techniques. The majority of assistant coaches from his staffs all went on to have long careers. I know its still a little early, But MLF's "best" hires??? Jerry Gray ran out the door the second his contract expired and Hackett and Getsy haven't impressed anyone. Do you see a single coach left on the roster that he hired having future success?
MLF was able to navigate the egos of the veteran team he inherited to some really good records. But now, after half a season, it is plain to see he is not a fit for a young team.

0 points
Turophile's picture

November 05, 2023 at 07:04 am

LaFleur needs to have change forced upon him (don't see it happening otherwise).

At least two years where the least talented coaches/coordinators are removed and new ones appointed, not by LaFleur, but by Gute.

Maybe this is enough to start turning things around - if not, or if LaFleur refuses change, new head coach.

0 points
jvole's picture

November 05, 2023 at 06:58 am

Rather than Barry (who should also be fired), I would say Butkus standouts as the most inept. The offensive line play is the most disappointing. There are decent veterans (Jenkins, Runyan, Tom) along the line but even they don't seem to know what they should be doing or they do poorly in the basics. O-lines need disciplined practices with repetitive drills that make everything automatic. I wonder what they do in practice?

0 points
Turophile's picture

November 05, 2023 at 07:07 am

That, and the WRs unable to catch balls, which for them is a foundation on which everything else is built. That's on WR coach Jason Vrable. When one receiver is having problems that is probably more on the receiver himself, when all receivers are having trouble, look to the position coach.

1 points
mrtundra's picture

November 05, 2023 at 07:42 am

Getting back to basics would be a huge step forward, for this team. Better tackling, better blocking, better route running, learning how to catch the ball and hang onto it, are all fundamentals this team needs to work on. GO PACK, GO!!!

0 points
Packerpasty's picture

November 05, 2023 at 10:36 am

try to get more pass int. calls.. throw more bombs..it worked first couple of games...was one of the best plays..

-1 points
13TimeChamps's picture

November 05, 2023 at 10:53 am

Heaving the ball 50 yards down the field hoping for a PI call is a horrible strategy. An INT is probably a more likely outcome in that scenario than a flag.

Figuring out how to move the chains and keeping the defense off the field might be a better plan, don't you think?

0 points
brenner's picture

November 05, 2023 at 05:46 pm

Back to basics huh? That was some of the best play calling I've seen from laflower in 2+ years.

0 points