NFL Clarifies Commish's Remarks on Roethlisberger Suspension

When speaking to reporters at Pittsburgh Steelers training camp, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell appeared to indicate that quarterback Ben Roethlisberger's six-game suspension could be reduced to under four games, Ray Fittipaldo of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports.

"I'll make that decision later this month, but that's the way it was designed," Goodell said when asked if the suspension could be lower than four games. "We'll evaluate all of that at the end of the month."

According to Fittipaldo, an NFL spokesman clarified the Commissioner's remarks by stating that Roethlisberger's suspension will be four games at minimum.

Goodell added that Roethlisberger has exceeded the requirements put in place that would potentially reduce his suspension (to four games).

"He is doing great," Goodell said. "I had a chance to chat with him briefly and hopefully we'll talk again later today. I've been encouraged by what I have seen. He's understanding the seriousness of the issue. I think that's a very positive development."

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