Bengals RB Brian Leonard to Visit Foot Specialist

Cincinnati Bengals running back Brian Leonard left Sunday night's game against the Dallas Cowboys with a foot injury described as a mid-foot sprain.

Tonight, Joe Reedy of the Cincinnati Enquirer reports that Leonard will visit with a foot specialist, and the diagnosis spectrum ranges from Leonard missing the remainder of the pre-season to the remainder of the 2010 season.

Acquired from the St. Louis Rams last off-season, Leonard had just 84 rushing yards for the Bengals last season, but caught 30 passes for 217 yards out of the backfield. Expected to be the team's third-down back, as well as back-up fullback, Leonard drew comparisons to John Riggins this off-season, a comparison the fourth-year back out of Rutgers didn't shy away from.

"I’m my own person but do share some of the same similarities as Riggins," Leonard told the Dayton Daily News in July. "He was a hard runner and had good hands out of the backfield. That’s what I feel like I do, make one cut and get up field, break a few arm tackles and make a couple of guys miss. That’s me.

"Hopefully, this is a breakout year for me."

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