Cowboys WR Roy Williams Feels He's Still the #1 Guy

During an interview with the Ben & Skin Show on ESPN 103.3 FM in Dallas, Dallas Cowboys wide receiver Roy Williams clarified his comments about his tenure in Dallas being a "nightmare" and what kind of receiver he is today.

"First of all, it’s been a dream come true, to come back home and play for America’s Team, the Dallas Cowboys, a team that I watched growing up, so it’s a dream come true in that aspect," Williams said. "But, when I say a nightmare, I mean by my performance. I’m not blaming the quarterback, I’m not blaming the system; I’m just putting it all on me. I haven’t played the last two years up to my standards so hopefully this year, we can get it in and it can go back to being my dream come true."

Williams acknowledged Miles Austin's breakout season, and praised the selection of Dez Bryant in the first round, referring to the former Oklahoma State receiver "as a great steal for us". Despite that, Williams still feels like he's the number one guy.

"I’ve always been the No. 1 guy wherever I go and I’m still going to continue to be that," Williams said. "I know Miles showed what he can do last year, and I hope Dez comes in and wants to be the No. 1 receiver. I know Miles wants to the No. 1 guy and that’s what this competition thing is all about. If you don’t feel like you’re the number one guy, you need to retire."

The 6-3, 211-pound Williams ranked 3rd on the Cowboys in receptions (38), fourth in receiving yards (596), and third in receiving touchdowns (5) in 2009.

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